Please select the curriculum by the start year of studies and competence track.
Janina Dahla
Lista på rekommenderad litteratur publiceras på kursens Moodle-plattform (not translated)
Obligatoriskt deltagande i den schemalagda distansundervisningen i Teams, självstudier, praktiska övningar,workshops även studiebesök kan bli aktuellt .Inlämningsuppgifter, diskussionsuppgifter under kursen utgör underlag till examinationen ,elektronisk inlärningsportfolio
Mera ingående information finns tillgänglig på kursen Moodle sida vid kursstart. (not translated)
1.Deltagande i undervisningen och reflektionsuppgifter. 3sp (GK/UK)
Godkänd: Studerande har aktivt deltagit i alla obligatosiska närsstudietillfällen. Godkända övningsuppgifter och referat.
Underkänd: Studerande har inte deltagit i alla obligatiosriska närstudietillfällen. Underkända övningsuppgifter.
2. Elektronisk inlärningsportfolio och posterpresentation 2 sp (0-5)
- inlärningsportfolions struktur, kreativa utformning och läsbarhet
- innehållsmässig sakkunskap
- reflekterar kring alla teman
- förmåga till kritiskt granskning och sjävutvärdering
- posterpresentation, studerande påvisar sakkunskap vid muntlig presentationen
Bedömning enligt skala 0-5. Sammanfattad feedback sätts in på moodle då uppgiften är utförd inom utsatt tid.
. (not translated)
10.09.2024 - 05.11.2024
22.05.2024 - 06.09.2024
Janina Dahla
Minnessjukdomen medför förändringar för personer med minnessjukdom men också för deras närstående. Det kan vara bra att tänka på att det inte endast är äldre personer som insjuknar i någon minnessjukdom. Delta i kursen om du känner att du är nyfiken på temat och vill fördjupa din förståelse, kunnande och vara med och påverka välmående för personer med minnessjukdom och närstående.
Kursen innehåller ingen större tentamen.
Kursansvarig lärare Janina Dahla (
Kursens moodlesida uppdateras fram till kursstart.
Eventuell frånvaro kompenseras skriftligt enligt anvisningar som finns på moodle.
Handledning: Eventuella frågor besvaras av kursansvarig på moodle i kursens handledningsforum. (not translated)
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Studerande förväntas att under kursens gång ha förmåga att självständigt ta kontakt med arbetslivsrepresentanter. (not translated)
Den elektroniska inlärningsportfolion lämnas in på Moodle senast den 4.11.24 kl.16
5.11.24 Under närstudien håller studerande en kort Posterpresentation - sammanfattning av studerandes inlärningsportfolio (not translated)
1. Kursen innehåller schemalagd distansundervisning, förhandsuppgifter , reflektions uppgifter och praktiska övningar och studiebesök 3 sp 81 h
Kursen inleds den10.9.24, kursdeltagarna träffas i regel en gång i veckan på tisdagar mellan kl.17.15-19.30 Deltagande i närstudierna sker via teams.
2. Elektronisk inlärningsportfolio och posterpresentation 2 sp 54 h
Elektronisk inlärningsportfolio - Studerande utgår från kursens lärandemål. Behandlar alla tema. Inlämning deadline 4.11.24. Mera ingående instruktioner finns på studieplattformen Moodle.
Källor anges, portfolion behöver inte för övrigt följa Novias skrivanvisningar. Posterpresentation innehåller en sammanfattning av studerandes inlärningsportfolio (not translated)
Vitsord 1. studerandes eget kritiskt tänkande synsi begränsad utsträckning. arbetet är en sammanfattning som mer eller mindre direkt återger materialet. svaren består av oproblematiserade beskrivningar
Vitsord 2 i uppgiften syns den studerandes eget kritiskt tänkande i begränsad utsträckning. arbetet är en sammanfattning som mer eller mindre återger materialet (not translated)
Vitsord 3 studerande har strävat till att förklara centrala aspekter med egna ord. Arbetet visar att studerande har satt sig in i ämnet och egna insikter framkommer. Temat behandlas tydligt och studerande hänvisar klart till källor. Studerande har strävat till att reflektera kring temat och analyserat det på en djupare nivå genom att stödja sig på källor och kursinnehåll. (not translated)
Studerande visar att hen har förståelse för både detaljer och sammanhang. (not translated)
Janina Dahla
Litteratur publiceras på kursens Moodle-plattform, litteraturen finns som stöd för vidare fördjupning (not translated)
Obligatoriskt deltagande i den schemalagda distansundervisningen i Teams, självstudier, praktiska övningar,workshops även studiebesök kan bli aktuellt .Inlämningsuppgifter, diskussionsuppgifter under kursen utgör underlag till examinationen ,elektronisk inlärningsportfolio
Mera ingående information finns tillgänglig på kursen Moodle sida vid kursstart. (not translated)
1.Deltagande i undervisningen och reflektionsuppgifter. 3sp (GK/UK)
Godkänd: Studerande har aktivt deltagit i alla obligatoriska närsstudietillfällen. Godkända övningsuppgifter och referat.
Underkänd: Studerande har inte deltagit i alla obligatiorriska närstudietillfällen. Underkända övningsuppgifter.
2. Elektronisk inlärningsportfolio och posterpresentation 2 sp (0-5)
- inlärningsportfolions struktur, kreativa utformning och läsbarhet
- innehållsmässig sakkunskap
- reflekterar kring alla teman
- förmåga till kritiskt granskning och sjävutvärdering
- posterpresentation, studerande påvisar sakkunskap vid muntlig presentationen
Bedömning enligt skala 0-5. Sammanfattad feedback sätts in på moodle då uppgiften är utförd inom utsatt tid. (not translated)
20.01.2025 - 17.03.2025
02.12.2024 - 20.01.2025
Janina Dahla
Minnessjukdomen medför förändringar för personer med minnessjukdom men också för deras närstående. Det är inte endast äldre personer som insjuknar i någon minnessjukdom utan även yngre kan drabbas av någon minnessjukdom.
