Please select the curriculum by the start year of studies and competence track.
Camilla Ribacka
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
Burtis, Ashwood & Burns. Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry. Saunders
Scientific articles
Lecture material
Lectures, tasks and discussions.
Written, individual examination and mandatory task
The course is graded 0-5
06.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
02.12.2024 - 09.01.2025
Camilla Ribacka, Camilla Höglund
Additional information on the Moodle page of the course
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
1 credits
Course examination 19.02 2025
Re-examination 04.04.2025, 23.05.2025 and 12.09.2025
Lectures and examination 21 h, self studies and digital teaching methods 60 h
Inadequate knowledge of the subject
Weak knowledge of the subject
Good knowledge of the subject
Excellent knowledge of the subject
Camilla Ribacka
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
Burtis, Ashwood & Burns. Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry. Saunders
Murphy, Srivastava, and Deans. Clinical Biochemistry. Elsevier
Scientific articles
Lecture material
Lectures, tasks and discussions.
Written examination and mandatory task
Course grade 0-5
24.02.2025 - 30.03.2025
02.12.2024 - 23.02.2025
Camilla Ribacka
Additional information on the Moodle page of the course
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
1 credits
Course examination 26.03.2025
Re-examination 09.05.2025, 23.05.2025 and 12.09.2025
Lectures and examination 21 h, self studies and digital teaching methods 60 h
Inadequate knowledge of the subject
Weak knowledge of the subject
Good knowledge of the subject
Excellent knowledge of the subject
Mikaela Engvall
An Introduction to Biomedical Science in Professional and Clinical Practice by Sarah J. Pitt and Jim Cunningham (2009).
Biomedical Sciences: Essential Laboratory Medicine by Raymond Iles , and Suzanne Docherty (2012).
EKGs / ECGs, BarCharts, Inc. (2012).
Green, Jacqueline M., and Anthony J. Chiaramida. 12-Lead EKG Confidence : A Step-By-Step Guide (2014).
Laboratoriotutkimusten näytteenotto (2021), Friman, Tarja; Kuparinen, Marja; Lehto, Liisa & Liikanen Eeva)
Näytteenottajan käsikirja (2016, Matikainen, Anna-Mari; Miettinen Marja & Wasström, Kalle)
Klinisk kemi: Kortfattad analystolkning (2014), Lund-Egloff, D. & Löwbeer, C.
Klinisk kemi och klinisk fysiologi: Analyser och undersökningar (2014). Bjuväng, A., Kjellberg, M., Rehle, H., & Åkesson, U.
Jorfeldt, L., & Pahlm, O. (2011). EKG: Grunder, handledning vid tolkning och 101 kliniska fall. Studentlitteratur.
Lind, Y., & Lind, L. (2010). EKG-boken, bok med eLabb. Liber.
Lectures, clinical practice in class / laboratory work, demonstrations, individual work, groupwork
04.11.2024 - 30.03.2025
15.06.2024 - 31.12.2024
Mikaela Engvall, Sanna Gunell
Mandatory attendance at Campus.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Bioanalysis & The Basics of Bioanalysis 2, the student manages to collect capillary- and venous blood samples independently.
This course is a pre-requisite for attending practice at Clinical Chemistry and Urine laboratory.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Practice in class: pass or fail
Practical exam or movie making
Approved assignments
Autumn 2024 ~3 sp (27h x3 = 81h)
Urine and microscopy: Urilux-S & Clinitec Advantus
Specimens within cytology & histology
+ assignments and laboration reports
Spring 2025 2sp (27h x2 = 54h)
Indico, Clinical Chemistry Analyzer
Bloodgas test
ACL, Coagulation analyzer
+ assignments and laboration reports
Camilla Höglund
Lectures online
01.05.2025 - 07.12.2025
02.12.2024 - 30.04.2025
Camilla Höglund, Carina Gädda
The purpose of the course is to provide an insight into ethics linked to laboratory operations.
