Ann-Louise Glasberg
Maria Henricson (red.) (2023). Vetenskaplig teori och metod - från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Other literature see Moodle.
Quantitative methods: following literature is recommended Holme, I.M. & Solvang, B.K. (1992). Forskningsmetodik. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Widjeskog, Ö. 1995 (eller nyare upplaga). Statistik. En introduktion. Åbo: W-statistik, as well as other literature suggested by the examiner.
Qualitative methods: lectures, self-studies, individual interview, and group assignments
Quantitative methods: lectures, exercises in computer class, as well as written presentation
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: based on the written assignments, the student's ability to understand and apply a theoretical approach in health care and selected qualitative research methods.
Quantitative methods: based on the written assignment, the student's ability to understand and apply fundamental statistical concepts, and to perform a statistical analysis, is evaluated.
19.05.2025 - 21.12.2025
02.12.2024 - 18.05.2025
10 - 45
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Ralf Lillbacka
Kursen är kopplad till skrivande av examensarbete, samt förutsätter att man har en idé/plan för sitt examensarbete och inleder skrivandet av examensarbetet.
Obligatorisk närvaro vid introduktion av kursen, seminarier och presentationer av examinationsuppgifter. (not translated)
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2.00 credits
4.00 credits
Validation according to Novia instructions.
Topics for thesis.
See Peppi and Moodle.
Reflection report thesis
Scientific articles assignment
Moodle-test in information search
Written exam
Assignment in qualitative methods
Assignment in quantitative methods
Assignment in nursing theories
Quantitative methods: the written assignment must be submitted within a month after the end of this part of the course.
Novia Vasa, Alere.
According to schedule in Peppi.
27 h/cr = 189 h
Written exam: points < 50%
Written assignment: The student has not followed the instructions and shows very week substance knowledge.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has not followed the instructions and shows very week substance knowledge.
Quantitative methods: the student does not understand and cannot apply statistical concepts and cannot perform an adequate statistical analysis.
Written exam: The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject, points 50%-69%
Written assignment: The student has followed the instructions and shows limited substance knowledge.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has followed the instructions and shows limited substance knowledge.
Quantitative methods: notable weaknesses are found in the student's understanding and application of statistical concepts, or the statistical analysis is not adequately performed.
Written exam: The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his / her views, points 70%-89%.
Written assignment:The student has followed the instructions for the written work and master the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has followed the instructions for the written work and master the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
Quantitative methods: the student predominantly demonstrates a good understanding of and can apply statistical concepts, and only minor errors are found in the statistical analysis.
Written exam: The student shows an in-depth knowledge, points > 90%
Written assignment: The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she/he has mastered the substance.
Quantitative methods: the student demonstrates a complete understanding of statistical concepts and makes only insignificant errors when applying them, and performs a statistical analysis without errors.