Målet med kursen är att du skall ha en möjlighet att kunna fördjupa din förståelse och kunnande samt utveckla en förmåga att reflektera över och förbättra din egen praxis eller förståelse av vad det innebär att möta och stöda människor med minnessjukdom och deras anhöriga.
Du kommer också att få möjlighet att identifiera och reflektera över dina egna förmågor och utvecklingsmöjligheter i mötet med denna målgrupp.
Kursen innehåller ingen större tentamen.
Kursansvarig lärare Janina Dahla (
Eventuell frånvaro kompenseras skriftligt enligt anvisningar som finns på moodle.
Handledning: Eventuella frågor besvaras av kursansvarig på moodle i kursens handledningsforum.
AI: Det är inte tillåtet för studerande att använda artificiell intelligens för att skapa innehållet i examinationerna. Artificiell intelligens får dock användas för idéer, planering och granskning av språkdräkt. Studerande anger i text i slutet på examinationen hur och var AI använts. (not translated)
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Kursen slutförs under utsatt tid (not translated)
Studerande förväntas att under kursens gång ha förmåga att självständigt ta kontakt med arbetslivsrepresentater. (not translated)
Deltagande i närstudier via teams, måndagar kl.16.30 -18.30 (paus inberäknad)
Den elektroniska inlärningsportfolion lämnas in på Moodle senast den 15.3.
Håller posterpresentation den 17.3 under närstudietillfället. (not translated)
1. Kursen innehåller schemalagd distansundervisning, förhandsuppgifter , reflektions uppgifter och praktiska övningar och studiebesök 3 sp 81 h
Kursen inleds den 20.1,25, kursdeltagarna träffas i regel en gång i veckan. (enligt schema) Deltagande i närstudierna sker via teams .
2. Elektronisk inlärningsportfolio och posterpresentation 2 sp 54 h
Elektronisk inlärningsportfolio - Studerande utgår från kursens lärandemål. Behandlar alla tema. Inlämning deadline 15.3.25 Mera ingående instruktioner finns på studieplattformen Moodle.
Källor anges, portfolion behöver inte för övrigt följa Novias skrivanvisningar. Posterpresentation innehåller en sammanfattning av studerandes inlärningsportfolio och presenteras den 17.3.25 (not translated)
Rika Levy-Malmberg
Alotaibi T, Al Anizi CA. The impact of advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) role on adult patients with cancer: A quantitative systematic review. Appl Nurs Res. 2020 Dec;56:151370. doi: 10.1016/j.apnr.2020.151370.
Buckley L, Robertson S, Wilson T, Sharpless J, Bolton S. The Role of the Specialist Nurse in Gynaecological Cancer. Curr Oncol Rep. 2018 Sep 11;20(10):83. doi: 10.1007/s11912-018-0734-6.
Craswell A, Dwyer T. Reasons for choosing or refusing care from a nurse practitioner: Results from a national population-based survey. J Adv Nurs. 2019 Dec;75(12):3668-3676. doi: 10.1111/jan.14176.
Heale R, Rietze L, Hill L, Roles S. Development of Nurse Practitioner Competencies for Advance Care Planning. J Hosp Palliat Nurs. 2018 Apr;20(2):166-171. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000425.
Jackson A, Carberry M. The advance nurse practitioner in critical care: a workload evaluation. Nurs Crit Care. 2015 Mar;20(2):71-7. doi: 10.1111/nicc.12133.
Townsend K, Johnson KS, Jones S, Spurlock A. Nurse Practitioner's Confidence and Competence of Advance Directives: The Benefits of an Educational Program. Hosp Top. 2023 May 2:1-7. doi: 10.1080/00185868.2023.2201693. Epub ahead of print.
You are allowed to find other articles but don’t forget to add the list of articles you have used in the end of your work.
Lecture and seminar
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
15.06.2024 - 31.12.2024
Rika Levy-Malmberg
instruction for the task and the aims will be given in the first lecture
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Seminar is obligatory
see Moodle
1 ECTS=27 hours
The student did not achieve any of the criteria points, in the task requirement ( see in Moodle)
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject, points, conduct frail interview, and weak analysis of the results
The student has a good knowledge of the subject, conduct respectable and valuable interview, the analysis and the results presentation gave good knowledge about the topic
The student shows an in-depth knowledge, the process of collecting the data and the results presentation enhance the knowledge and understanding
- Malcolm, P. (2015). Modern teoribildning i socialt arbete. Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm.
- Wiklund Gustin, L., Asp, M., Alvsvåg, H., Arman, M., Berg, L., Bergbom, I., ... Ruthman, M. (2022). Vårdvetenskapliga begrepp i teori och praktik (Tredje upplagan.). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Birkler, J., Olsson, K., Bolinder-Palmér, I., Olsson, K., & Bolinder-Palmér, I. (2022). Vetenskapsteori: En grundbok (Tredje upplagan.). Liber AB.
- Sohlberg, P., & Sohlberg, B. (2019). Kunskapens former: Vetenskapsteori, forskningsmetod och forskningsetik (Fjärde upplagan.). Liber.
- Thurén, T. (2019). Vetenskapsteori för nybörjare (Tredje upplagan.). Liber AB.
- Alvesson, M., & Sköldberg, K. (2017). Tolkning och reflektion: Vetenskapsfilosofi och kvalitativ metod (Tredje upplagan.). Studentlitteratur.
- Bjereld, U., Demker, M., & Hinnfors, J. (2018). Varför vetenskap?: Om vikten av problem och teori i forskningsprocessen (Fjärde upplagan.). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Haaparanta, L. & Niiniluoto, I. 2016. Johdatus tieteelliseen ajatteluun, Gaudeamus.
