Marlene Gädda
Skärsäter, I.&Wiklund Gustin, L. (red.) 2019. Omvårdnad vid psykisk ohälsa - på grundläggande nivå, Studentlitteratur AB, Lund
Andersson Höglund. I. & Hedman Ahlström. B. 2014. Psykiatri 2, Sanoma Utbildning AB, Stockholm
Allgulander, C. 2019. Klinisk Psykiatri, Studentlitteratur, Lund
Lindqvist B. & Hildebrand Karlén. 2023. Handbok i missbruks- och beroendepsykologi, Liber, Stockholm
Aktuell forskning
M.m. enl lärarens anvisningar
Self studies, individually and in group
Study visit?
Expert by experience
10.03.2025 - 30.04.2025
02.12.2024 - 09.03.2025
10 - 45
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Marlene Gädda, Johanna Sigfrids
Obligatorisk närvaro vid Introduktion del 1 och del 2, Workshop, Seminarie (not translated)
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
0.00 credits
3.00 credits
Assignments; selfstudy
Test on moodle
on moodle
Spring 2025
For written work:
The student has not followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is missing. The student shows limited substantive knowledge, cannot be essential
For the exam:
The student shows limited substantive knowledge, cannot be essential
For written work:
The student has not followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is missing. The student shows limited substantive knowledge, cannot be essential
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential
For the exam:
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential.
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written work. The student has mastered the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
For the exam:
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his / her views
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written work. The student has mastered the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
For written work
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance. They have read the other participants' written work and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar. The written work and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections and independent working methods)
For the exam:
The student shows in his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
For written work
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance. They have read the other participants' written work and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar. The written work and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections and independent working methods)