Study guide
Home > Master's studies > Degree Programme in Entrepreneurship in Arts > Master of Culture and Arts, Entrepreneurship in the Arts, Photography 2021

Master of Culture and Arts, Entrepreneurship in the Arts, Photography 2021


Select years, semesters and periods to show (when only one year is selected) by clicking buttons below. (S = Spring, A = Autumn)
Year of study 1 2
Search for study unit: ECTS 1 2 1A 1S 2A 2S 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Introduction to Entrepreneurship in the Arts
Introduction to Entrepreneurship in the Arts 5
Art World Analysis
Art world analysis 1 5
Art world analysis 2 5
Art Market and Art Scenes
Art markets and art scenes 5
Professional Profile
Professional profile 5
Elective Studies
Elective studies 5  
Master's Thesis
ECTS credits per period / semester / academic year 25 35 10 15 14 21 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.


In our increasingly global contemporary art world it can be a challenge to find your own way. The Master’s program Entrepreneurship in the Arts at Novia University of Applied Sciences can become a bridge between your own unique artistic practice and the inter-national art world.

The focus of the program is on creating the possibility for you to create the international network that is relevant for your work. The Master’s program consists of eight weeks of on-location studies, with intense periods of self-directed long distance studies in between.