Mikaela Engvall
Course literature:
Laboratoriotutkimusten näytteenotto (2021, Friman, Tarja; Kuparinen, Marja; Lehto, Liisa & Liikanen Eeva)
Näytteenottajan käsikirja (2016, Matikainen, Anna-Mari; Miettinen Marja & Wasström, Kalle)
Klinisk kemi: Kortfattad analystolkning (2014, Lund-Egloff, D. & Löwbeer, C.)
Course material on Moodle
Lectures, tasks and discussions.
Individual assignments are graded 0-5, where 0 is a failed grade and 1-5 are passed grades
02.10.2023 - 31.12.2023
15.06.2023 - 02.10.2023
0 - 35
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Mikaela Engvall
More information is found in Moodle
Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Science
0.00 credits
1.00 credits
Assignments dead-line on Moodle
Autumn 2023
Lectures x h, self studies and digital teaching methods x h