Study guide
Home > Master's studies > Degree Programme in Maritime Management > Maritime Management, (MMM), 2019

Maritime Management, (MMM), 2019


Select years, semesters and periods to show (when only one year is selected) by clicking buttons below. (S = Spring, A = Autumn)
Year of study 1 2
Search for study unit: ECTS 1 2 1A 1S 2A 2S 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Studying in the Master's Program 0.5
Research and Research Methods 1.5
Leadership and Organization Theory 3
Financial Management and Maritime Business
Financial Management and Maritime Business 5
Management Accounting and Maritime Business
Management Accounting and Maritime Business 5
Marine Superintendency
Marine Superintendency 5  
The Shipping Business
The Shipping Business 5
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management 5  
Master's Thesis - Part 1 10
Master's Thesis - Part 2 10  
Master's Thesis - Part 3 10  
ECTS credits per period / semester / academic year 30 30 15 15 15 15 7.5 7.5 4.7 4.7 4.7 7.5 7.5 4.7 4.7 4.7

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.



The Master's degree programme in Maritime Management comprises 60 ECTS and the degree title is Master of Engineering or Master of Maritime Management, depending on your previous Bachelor's degree.

The programme has a special focus on building an overall understanding of the maritime field. The studies include management in general, maritime management and for the maritime industry distinctive financial and logistical features. Elective studies from Novia’s or our partners’ course programmes will give the student a possibility to obtain a more personal competence profile, especially if the degree thesis and electives studies complement each other.

Our working methods within the program ensure that you practice your project management and leadership skills and improve your professional communication skills in English.

The studies are optimised for flexible learning and studying, parallel with fulltime employment ashore or at sea. The meetings are used for solving study technical problems and some lecturing. The major part of the studies and instruction is conducted using a learning platform.


The Master's thesis is a demanding development project or research work combining theory, praxis and creation of new knowledge. The thesis subject and aim are based on requirements and needs of the maritime field. The theme of the thesis (30 ECTS) must be related to the fields studied, preferably agreed upon with an industry representative. The thesis thus works as a bridge between study and work, and gives students the opportunity to apply theoretical thinking to practical problems.

Alternatives for the thesis are, for example:

an investigation (e.g., investigation, mapping, analysis and / or evaluation)
a development project (e.g. development of working methods or activities)
product development (such as a prototype or a model)


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