The course also aims to provide knowledge about activities close to the patient, pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytical phases as well as sampling methodology with an emphasis on hygiene and the spread of infection.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Camilla Ribacka
Laboratory instructions and accompanying theoretical material
Laboratory work with documentation, and accompanying theory
Mandatory presence and documentation of the lab work
10.03.2025 - 31.05.2026
02.12.2024 - 09.03.2025
Camilla Ribacka
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Mandatory presence at laboratory work
Mandatory documentation of laboratory work
Mandatory presence at laboratory work
Mandatory documentation of laboratory work
Laboratory work in electrophoresis and documentation (54 h)
Laboratory work in molecular biology and documentation (54 h)
The grade passed require presence during all laboratory work and documentation of the lab work
Nina Vestö
Peate, I. 2015. Medical-Surgical at a Glance.
Dutton, H. & Finch, J. 2018. Acute and Critical Nursing at a Glance.
Blended learning
Group work
Individual work
21.10.2024 - 22.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.10.2024
0 - 35
Nina Vestö
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Written assignments
Virtual exam
Week 48
3 x 27 h = 81 h
answers depend heavily on words and expressions found in the literature
has superficial knowledge of the subject, but shows a basic understanding of the subject
Written assignment
The student has partially followed the instructions for the written assignment. The student shows limited to a deficient knowledge of the knowledge of the substance.
can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
can give an independent account of the literature
understands most of the topic
presents independent views and can apply ideas to analogous situations
can motivate some of their claims and positions
can give some own examples
Written assignment
The student has mostly followed the instructions for the written assignment and has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited. The student can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar.
has in-depth knowledge of the subject
can analyze and interpret subject facts
master the subject versatile
has a broad grasp of the subject
presents original and apposite examples
Written assignment
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. The assignment and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections, independent working methods)
Vasa Centralsjukhus
Clinical laboratory practice
Mandatory attendance 100%
Approved practice assignments.
Documentation: Work certificate and signed working list.
Mandatory attendance at practice seminar.
Approved practice from clinical supervisor and teacher.
31.03.2025 - 31.05.2025
02.12.2024 - 30.03.2025
Mikaela Engvall
Course requirements:
Human Physiology and Anatomy 1 & 2
Organic Chemistry
Cell biology
Hematological Methodology 1 & 2
Biochemical Methodology
Laboratory Methodology 1 & 2
Microbiological Methodology
Clinical Practice: The Basics of Bioanalysis
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Approved practice.
Mandatory participation in practice seminar at the end of practice.
Approved practice assignments.
Approved documentation in Moodle.
8 week of clinical practice (37,5 h / week work at the practice organisation + 2,5 h / week selfstudies).
The practice is carried out during weeks 14-22 spring 2025.
Add up 8 weeks from the following:
3 weeks hematology (1 week coagulation, 1 week blood count analyser, 1 week microscopy)
1 week blood bank
5 weeks chemistry
3 weeks microbiology
2 weeks pathology/histology
2 weeks physiology
2 weeks sample collection (i.e. at a health care center)
1 week EKG
Mikaela Engvall
Moore, G., Knight, G. & Blann, A. Haematology. 3rd Edition 2021.
Lichtman MA, Shafer MS, Felgar RE, Wang N. 2016. Lichtman's Atlas of Hematology.
Rodak, B. F, Carr, J. H. 2013 Clinical Hematology Atlas. Elsevier Sauders.
Hoffbrand A. V., Moss P. A. H. . 2012 Essential haematology.
Theml H., Diem H., & Haferlach T. 2004. Color Atlas of Hematology - Practical Microscopic and Clinical Diagnosis (
O'Connor, B, H. 1984. A Color Atlas and Instruction Manual of Peripheral Blood Cell Morphology. Williams & Wilkins.
More litterature in Moodle.
Lectures, clinical practice in class and individual tasks
02.09.2024 - 06.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.11.2024
Mikaela Engvall
Course requirements:
Hematology 1
Biomethodology 1 - Microscopy
This course is a pre-requisite for attending practice at Clinical Hematology laboratory.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
1 sp Theory + individual task
2 sp Workshops; microscopy of blood cells
- Performing blood smear and microscopic examination
- Manual cell count in blood and body fluids - leukocytes, erythrocytes, thrombocytes, reticulocytes, eosinphils
- Flow cytometry and haematology analyser (B-PVK/-TVK)
- The ESR
Practice in class: pass or fail
Practical exam
Approved assignments
Practical exam (microscopy) 2./3.10.2024
1. Major hematology parameters and basic techniques
- Introduction; blood smear; the full blood count and reference ranges.