- Streiner, D. L. a., Norman, G. R., & Cairney, J. (2015). Health measurement scales: A practical guide to their development and use (Fifth edition.). Oxford University Press.
- Olsson, H., & Sörensen, S. (2021). Forskningsprocessen: Kvalitativa och kvantitativa perspektiv (Upplaga 4.). Liber AB.
- Hasson H., Schwarz U.T (2017). Användbar evidens om följsamhet och anpassningar.
- Greenhalgh, T. (2012). Att läsa vetenskapliga artiklar och rapporter grunden för evidensbaserad vård. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
- Willman, A., Bahtsevani, C., Nilsson, R., & Sandström, B. (2016). Evidensbaserad omvårdnad: En bro mellan forskning och klinisk praktik (Upplaga 4:1.). Studentlitteratur
- Freij, B. 2012. Evidens i praktiken - grundbok i evidensbaserat socialt arbete. Gothia förlag, Stockholm.
- Andersson, A., Hommel, A., & Andersson, Å. (2018). Kvalitetsutveckling inom omvårdnad: Sjuksköterskans professionella ansvar (Upplaga 1:1.). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Nilsen, P. (2014). Implementering av evidensbaserad praktik (1. uppl.). Gleerups. (not translated)
Grupparbete (not translated)
Moduler 1-2 bedöms med skalan 0-5. Bedömning baseras på:
- Analysförmåga
- Förmåga att kunna sammanfatta relevant data
- Kritisk reflektion
- Användning av litteratur
- Användning av Novias skrivanvisningar
För godkänt kursvitsord bör alla deluppgifter (Moduler 1-2) vara godkända. Uppgifter ska lämnas in inom utsatt tid. Försenade inlämningar kan sänka vitsordet.
Modul 1: 50 % av vitsordet
- Instrumentutveckling: 1-5
Modul 2: 50 % av vitsordet
- Granskning av vetenskapliga artiklar: GK/UK
- Artikelanalys och implementeringsplan: 1-5 (not translated)
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
01.12.2024 - 05.03.2025
Emilia Kielo-Viljamaa
Alla skriftliga inlämningar plagiatkontrolleras. (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Modul 1: Vetenskapsteori och instrumentutveckling
- Instrumentutveckling (gruppuppgift), deadline 16.5.2025
Modul 2: Evidensbaserad praktik och implementering
- Granskning av vetenskapliga artiklar (individuell uppgift), deadline 30.4.2025
- Artikelanalys och implementeringsplan (individuell uppgift), deadline 31.5.2025 (not translated)
5sp = 135h
Föreläsningar: 10h
Självstudier: 70h
Grupparbete: 51h
Seminarium: 4h (not translated)
Modul 1: Vetenskapsteori och instrumentutveckling
Modul 2: Evidensbaserad praktik och implementering (not translated)
Modul 1 och 2:
- Litteraturen refereras inte
- Reflektioner framförs inte
- Den tekniska utformningen brister
- Helhetsbilden och sammanhangen fattas
- Uppgiften innehåller inte alla krävda delar
- Kriterierna för vitsord 1 uppfylls inte
- Texten är fragmentarisk och den besvarar inte frågorna (not translated)
Modul 1 och 2:
- Litteraturen refereras
- Reflektioner framförs endast i begränsad utsträckning
- Den tekniska utformningen är nöjaktig
- Helhetsbilden och sammanhangen är nöjaktig
- Uppgiften innehåller inte alla krävda delar (not translated)
Modul 1 och 2:
- Litteraturen tillämpas
- Texten är reflekterande och kritiska synpunkter finns
- Den tekniska utformningen är god
- Helhetsbilden och sammanhangen är god
- Uppgiften innehåller alla krävda delar (not translated)
Modul 1 och 2:
- Litteraturen analyseras och tillämpas
- Reflektionen är vetenskapligt analytisk
- Den tekniska utformningen är berömlig
- Helhetsbilden och sammanhangen är berömlig
- Uppgiften innehåller alla krävda delar (not translated)
Camilla Strandell-Laine
Material on Moodle.
A fundamental book in Human Physiology and Anatomy, for example one of these books:
1) Aldskogius H. and Rydqvist B. (2018) Den friska människan, Anatomi och fysiologi. Liber, Stockholm
2) Nicolaysen G. and Holck P. (2014) Anatomi och fysiologi. Studentlitteratur, Lund
3) Sand, Sjaastad, Haug and Bjålie (2007). Människokroppen. Liber, Stockholm
4) Henriksson O. and Rasmusson M. (2018) Fysiologi : med relevant anatomi. Studentlitteratur, Lund
5) Tortora, G. and Derrickson B. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 15:de upplagan (2017 eller äldre upplagor), Wiley.
Book in Patophysiology:
Braun C. and Anderson C. (2012) Patofysiologi : om hur förändringar i kroppens funktioner påverkar vår hälsa. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Lectures, self-studies and written assignments
The written assignments and quizzes will be graded and based on these the course will be graded between 0-5
06.09.2024 - 01.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 06.09.2024
Camilla Ribacka
More information on the Moodle page of the course
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Written assignments Autumn 2024, and on-line quizzes (exams)
The course is 5 cr which corresponds to 135 hours of work
Lectures 12 h
Self-studies, tasks and online exams 123 h
The student has pore knowledge of fundamental Anatomy, Physiology and Patophysiology.
The student has not handed in all assignments.
The student did not get a passed grade in the obligatory online quizzes
The student has basic knowledge of fundamental Anatomy, Physiology and Patophysiology.
The student has good knowledge of fundamental Anatomy, Physiology and Patophysiology.
The student has excellent knowledge of fundamental Anatomy, Physiology and Patophysiology.
Camilla Strandell-Laine
To be introduced during the introductory lecture.
