Ronnie Sundsten
Facts Worth Knowing about Frequency Converters (Danfoss).
Manufacturer's information and operating instructions.
Supplementary material.
Practical laboratotry exercises
Self studies
Written exam + laboratory report.
For course grade: At least 33.3 % in the exam (maximum three attempts).
04.03.2024 - 28.04.2024
30.11.2023 - 03.03.2024
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Jan Berglund
Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
Course exam (50 % of course grades) and report from the practical exercises (50 % of course grades).
For approved grade, 33.33 % is required in the exam and approved report.
The exam is arranged in week 13.
Period 4 academic year 2023-2024
A total of 81 hours, of which lectures/exam 12 hours and laboratory exercises 24 hours.
Less than 33.3 % of the total score.
Grade 1: 33.3 % - 47.2 % of the total score.
Grade 2: 47.3 % - 61.1 % of the total score.
Grade 3: 61.2 % - 74.9 % of the total score.
Grade 4: 75.0 % - 88.8 % of the total score.
More than 88.8 % of the total score.