Carina Gädda
Radiologi, Blomqvist, Lennart. Valda delar
radiography: webpages, current research
Sustainable development
Lecturers, workshops, study visits
Clinical radiography: Tentamina will be graded between 0-5, The written assignments are approved/ not approved and can affect the final grade by raising.
Feedback on assignments is given in writing
Active participation in the course can affect the grade
02.09.2024 - 24.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Carina Gädda
Introductions, workshops and seminars have mandatory attendance.
All assignments follow Instructions for writing in Novia and plagiation control through Ouriginal
Use of AI according to lecturer
Degree Programme in Radiography and Radiotherapy
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
Individual written assignment
Tentamen: 8.11.24, allmän omtenamen
Skriftliga uppgifter:xx (not translated)
According to the schedule
27h x 6= 162h
Studerande har mycket svaga kunskaper i grunderna i klinisk radiografi.
Studerande har inte lämnat in sina individuella arbeten. (not translated)
Studerande har nöjaktiga kunskaper i grunderna i klinisk radiografi. (not translated)
Studerande har goda kunskaper i grunderna i klinisk radiografi. (not translated)
Studerande har utmärkta kunskaper i grunderna i klinisk radiografi. (not translated)