Lectures - 16 hours
Seminar 9 hours
Small-group work - 20 hours
Individual studies - 90 hours
Feedback on the tasks is obtained through assessment criteria, more detailed justification is obtained when contacting the course's teacher
07.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
15.06.2024 - 16.01.2025
Camilla Strandell-Laine
The course is arranged in collaboration with ARCADA.
Lectures are given in English, but written assignment(s) can be returned in either English or Swedish.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Total workload of the course: 135 hours
Of which autonomous studies: 135 hours
Of which scheduled studies: 25 hours
The text is fragmentary and it does not answer the questions.
The methodological literature is not used.
Reflections are not performed.
The technical design is lacking.
Does not explain the central concepts and basic principles.
The questions are answered vaguely and narrowly.
The literature is referenced
Reflections are performed only to a limited extent.
The technical design is satisfactory.
Refers concepts and basic principle
Students have justifiable knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a deficient understanding of basic relevant concepts.
The questions are answered.
The methodological literature is applied.
The text is reflective and there are critical points of view.
The technical design is good
Understands and can explain concepts and the basic principles are based on literature. Students have good knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied.
The questions are answered exhaustively and in many ways.
The literature is analyzed and applied.
The reflection is scientifically analytical.
The technical design is commendable.
Has the ability to see connections and draw own conclusions
Makes versatile use of literature
Students have excellent knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a good understanding of basic relevant concepts and can use these independently and critically
Rika Levy-Malmberg
For the subjects critical thinking and clinical judgment please attach the following reading materials:
Clinical judgment- an essential tool in the nursing process
What critical thinking, critical reasoning, and clinical judgment are?
Clinical reasoning instructor resources
For the subject of critical thinking and EBP please find the following material
Kitson, AL., Athlin, ÅM., Conroy, T Anything but Basic: Nursing’s Challenge in Meeting Patients’Fundamental Care Needs. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 46(5), 2012. Pp 331-339
Long, B.C& Phipps, W.J. & Cassmever, V. L. (1995). Adult Nursing A Nursing Process Approach, London U.K pp: 4-13
Lunney, M. Use of Critical Thinking in the Diagnostic Process. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classification.21 (2), 2010.pp82-88.
Lynda, F., Snyder, CH.. Evidence-based practice for the busy nurse practitioner: Par three: Critical appraisal process. Journal of the Academy of Nurse Practitioner. 24, 2012. Pp704-715
Robert, RR. Petersen S. Critical Thinking at the Bedside: Providing Safe Passage to Patients. MEDSURG Nursing.22 (2), 2013.pp 85-118.
Smith, SA Nurse Competence: A Concept Analysis. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge. 23(3), 2012 pp. 172-182.
Herdman, TH., ed NANDA International Nursing Diagnosis> Definitions & Classification 2012-2014. 2012 Wiley-Blackwell (this book can be found in Swedish)
For the subject of history thanking physical assessment
Hogan-Quigley, B., Palm, ML., Bickley, LS. Nursing Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. 2012. Philadelphia, 11th ed. Wolther Kluwer Health Lippincott
Timby, B. K. (2013). Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concept. 10th ed. Wolter Kluwer Health. Lippincott.
Fagerstrom, L.M.( 2019), (red) Avanserat Klinisk Sykepleie. Oslo. Gylendal.
Clinical examination, decision making and implementation of nursing care
Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)
The OSCE Examination Form was developed in England in the late 1970s, and is used today in medicine and health education in several countries. OSCE assesses the student's clinical competence (knowledge and skills), problem-solving ability and interactivity. The arrangement means that there are different stations with patient cases (case)
Students are assessed on the basis of an assessment form (checklist of criteria), the content of which varies depending on the patient case.
All criteria are evaluated as follows:
• 0 = Fail (asks/acts not)
• 1 = Sufficiently approved (asks/acts but not correct / direct according to directive)
• 2 = Competent (asks/acts correctly)
01.08.2024 - 31.05.2025
15.06.2024 - 05.09.2024
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Rika Levy-Malmberg
Each student is assessed on the basis of two clinical patient cases (case / station) at a time.
Time is limited to 30 minutes per student per station.
Students have 25 minutes to complete the three sections below.
Then the observer / examiner has 5 minutes to discuss the performance.
Students receive a brief description of the patient, as well as the instructions below.
• This is your first time meeting the patient.
• You have 25 minutes to go. Keep track of time! The observer then announces that it is 2 minutes left.
When the time is up, you must finish even if all parts are not completed.
• Information is provided by the "patient" or the observer during the examination, if asked / asked.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
OSCE våren 2025
1 sp = 27 hours
< 49%
> 90%
Camilla Ribacka
20% Face-to-face, 80% Distance learning
Course literature:
Nordeng H. och Spigset O. (2020) Farmakologi och läkemedelsanvändning. Studentlitteratur.
Alternative literature:
Ritter J., Flower R., Henderson G., Loke Y.K., MacEwan D. and Rang H. (2018) Rang and Dale´s Pharmacology, 9th edition, Elsevier.
Scientific articles and other distributed material
Lectures, self-studies and exercises.
Written examination corresponds to 2 cr, and individual, written assignments and online quizzes corresponds to 3 cr.
A passed grade is required in all exams and tasks.
01.11.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 01.11.2024
0 - 5
Camilla Ribacka
More information on Moodle
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
4 credits
Two out of five credits are examined by a written, individual exam 13.12.2024
Possibility of re-take on general re-take 17.01.2025 and 07.02.2025
Three out of five credits are examined by individual written assignments and quizzes on line.
The course is 5 cr which corresponds to 135 hours of work.
Lectures and examination 12 h
Self-studies and online exams 123 h
The student has very weak knowledge of basic pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.
The student has not submitted their individual assignments.
The student has satisfactory knowledge of basic pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as well as satisfactory knowledge of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of different groups of drugs.