Microscopic examination:
2. Peripheral blood cells in health and disease
- RBC morphology (normal); an introduction to disease of the RBC
3. White blood cells in health and disease
- Granulocytes; Monocytes; Lymphocytes; Plasma cells
4. Case studies in hematology
Mikaela Engvall
Snyder, L. Michael. Wallach's Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests 2020.
Practical Transfusion Medicine, edited by Michael F. Murphy, et al. 2017.
McCullough, Jeffrey. Transfusion Medicine 2016.
Clinical practice in class (mandatory attendance), individual tasks, practical exam.
Clinical practice (attendance 100%) in class: pass / fail
Approved assignment and exam
21.10.2024 - 30.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.11.2024
Mikaela Engvall
Requirement for attendance:
Hematology 2
This course is a pre-requisite for attending practice at Blood Bank.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
2 credits = 54h
Mikaela Engvall
Distance learning
Murphy, M. F. et al., Practical Transfusion Medicine, 2017.
McCullough, J. Transfusion Medicine, 2016.
Reid, M. E., et al. The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook, 2012.
Finnish red cross, Blood Service:
Gahrton & Juliusson 2012. Blodets sjukdomar. Studentlitteratur. Lund
Sand, Sjaastad, Haug och Bjålie (2007). Människokroppen. Liber, Stockholm
Finlands röda kors blodtjänst. Blod- och plasmaprodukter. Senaste upplaga på FRKB:s hemsida. Helsingfors
Handbok för blodprodukter 2021 (Blodtjänsten)
SPR Blodtjänsten:
Porkka, Lassila, Remes m fl. 2015. Veritaudit. Duodecim. Helsinki
Virtual (Moodle) course.
Exam at Campus, Alere.
- Have insights into the coagulation process and blood transfusion theory.
- Possess fundamental knowledge of clinical laboratory investigations and the investigative process related to these.
- Are familiar with the terminology in hemostasis and immunohematology.
- Know central sources of information within this field.
- Understand the significance of hemostasis and immunohematology in clinical laboratory analysis
26.08.2024 - 27.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 06.10.2024
Mikaela Engvall
2,5 sp (67,5 hours): Blood groups, blood transfusion control, and laboratory investigations related to these topics.
0,5 sp (13,5 hours): Hemostasis
The purpose of the course is for students to:
- Gain insights into the hemostasis mechanism/coagulation process.
- Acquire fundamental knowledge in blood group serology and transfusion medicine.
- Develop basic understanding of clinical laboratory investigations related to these topics.
- Familiarize themselves with the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment approaches for the most common diseases within the focus areas of the course
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
3 credits
Exam at Campus, Alere 21.10. kl. 12-15.
Friday 22.11.2024 kl. 12-16
Friday 13.12.2024 kl. 12-16
2,5 sp (67,5 hours): Blood groups, blood transfusion control, and laboratory investigations related to these topics.
0,5 sp (13,5 hours): Hemostasis
Camilla Höglund
60% Face-to-face, 40% Distance learning
Roitt´s Essential Immunology by Delves, Martin, Burton and Roitt. Available as ebook.
and chapter 10 (pp 155-170) in Tietz Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry by Burtis and Bruns, 7th edition published 2015.
Scientific articles
Lecture material
Lectures, tasks and discussions.
Written, individual examination and mandatory task
The course is graded 0-5
Basic Immunology, 1,5 cr, based on a quiz (pass/fail)
Immunological techniques, 3 cr, exam (graded 0-5)
Immunological techniques in clinical diagnostics, 0,5 cr, individual assignment (pass/fail)
08.01.2025 - 30.03.2025
02.12.2024 - 08.01.2025
Camilla Höglund
Additional information on the Moodle page of the course
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
2 credits
Course examination on Thursday 13.3.2025 at 09.00 - 11.00am.
Re-examination on Friday 4.4.2025 at 12am-4pm and Friday 25.4.2025 at 12am-4pm.
