Camilla Strandell-Laine
Material on Moodle.
A fundamental book in Human Physiology and Anatomy, for example one of these books:
1) Aldskogius H. and Rydqvist B. (2018) Den friska människan, Anatomi och fysiologi. Liber, Stockholm
2) Nicolaysen G. and Holck P. (2014) Anatomi och fysiologi. Studentlitteratur, Lund
3) Sand, Sjaastad, Haug and Bjålie (2007). Människokroppen. Liber, Stockholm
4) Henriksson O. and Rasmusson M. (2018) Fysiologi : med relevant anatomi. Studentlitteratur, Lund
5) Tortora, G. and Derrickson B. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 15:de upplagan (2017 eller äldre upplagor), Wiley.
Book in Patophysiology:
Braun C. and Anderson C. (2012) Patofysiologi : om hur förändringar i kroppens funktioner påverkar vår hälsa. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Lectures, self-studies and written assignments
The written assignments and quizzes will be graded and based on these the course will be graded between 0-5
06.09.2024 - 01.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 06.09.2024
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Camilla Ribacka
More information on the Moodle page of the course
Degree Programme in Social Services and Health Care
Åbo, Henriksgatan 7
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
Written assignments Autumn 2024, and on-line quizzes (exams)
Autumn 2024 according to schedule
The course is 5 cr which corresponds to 135 hours of work
Lectures 12 h
Self-studies, tasks and online exams 123 h
The student has pore knowledge of fundamental Anatomy, Physiology and Patophysiology.
The student has not handed in all assignments.
The student did not get a passed grade in the obligatory online quizzes
The student has basic knowledge of fundamental Anatomy, Physiology and Patophysiology.
The student has good knowledge of fundamental Anatomy, Physiology and Patophysiology.
The student has excellent knowledge of fundamental Anatomy, Physiology and Patophysiology.