The student has good knowledge of basic pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as well as good knowledge of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of different groups of drugs.
The student has excellent knowledge of basic pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, as well as excellent knowledge of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of different groups of drugs.
Camilla Ribacka
Distance learning
Given at course introduction
Introduction to the course, expert lectures and self studies.
The course is graded 0-5. A passed grade requires passed individual assignments and active participation in seminars.
07.10.2024 - 14.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 07.10.2024
0 - 5
Camilla Ribacka
The course is realized through the BioRad cooperation and responsible Universities of Applied Science are Metropolia, Savonia and TAMK. Course material is found on Moodle of Metropolia.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
5 credits
Seminar with presentation of the students assignments in December 2024
The course is 5 cr which corresponds to 135 hours of work
Assessment criteria can be seen on the Moodle plat form of the BioRad cooperation
Camilla Strandell-Laine
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
15.06.2024 - 31.07.2025
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Pia Liljeroth, Camilla Ribacka, Ralf Lillbacka, Camilla Strandell-Laine, Emilia Kielo-Viljamaa, Anita Wikberg, Rika Levy-Malmberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Katarina Vironen
Distance learning
According to the lecturer's instructions
17.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 17.09.2024
0 - 5
Katarina Vironen
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
5 credits
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
Assessment criteria for assignment:
The student has followed the instructions and her/his knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential
The student shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' assignments. The student has followed the instructions for the assignment
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
Assessment criteria for written assignment:
The student has followed the instructions for the written assignment and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written assignments
The student has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student shows in her/his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
Criteria for evaluation of assignment individually or in groups:
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. The assignment and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections, independent working methods)
Katarina Vironen
According to the lecturer's instructions
Virtual studies
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
15.06.2024 - 16.09.2024
Katarina Vironen
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
Assessment criteria for assignment:
The student has followed the instructions and her/his knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential
The student shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' assignments. The student has followed the instructions for the assignment
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
Assessment criteria for written assignment:
The student has followed the instructions for the written assignment and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written assignments
The student has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student shows in her/his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
Criteria for evaluation of assignment individually or in groups:
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. The assignment and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections, independent working methods)
Katarina Vironen
According to the lecturer's instructions
01.08.2024 - 25.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.08.2024
Katarina Vironen
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Camilla Ribacka
Distance learning
According to the lecturer's instructions
Given at course introduction
Introduction to the course, self studies, individual assignment.
The course is graded 0-5. A passed grade requires passed individual assignments and active participation in seminars.
15.05.2025 - 29.10.2025
15.06.2024 - 31.07.2025
Camilla Ribacka
The course is realized through the BioRad cooperation and responsible Universities of Applied Science are Metropolia and Oulu University of Applied Science. Course material is found on Moodle of Metropolia.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
5 credits
Seminar with presentation of the students assignments
The course is 5 cr which corresponds to 135 hours of work
Bedömningskriterier finns på den gemensamma Moodle plattformen
Marica Hinders
Introduced in the course moodle page
Lectures, individual studies and group work.
Blended learning
Feedback on the tasks is obtained through assessment criteria, more detailed justification is obtained when contacting the course's teacher.
21.03.2025 - 31.05.2025
15.06.2024 - 24.01.2025
Marica Hinders
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Case studies
Self studies
Group Work
1c = 27h
5c= 135h
Lectures (9h), Online or at Campus
Individual studies (122h) Individiual studies and group work.
Seminar (4h). Online or at Campus
The text is fragmentary and it does not answer the questions.
The methodological literature is not used.
Reflections are not performed.
The technical design is lacking.
Does not explain the central concepts and basic principles.
The questions are answered vaguely and narrowly.
The literature is referenced
Reflections are performed only to a limited extent.
The technical design is satisfactory.
Refers concepts and basic principle
Students have justifiable knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a deficient understanding of basic relevant concepts
The questions are answered.
The methodological literature is applied.
The text is reflective and there are critical points of view.
The technical design is good
Understands and can explain concepts and the basic principles are based on literature. Students have good knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied,
The questions are answered exhaustively and in many ways.
The literature is analyzed and applied.
The reflection is scientifically analytical.
The technical design is commendable.
Has the ability to see connections and draw own conclusions
Makes versatile use of literature
Students have excellent knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a good understanding of basic relevant concepts and can use these independently and critically
Camilla Ribacka
Distance learning
According to the lecturer's instructions
Given at course introduction
Introduction to the course, self studies, individual assignment.
The course is graded 0-5. A passed grade requires passed individual assignments and active participation in seminars.
05.02.2025 - 26.03.2025
15.06.2024 - 31.12.2024
Camilla Ribacka
The course is realized through the BioRad cooperation and responsible Universities of Applied Science are Metropolia, Savonia, OAMK and Novia. Course material is found on Moodle of Metropolia.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
5 credits
Seminar with presentation of the students assignments in
The course is 5 cr which corresponds to 135 hours of work
Assessment criteria can be seen on the Moodle plat form of the BioRad cooperation
Marica Hinders
Exam book:
Nya perspektiv på organisation och ledarkap
av Lee G Bolman, Terrence E Deal
(Upplaga 6 eller 7)
Reframing Organizations - 2021 or 2024
Lee G. Bolman, Terrence E. Deal
More to be introduced during the introductory lecture.
Online lectures and seminars.
Self studies: Literature, written exam and assignments (essays, reports, productions and portfolio)
29.10.2024 - 28.02.2025
15.06.2024 - 29.10.2024
Marica Hinders
The course is conducted in collaboration with Arcada
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
To be introduced during the introductory lecture.
To be introduced during the introductory lecture.
10 ECTS credits equals a total of approximately 270 hours of work.
1 ECTS credit = 27 hours work.
Camilla Ribacka
Distance learning
According to the lecturer's instructions
Given at course introduction
Introduction to the course, self studies, individual assignment.