5 cr equals 135 hours of work for the student
Inadequate knowledge of the subject
Weak knowledge of the subject
Good knowledge of the subject
Excellent knowledge of the subject
Sirkku Säätelä
34% Face-to-face, 66% Distance learning
Downie, G. 2008. Pharmacology and Medicines Management for Nurses. (4th Ed) London Churchill Livingstone
Berman, A.& Snyder, S. 2016. Kozier & Erb´s Fundamentals of Nursing. Concepts, Process and Practice. (9th ed) Boston: Pearson. Chapter 35 Medications.
Lapham, R. & Agar, H. 2009. Drug calculations for Nurses. A step-by-step Approach.
Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. 2015. Turvallinen lääkehoito. Opas lääkehoitosuunnitelman tekemiseen sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health. 2009. Safe Pharmacotherapy. National Guide for Pharmacotherapy in Social and Health Care.
Articles and new research
Workshops on campus and online
selfstudies and supervised lectures
02.09.2024 - 13.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Sirkku Säätelä
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
2 credits
Online examination i theory and drug calcuation ( supervised)
1 cr = 27 h work
Mikaela Engvall
Lesson material provided at the laboratory.
Laborations at Fimlab, B2 microbiology
Course assignment.
For Approved course:
- 100% attendance at sessions.
- Passed laborations at the laboratory.
- Approved course assignment.
06.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
02.12.2024 - 19.01.2025
Bioanalytik 1, Mikaela Engvall
Mandatory attendance on every session.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
No optional examination form
Fimlab personnel as lecturers and the course is done at Fimlab laboratory.
1 credit = 27h
5 credits = 135h of work
9.1 kl. 15–17.30 Lecture: Basic microbiological testing and sample collection. Classification of bacteria Gram staining overview
13.1 kl. 16-18.30 Practical class: Introduction to the laboratory, lab safety and confidentiality agreement. Gram staining practical (technique and analysis). Handout urine sample collection material and instructions.
14.1 kl. 16-18.30 Practical class: Introduction to the laboratory, lab safety and confidentiality agreement. Gram staining practical (technique and analysis). Handout urine sample collection material and instructions.
16.1 kl. 15–17.30 Lecture: - Gram−negative rods - Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
20.1 kl. 16-18.30 Practical class: - Identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Gram-negative rods - Urine culture, sample collection and analysis Remember to bring a urine sample with you!
21.1 kl. 16.-18.30 Practical class: - Analysis of results and summary
27.1 kl. 16–18.30 Lecture: Gram−positive cocci
28.1 kl. 16-18.30 Practical class: - Identification of Gram−positive cocci - Throat culture: sample collection and culture
29.1 kl. 16-18.30 Practical class: - Analysis of results and summary
30.1. kl. 15–17.30 Lecture: Gram positive rods, anaerobic bacteria, yeasts, Moraxella, Neisseria and Haemophilus
3.2. kl. 16-18.30 Identification of unknown bacterial strains
4.2. Kl. 16-18.30 Analysis of results and summary
Camilla Höglund
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
Brändén H. Molekylär biologi, 4:e upplagan. Studentlitteratur 2010.
Lordish, Berk, Zipursky, Matsudaira, Baltimore, Darnell. Molecular cell biology. Freeman.
Kristoffersson U. Medicinsk genetik, en introduktion. Studentlitteratur 2014.
Ehinger M. och Ekenstierna L. Bioteknik - från DNA till protein. Studentlitteratur 2008.
Lecture material on Moodle
Lectures and tasks. Self studies.
Written examination and mandatory task
Course grade 0-5
28.10.2024 - 31.03.2025
15.06.2024 - 30.10.2024
Camilla Höglund, Sanna Gunell
Additional information on the Moodle page of the course
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
1 credits
Course examination 11.2.2025.
