Valeria Simonova
Study material on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises, teamwork.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments. The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
The grades are given for the following parts:
1. Active participation in practical exercises in class (1 cr.)
2. Practical exam (1 cr.)
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
02.11.2024 - 01.12.2024
10 - 20
Valeria Simonova
More information is given at course introduction.
Degree Programme in Beauty Care, Utbildning inom skönhetsbranschen
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
0.00 sp
0.00 sp
Approved practical assignments and practical exam.
Feedback is given after finished course.
Examination consists of practical exercises in class and practical exam.
Deadline in Autumn 2024.
02.12.2024 - 17.12.2024 Campus Alere.
Course introduction MANDATORY ATTENDANCE
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 11 hrs
Self study: 43 hrs
Total: 54 hrs
The student has not followed the task's instructions and demonstrate particularly weak knowledge of the subject.
The submitted assignment is incomplete or missing.
The student has not participated and has not contributed to the process of the project work. The student's share in the project cannot be demonstrated or is brief.
The student has not shown greater commitment and has not been active during the course.
The student has partially followed the task's instructions and demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of the subject.
The content of the submitted assignment is satisfactory.
The student has partly participated and have partly contributed in the process of the project work. The student´s share in the project is satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but engagement and activity has been low or satisfactory.
The student has almost or has completed the task's instructions and demonstrate good or extremely good knowledge of the subject.
The content of the submitted assignment is good or extremely good.
The student has participated, taken partial responsibility and contributed to the process of the project work. The student´s share in the project is good or extremely good. The student has participated or actively participated in the course and demonstrate commitment to course content and course assignments.
The student has completed the task's instructions and demonstrate excellent knowledge of the subject.
The content of the submitted assignment is excellent and exceptionally well done.
The student has taken responsibility and has contributed to the progress of the project work process. The student's share in the project is clear and excellent. The student has been active throughout the course and demonstrate extra commitment and interest in course content and course assignments.