The course is graded 0-5. A passed grade requires passed individual assignments and active participation in seminars.
19.03.2025 - 14.05.2025
15.06.2024 - 31.12.2024
Camilla Ribacka
The course is realized through the BioRad cooperation and responsible Universities of Applied Science are Metropolia and Turku University of Applied Science. Course material is found on Moodle of Metropolia.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
5 credits
Seminar with presentation of the students assignments in
The course is 5 cr which corresponds to 135 hours of work
Bedömningskriterier finns på den gemensamma Moodle plattformen
Camilla Strandell-Laine
ntroduced in the course moodle page
Lectures, individual studies and group work.
Feedback on the tasks is obtained through assessment criteria, more detailed justification is obtained when contacting the course's teacher.
01.08.2024 - 08.11.2024
02.08.2024 - 24.10.2024
Camilla Strandell-Laine
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
1 ECTS credit = 27h
5 ECTS credits = 135h
The text is fragmentary and it does not answer the questions.
The methodological literature is not used.
Reflections are not performed.
The technical design is lacking.
Does not explain the central concepts and basic principles
The questions are answered vaguely and narrowly.
The literature is referenced
Reflections are performed only to a limited extent.
The technical design is satisfactory.
Refers concepts and basic principle
Students have justifiable knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a deficient understanding of basic relevant concepts
The questions are answered.
The methodological literature is applied.
The text is reflective and there are critical points of view.
The technical design is good
Understands and can explain concepts and the basic principles are based on literature. Students have good knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied,
The questions are answered exhaustively and in many ways.
The literature is analyzed and applied.
The reflection is scientifically analytical.
The technical design is commendable.
Has the ability to see connections and draw own conclusions
Makes versatile use of literature
Students have excellent knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a good understanding of basic relevant concepts and can use these independently and critically
According to the lecturer's instructions
Introduction to the course, self studies, individual assignment.
The course completion requires:
active engagement with the course material
completing compulsory assessment tasks (detailed above)
The course evaluation is based on adequately achieving learning outcomes as evidenced in
the assessment tasks.
27.11.2024 - 11.02.2025
15.06.2024 - 27.11.2024
Camilla Ribacka
The course is realized through the BioRad cooperation and responsible Universities of Applied Science are Savonia, Novia, OAMK and Metropolia. Course material is found on Moodle of Metropolia.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Seminar with presentation of the students assignments in February 2025
The course is 5 cr which corresponds to 135 hours of work
The student does not anticipate the development of new laboratory methods and technologies in the chosen area of clinical laboratory expertise.
The student cannot describe the implementation and development of new clinical laboratory methods and technologies.
The student is able to recognize the development of new laboratory methods and technologies in the chosen area of clinical laboratory expertise.
The student can describe the implementation and development of new clinical laboratory methods and technologies
The student keeps up with the development of new laboratory methods and technologies in the chosen area of clinical laboratory expertise and applies acquired knowledge in multiprofessional teams.
The student is able to plan, implement and develop new clinical laboratory methods and technologies.
The student anticipates the development of new laboratory methods and technologies in the chosen area of clinical laboratory expertise and applies acquired knowledge in multiprofessional teams.
The student is able to plan, execute and evaluate the implementation and development of clinical laboratory methods and technologies.
Camilla Strandell-Laine
Distance learning
Material on Moodle.
The basis for the course's examination consists of:
- A written individual submission, graded according to 0-5
- A group work, graded 0-5
Feedback on the tasks is obtained through assessment criteria, more detailed justification is obtained when contacting the course's teacher.
12.11.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 13.11.2024
0 - 50
Jussi Reijonen, Camilla Strandell-Laine
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
5 credits
Information in Moodle
In total 5 ECTS, 135 hours
Lectures 9h
Selfstudies 126 h
The text is fragmentary and it does not answer the questions.
The methodological literature is not used.
Reflections are not performed.
The technical design is lacking.
Does not explain the central concepts and basic principles.
The questions are answered vaguely and narrowly.
The literature is referenced
Reflections are performed only to a limited extent.
The technical design is satisfactory.
Refers concepts and basic principle
Students have justifiable knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a deficient understanding of basic relevant concepts.
The questions are answered.
The methodological literature is applied.
The text is reflective and there are critical points of view.
The technical design is good
Understands and can explain concepts and the basic principles are based on literature. Students have good knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied,
The questions are answered exhaustively and in many ways.
The literature is analyzed and applied.
The reflection is scientifically analytical.
The technical design is commendable.
Has the ability to see connections and draw own conclusions
Makes versatile use of literature
Students have excellent knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a good understanding of basic relevant concepts and can use these independently and critically
Camilla Strandell-Laine
- Ahrne, G., & Svensson, P. (2022). Handbok i kvalitativa metoder (Upplaga 3.). Liber AB.
- Denscombe, M. (2018). Forskningshandboken - för småskaliga forskningsprojekt inom samhällsvetenskaperna. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
- Bell, J., Waters, S. & Nilsson, B. S. (2016). Introduktion till forskningsmetodik (Femte upplagan.). Studentlitteratur.
- Fejes, A. & Thornberg, R. (2019). Handbok i kvalitativ analys (Upplaga 3.). Liber AB.
- Höglund-Nielsen, B. & Granskär, M. (2017). Tillämpad kvalitativ forskning inom hälso- och sjukvård (Upplaga 3:1.). Studentlitteratur.
- Henricson, M. (2017). Vetenskaplig teori och metod: Från idé till examination inom omvårdnad (Upplaga 2:1.). Studentlitteratur AB.
- Jacobsen, D. I., Järvå, H., & Wallin, B. (2012). Förståelse, beskrivning och förklaring: Introduktion till samhällsvetenskaplig metod för hälsovård och socialt arbete (2. [uppdaterade och utök.] uppl.). Studentlitteratur.