Re-examination 7.3.2025 and 4.4.2025
3 cr equals 81 hours of work for the student
lectures and examination 21 h
independent studies and digital educationtools 60 h
Inadequate knowledge of molecular biology and genetics
Weak knowledge of molecular biology and genetics
Good knowledge of molecular biology and genetics
Excellent knowledge of molecular biology and genetics
Katarina Vironen
All the materials can be find at Moodle (not translated)
Lectures, demonstration, workshop (not translated)
Radiationsafety, legislation and regulations: written assignment (not translated)
18.11.2024 - 16.03.2025
15.06.2024 - 26.01.2025
Bioanalytik 1, Katarina Vironen
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
The dates for examination will be find at Moodle (not translated)
27hx3cr = 81h (not translated)
answers depend heavily on words and expressions found in the literature
has superficial knowledge of the subject, but shows a basic understanding of the subject
Written assignment
The student has partially followed the instructions for the written assignment. The student shows limited to a deficient knowledge of the knowledge of the substance. (not translated)
can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
can give an independent account of the literature
understands most of the topic
presents independent views and can apply ideas to analogous situations
can motivate some of their claims and positions
can give some own examples
Written assignment
The student has mostly followed the instructions for the written assignment and has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited. The student can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. (not translated)
has in-depth knowledge of the subject
can analyze and interpret subject facts
master the subject versatile
has a broad grasp of the subject
presents original and apposite examples
Written assignment
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. The assignment and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections, independent working methods) (not translated)
Mikaela Engvall
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
In this course, Moodle acts as a platform where all the material is available: instructional videos, lecture materials, a list of the course objectives and content, and instructions for assignments
Jones, K. P., Cachaper, G. A., Danley, K., Morgan, M. K., Maduro, R. S., McGee, G. W., Danley, S. C., & Zimbro, K. S. (2023). Equitable Nurse Assignments Within the Context of Census-Driven Staffing Models. MEDSURG Nursing, 32(2), 101–117.
Riaz, T., Akram, M., Rashid, A., Ansari, R., Laila, U., Bankole, M. M., Kayode, A. A. A., Ozdemir, F. A., Sołowski, G., Alinia-Ahandani, E., Altable, M., Adetuyi, B. O., Akhter, N., Akhtar, N., Ghauri, A. O., Egbuna, C., Sfera, A., & Parmar, P. (2023). Creating culture of safety: Risk management in healthcare and nursing. International Archives of Integrated Medicine, 10(8), 15–21.
Brown, C., & Brown, M. (2023). Blood and blood products transfusion errors: what can we do to improve patient safety? British Journal of Nursing, 32(7), 326–332.
LENBURG, C. B., KLEIN, C., ABDUR-RAHMAN, V., SPENCER, T., & BOYER, S. (2009). THE COPA MODEL: A Comprehensive Framework Designed to Promote Quality Care and Competence for Patient Safety. Nursing Education Perspectives (National League for Nursing), 30(5), 312–317.
Yilmaztürk, N., Kose, İ., & Cece, S. (2023). The effect of digitalization of nursing forms in ICUs on time and cost. BMC Nursing, 22(1), 1–7.
Tuppal, C. P., Vega, P. D., & Tuppal, S. M. P. (2022). Towards a theory of communion‐in‐caring. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36(2), 524–535.
Vasilica, C., Wynn, M., Davis, D., Charnley, K., & Garwood-Cross, L. (2023). The digital future of nursing: making sense of taxonomies and key concepts. British Journal of Nursing, 32(9), 442–446.
Raja, M., Kymre, I. G., Bjerkan, J., Galvin, K. T., & Uhrenfeldt, L. (2023). National digital strategies and innovative eHealth policies concerning older adults’ dignity: a document analysis in three Scandinavian countries. BMC Health Services Research, 23(1), 1–15.
Lectures, workshops and seminar
06.01.2025 - 16.03.2025
02.12.2024 - 07.01.2025
Katarina Vironen, Rika Levy-Malmberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
1 credits
Radiation safety: on-line examination
1sp= 27h
Did not achieve any of the criteria
In order to obtain 1 (satisfactory), the participants should have helpfully performed the tasks with answers that meet the learning objectives.
In order to obtain 2 (extremely satisfactory), the participant should, in addition to what is stated for grades 1, have completed the course in a satisfactory manner and shown activity and own initiatives.
Radiation safety exam:
answers depend heavily on words and expressions found in the literature
has superficial knowledge of the subject, but shows a basic understanding of the subject
In order to obtain 3 (good), the participant should have completed the course in a satisfactory manner and in his / her answers shown proof that he / she has read the literature and on the basis of this presented well-thought-out answers and actively participated in the discussions.
To obtain 4 (extremely good) the same things are required as for the grade 3, but the participant's answers show a greater depth, further own reflections in the tasks and a more lively activity in the discussions.
