Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
Akutvård ( tentamens litteratur)
Wikström, J. 2018. Akutsjukvård. Omvårdnad och behandling vid akut sjukdom och skada. Studentlitteratur AB, Lund. s. 13 – 306.
Kan även läsa motsvarande material som finns i Akutsjukvårdsboken på Akuuttihoito-opas https://www.terveysportti.fi/dtk/aho/koti
Föreläsningsmaterial på moodle.
Guest lectures - Compulsory attendance at Campus
Collaborative project with VCS - Mandatory attendance at Campus
CPR project week 37 - mandatory attendance at Campus
Written exam at the end of the course at the Campus
Emergency care
Mandatory attendance in the emergency care simulation project. White words: GK/UK
Mandatory presence in the CPR project White word: GK/UK
Emergency care exam: Vocabulary: 5 - UK
Able to receive feedback and shows willingness to develop practical skills
Can ask questions that are relevant to one's own learning
Can perform the practical tasks both under supervision and independently
Can follow directives and instructions and takes responsibility for tasks
Can make decisions related to practical tasks
Knows the value base and considers the professional ethical principles
Can collaborate with others within the student group
26.08.2024 - 15.09.2024
15.06.2024 - 29.08.2024
10 - 35
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Marice Nedergård, Anita Ståhl-Levón, Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
Degree Programme in Nursing
0.00 credits
1.00 credits
Emergency care (exam literature)
Wikström, J. 2018. Emergency care. Care and treatment in case of acute illness and injury. Student Literature AB, Lund. pp. 13 – 306.
Can also read the corresponding material in the Emergency Care Book at Akuuttihoito-opas https://www.terveysportti.fi/dtk/aho/koti
Lecture material on moodle.
Emergency care simulation in collaboration with VCS
The CPR project in collaboration with VCS
Autumn 2024
autumn 2024