- Olsson, H. & Sörensen, S. (2021). Forskningsprocessen: Kvalitativa och kvantitativa perspektiv (Upplaga 4.). Liber AB.
- Forskningsetiska delegationens dokument.
- Kalman, H. & Lövgren, V. (2019). Etiska dilemman: Forskningsdeltagande, samtycke och utsatthet (Andra upplagan.). Gleerups Utbilning AB
Böcker på engelska:
- Holloway, I. (2017). Qualitative research in nursing and healthcare (4th ed.). Wiley Blackwell. (e-bok)
- Merriam, S. B. & Grenier, R. S. (2019). Qualitative research in practice: Examples for discussion and analysis (Second edition.). Jossey-Bass.
- Kyngäs, H., Mikkonen, K. & Kääriäinen, M. (2019). The application of content analysis in nursing science research. Springer International Publishing.
- Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M. & Saldaña, J. (2020). Qualitative data analysis: A methods sourcebook (Fourth edition. International student edition.). SAGE. (not translated)
Kursen är uppdelad i tre separata delar:
1) Kvalitativa metoder (5 sp)
2) Kvantitativa metoder (3 sp)
3) Metodseminarium (2 sp)
Kvalitativa metoder, 5 sp, går som onlinekurs på våren 2025, och kvantitativa metoder 3 sp med närstudier på hösten 2025. (not translated)
Modul 1 (test) och Modul 3 (granskning av ett examensarbete) bedöms enligt skalan GK/UK. För att studerande ska vara godkänd i modul 1 och 3 bör testet och granskningen vara gjort.
Modulerna 2,4 och 5 bedöms enligt skalan 0-5.
Modul 2 (viktning 20 %)
- kunskap om grundläggande forskningsetiska begrepp
- förmåga att mångsidigt belysa frågor om etik, dataskydd och tillförlitlighet/trovärdighet utgående från litteratur i forskningsmetodik
Modul 4 och 5 (vikning 40 %)
- förmåga att planera, strukturera, genomföra och kritiskt utvärdera forskning
- förmåga att formulera en forskningsfråga
- förmåga att söka vetenskapliga artiklar och samla in empiriska data
- förmåga att presentera analysprocessen
- förmåga att presentera resultat av analysen (skriftlig och visuell presentation)
- förmåga att kombinera teori, praktik och reflektion
- förmåga att dokumentera och presentera logiskt och strukturerat
- Användning av litteratur
- Användning av Novias skrivanvisningar
För godkänt kursvitsord bör alla deluppgifter (Moduler 1-5) vara godkända. Uppgifter ska lämnas in inom utsatt tid. Försenade inlämningar kan sänka vitsordet.
Forskningsplan bedöms enligt skalan GK/UK. (not translated)
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
01.12.2024 - 20.01.2025
Ralf Lillbacka, Emilia Kielo-Viljamaa, Camilla Strandell-Laine
Alla skriftliga inlämningar plagiatkontrolleras. (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Kursen i kvalitativa metoder kan avläggas under perioden 1.1-31.5.2025. Deadlines per modul:
Modul 1: 31.1.2025
Modul 2: 28.2.2025
Modul 3: 31.3.2025
Modul 4: 30.4.2025
Modul 5: 31.5.2025
Kursen i kvalitativa metoder kan avläggas under perioden XX.XX.-31.12.2025
HT 2025, se schemat för föreläsningar och examensarbetsseminarier i Peppi. (not translated)
Modul 1: Kursinfo 1h (bekanting med kursens upplägg) + test på Moodle = 5 h
Modul 2: Hemtent på Moodle = 25h
Modul 3: Granskning av ett examensarbete = 25h
Modul 4: Individuell uppgift = 40h
Modul 5: Individuell uppgift = 40h
KVANTITATIVA METODER (3 sp = 81 timmar)
METODSEMINARIER (2 sp = 54 timmar)
Forskningsplan för examensarbete (not translated)
Kursen är indelad i tre delar: kvalitativ, kvantitativ, metodseminarier
(1) Kvalitativa metoder (5 sp) avläggs under vårterminen 2025 och görs av studerande både från Åbo och från Vasa. Denna del av kursen är helt virtuell och finns på Moodle.
(2) Kvantitativa metoder (3 sp) avläggs under höstterminen 2025 och görs av studerande både från Åbo och från Vasa. Denna del av kursen förverkligas delvis genom föreläsningar.
(3) Metodseminarier (2 sp) avläggs under höstterminen 2025 och görs av studerande både från Åbo och från Vasa. Denna del av kursen förverkligas genom föreläsningar och examenseminarier. (not translated)
Modul 2:
Redogör inte för de centrala begreppen och de grundläggande principerna.
Baserar sig inte på litteratur.
Moduler 4 och 5:
Texten är fragmentarisk och den besvarar inte frågorna.
Metodlitteraturen används inte.
Reflektioner framförs inte.
Den tekniska utformningen brister.
Modul 2:
Refererar begrepp och grundläggande principer.
Baserar sig på metodlitteratur.
Moduler 4 och 5:
Frågorna besvaras vagt och smalt.
Metodlitteraturen refereras.
Reflektioner framförs endast i begränsad utsträckning.
Den tekniska utformningen är nöjaktig.
Modul 2:
Förstår och kan förklara begrepp och de grundläggande principerna.
Baserar sig på metodlitteratur och forskningsetiska delegationens anvisningar.
Moduler 4 och 5:
Frågorna besvaras.
Metodlitteraturen tillämpas.
Texten är reflekterande och kritiska synpunkter finns.
Den tekniska utformningen är god.
Modul 2:
Har förmåga att se samband och göra egna slutsatser.
