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Home > Youth Education > Degree Programme in Energy Technology > Energy Technology, 23,
Bachelor degree, daytime studies

Energy Technology, 23


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The aim of the studies is to provide broad-based and versatile technical knowledge in the field of Energy and Environmental technology as well as Sustainable Development. This includes the ability to creatively solve technical problems, work in projects as well as communicate and collaborate. The student also gets a basic insight into Project Management and Energy Control.

The curriculum and its realizations are developed mainly at the educational level. Continuous collaboration with working life takes place through regular company visits, guest lectures and excursions. Themes for the degree projects offered to the students are up-to-date and the aim is for the content to be adapted to working life.

The main learning objectives for the education program are broad knowledge in Energy technology with a focus on Energy sources, Sustainable development and Energy management.

Sustainable development is the foundation of our future. Therefore, issues related to sustainability are included in many of our courses, sometimes as central content, sometimes as a setting. From UN's 17 goals for sustainable development, number 7 (Affordable and clean energy), 9 (Industry, innovation and infrastructure) and 12 (Responsible consumption and production)are central in our education. Also goals number 5 (Gender equality), 8 (Decent work and economic growth), 11 (Sustainable cities and communities) and 13 (Climate action) are covered in our courses.


The student has broad-based and versatile technical knowledge in the field of Energy and Environmental technology as well as Sustainable Development. The main learning objective for the education program is broad knowledge in Energy Technology with a focus on energy sources, sustainable development and energy management.

The student also possesses the ability to creatively solve technical problems, work on projects and communicate and collaborate. The student also gets a basic insight into both project management and energy management.