Rika Levy-Malmberg
For the subjects critical thinking and clinical judgment please attach the following reading materials:
Clinical judgment- an essential tool in the nursing process
What critical thinking, critical reasoning, and clinical judgment are?
Clinical reasoning instructor resourceshttp://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=4&hid=113&sid=1d415f7a-433b-4674-a0a0-d28e4ee49a53%40sessionmgr115
For the subject of critical thinking and EBP please find the following material
Kitson, AL., Athlin, ÅM., Conroy, T Anything but Basic: Nursing’s Challenge in Meeting Patients’Fundamental Care Needs. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 46(5), 2012. Pp 331-339
Long, B.C& Phipps, W.J. & Cassmever, V. L. (1995). Adult Nursing A Nursing Process Approach, London U.K pp: 4-13
Lunney, M. Use of Critical Thinking in the Diagnostic Process. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classification.21 (2), 2010.pp82-88.
Lynda, F., Snyder, CH.. Evidence-based practice for the busy nurse practitioner: Par three: Critical appraisal process. Journal of the Academy of Nurse Practitioner. 24, 2012. Pp704-715
Robert, RR. Petersen S. Critical Thinking at the Bedside: Providing Safe Passage to Patients. MEDSURG Nursing.22 (2), 2013.pp 85-118.
Smith, SA Nurse Competence: A Concept Analysis. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. 23(3), 2012 pp. 172-182.
Herdman, TH., ed NANDA International Nursing Diagnosis> Definitions & Classification 2012-2014. 2012 Wiley-Blackwell (this book can be found in Swedish)
For the subject of history thanking physical assessment
Hogan-Quigley, B., Palm, ML., Bickley, LS. Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. 2012. Philadelphia, 11th ed. Wolther Kluwer Health Lippincott
Timby, B. K. (2013). Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concept. 10th ed. Wolter Kluwer Health. Lippincott.
Fagerstrom, L.M.( 2019), (red) Avanserat Klinisk Sykepleie. Oslo. Gylendal.
Clinical examination, decision making and implementation of nursing care
Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)
The OSCE Examination Form was developed in England in the late 1970s, and is used today in medicine and health education in several countries. OSCE assesses the student's clinical competence (knowledge and skills), problem-solving ability and interactivity. The arrangement means that there are different stations with patient cases (case)
Students are assessed on the basis of an assessment form (checklist of criteria), the content of which varies depending on the patient case.
All criteria are evaluated as follows:
• 0 = Fail (asks/acts not)
• 1 = Sufficiently approved (asks/acts but not correct / direct according to directive)
• 2 = Competent (asks/acts correctly)
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
15.06.2024 - 05.09.2024
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Rika Levy-Malmberg, Ann-Louise Glasberg
Each student is assessed on the basis of two clinical patient cases (case / station) at a time.
Time is limited to 30 minutes per student per station.
Students have 25 minutes to complete the three sections below.
Then the observer / examiner has 5 minutes to discuss the performance.
Students receive a brief description of the patient, as well as the instructions below.
• This is your first time meeting the patient.
• You have 25 minutes to go. Keep track of time! The observer then announces that it is 2 minutes left.
When the time is up, you must finish even if all parts are not completed.
• Information is provided by the "patient" or the observer during the examination, if asked / asked.
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
OSCE våren 2025
Attendance days' courses and times are available on Moodle
1 sp = 27 hours
< 49%
> 90%