Använder sig mångsidigt av metodlitteratur och forskningsetiska delegationens anvisningar.
Moduler 4 och 5:
Frågorna besvaras uttömmande och mångsidigt.
Metodlitteraturen analyseras och tillämpas.
Reflektionen är vetenskapligt analytisk.
Den tekniska utformningen är berömlig.
Marica Hinders
Introduced in the course moodle page
Lectures, individual studies and group work.
Introduction to the course at Campus
Feedback on the tasks is obtained through assessment criteria, more detailed justification is obtained when contacting the course's teacher.
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
02.08.2024 - 06.09.2024
Marica Hinders, Camilla Strandell-Laine
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
1c = 27h
5c= 135h
The text is fragmentary and it does not answer the questions.
The methodological literature is not used.
Reflections are not performed.
The technical design is lacking.
Does not explain the central concepts and basic principles
The questions are answered vaguely and narrowly.
The literature is referenced
Reflections are performed only to a limited extent.
The technical design is satisfactory.
Refers concepts and basic principle
Students have justifiable knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a deficient understanding of basic relevant concepts
The questions are answered.
The methodological literature is applied.
The text is reflective and there are critical points of view.
The technical design is good
Understands and can explain concepts and the basic principles are based on literature. Students have good knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied,
The questions are answered exhaustively and in many ways.
The literature is analyzed and applied.
The reflection is scientifically analytical.
The technical design is commendable.
Has the ability to see connections and draw own conclusions
Makes versatile use of literature
Students have excellent knowledge of quality management and improvement work and how these should be applied, as well as a good understanding of basic relevant concepts and can use these independently and critically
Rika Levy-Malmberg
Distance learning
Boman, E., Levy, M. R., & Fagerström, L. (2020). Differences and similarities in scope of practice between registered nurses and nurse specialists in emergency care: an interview study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 34(2), 492–500.
Boman, E., Glasberg, A.-L., Levy-Malmberg, R., & Fagerström, L. (2019). “Thinking outside the box”: advanced geriatric nursing in primary health care in Scandinavia. BMC Nursing, 18(1), N.PAG.
Boman, E., Levy, M. R., & Fagerström, L. (2019). Nurses’ understanding of becoming nurse practitioner role in the Norwegian emergency care context: A qualitative study. Nordic Journal of Nursing research.
Bryant-Lukosius, D., & DiCenso, A. (2004). A framework for the introduction and evaluation of advanced practice nursing roles. Journal of Advanced Nursing (Wiley-Blackwell), 48(5), 530–540.
Kerr, L., & Macaskill, A. (2020). The journey from nurse to advanced nurse practitioner: applying concepts of role transitioning. British Journal of Nursing, 29(10), 561–565.
Mackey, H., Noonan, K., Kennedy Sheldon, L., Singer, M., & Turner, T. (2018). Oncology Nurse Practitioner Role: Recommendations from the Oncology Nursing Society’s Nurse Practitioner Summit. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 22(5), 516–522.
Lectures, group discussion
06.09.2024 - 11.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 05.09.2024
Daniel Nenonen, Rika Levy-Malmberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
5 credits
The written assignment instruction will be given during the lecture
See Moodle
The student did not achieve any of the criteria of academic writing and presentation of his/work
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject, points, conduct frail interview, and weak analysis of the results
The student has a good knowledge of the subject, conduct respectable and valuable interview, the analysis and the results presentation gave good knowledge about the topic
The student shows an in-depth knowledge, the process of collecting the data and the results presentation enhance the knowledge and understanding
Camilla Strandell-Laine
Bakgrundsmaterial, litteratur och sakkunnigintervjuer enligt lärares anvisningar (föreläsningar och Moodle). (not translated)
Föreläsningar (Teams), diskussioner i grupp, examinationsuppgifter och litteraturstudier (självstudier) (not translated)
Kursens examinationsuppgifter omfattar tre examinationsuppgifter:
1) litteraturbaserad jämförande analys av den finländska välfärdsstaten och valfri annan europeisk välfärdsstat
2) intervju med politiker, journalist eller tjänsteman enligt närmare instruktion under föreläsningstillfälle
3) Massmedial övervakning av vald social- och hälsovårdsfråga enligt instruktion
Slutbedömningen av kursen baseras på totala antalet poäng som erhålles för inlämnade uppgifter. (not translated)
01.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
15.06.2024 - 24.01.2025
Camilla Strandell-Laine, HYH Hälsa och Välfärd
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
Intervjuer med tjänsteman inom social- och hälsovårdsområdet, yrkesverksam journalist och/eller med en aktiv politiker. (not translated)
Kursens examinationsuppgifter omfattar tre examinationsuppgifter:
1) litteraturbaserad jämförande analys av den finländska välfärdsstaten och valfri annan europeisk välfärdsstat
2) intervju med politiker, journalist eller tjänsteman enligt närmare instruktion under föreläsningstillfälle
3) Massmedial övervakning av vald social- och hälsovårdsfråga enligt instruktion
Samtliga examinationsuppgifter inlämnas före kursens avslut.
Efter bedömning kan studerande komplettera och/eller höja vitsord inom 1 månad efter bedömning med avseende på en eller flera av de uppgifter som lämnats in under kursens gång. (not translated)
Kursen omfattar 5 sp, motsvarande ca 135h arbete för studerande. Tidsanvändningen inkluderar 9h föreläsningar samt självstudier (litteratur och examinationsuppgifter). (not translated)
Studerande har inte lämnat in alla examinationsuppgifter.
Uppgifter förljer inte anvisningar.
Inlämnade examinationsuppgifter är synnerligen knapphändiga eller inkompletta. (not translated)
Se uppgifter om studieperioden. (not translated)
Se uppgifter om studieperioden. (not translated)
Se uppgifter om studieperioden. (not translated)
There is no implementations attached to this degree programme.