Radiation safety exam:
can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
can give an independent account of the literature
understands most of the topic
presents independent views and can apply ideas to analogous situations
can motivate some of their claims and positions
can give some own examples
To obtain 5 (praiseworthy) the participant should have completed the course and in their answers shown that he / she has read and understood the literature by presenting answers and comments that are excellent and include their own reflections. The participant should actively participate in the discussions, refer to a larger amount of scientific literature and be able to show how his / her knowledge has been deepened during the course.
Radiation safety exam:
has in-depth knowledge of the subject
can analyze and interpret subject facts
master the subject versatile
has a broad grasp of the subject
presents original and apposite examples
Camilla Strandell-Laine
Course literature;
Pharmacology and medicines management for nurses, Downie, George ; Mackenzie, Jean ; Williams, Arthur ; Hind, Caroline, 2008
Pharmacology : a 2-in-1 reference for nurses. E-bok
Priff, Nancy ; Harold, Catherine ; Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Rang&Dael´s Pharmacology. Dale, M. Maureen ; Rang, H. P. ; Dale, M. M.
Lecture material on Moodle
Lectures, tasks and discussions.
21.10.2024 - 24.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 31.10.2024
Camilla Strandell-Laine
The content is found in Moodle.
Introductions to all parts of the course and to seminars are compulsory, during all other lectures presence is highly recommended.
Use Novia instructions for writing in all assignments.
If the work is not submitted is not presented or not accepted 2 retakes can be taken on general written exam dates.
Registration in time according to Novia instructions is required
Retakes are always at kl 12.00-16.00.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Group assignment (0-5)
Examination (0-5)
1 c=27 h
Mikaela Engvall
Material on Moodle
Henriksson, O., & Rasmusson, M. (2018). Fysiologi med relevant anatomi (Nyaste upplagan). Studentlitteratur AB.
Sovijärvi, A., Hartiala, J., Knuuti, J., Laitinen, T., Malmberg, P., & Haapalahti, P. (2018). Kliinisen fysiologian ja isotooppilääketieteen perusteet (Nyaste upplagan). Duodecim.
Bjuväng, A., Kjellberg, M., Rehle, H., & Åkesson, U. (2014). Klinisk kemi och klinisk fysiologi: Analyser och undersökningar (Nyaste upplagan). Studentlitteratur AB.
Lessons in classrooms
Practical exercises
Assignments on Moodle
Course responsible teacher: Petra Lithén
Performed assignments and the course is graded 0-5 based on result in individual exam.
02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 31.10.2024
Bioanalytik 1, Mikaela Engvall
Mandatory attendance week 40.
In the course we review the common physiological and neurophysiological examinations and methods.
The students
- have fundamental insights into the laboratory examination process at physiological examinations of the body's organs and organ systems, such as the heart, lungs, the gastrointestinal channel, etc.
- have fundamental insights into neurophysiologcal examinations of nerves, muscles, spinal cord and brain
- have fundamental insights into patient care.
- are able to use central sources of information and scientific publications concerning methods, reference ranges, illness diagnostics and current research within the area.
- are prepared to improve quality and consider sustainable development within bioanalysis.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Examination 17.10. kl. 15:30-18:30
Re-take exam:
Fri 25.10.2024 kl. 12-16
Fri 22.11.2024 kl. 12-16
3 sp = 81h
Mikaela Engvall
Vasa Centralsjukhus
Clinical laboratory practice
Mandatory attendance 100%
Approved practice assignments.
Documentation: Work certificate and signed working list.
Mandatory attendance at practice seminar.
Approved practice from clinical supervisor and teacher.
25.08.2025 - 14.12.2025
02.07.2025 - 31.10.2025
Camilla Höglund
Course requirements:
Human Physiology and Anatomy 1 & 2
Organic Chemistry
Cell biology
Hematological Methodology 1 & 2
Biochemical Methodology
Laboratory Methodology 1 & 2
Microbiological Methodology
Clinical Practice: The Basics of Bioanalysis
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Approved practice.
Mandatory participation in practice seminar at the end of practice.
Approved practice assignments.
Approved documentation in Moodle.
8 week of clinical practice (37,5 h / week work at the practice organisation + 2,5 h / week selfstudies).