Please select the curriculum by the start year of studies and competence track.
Ronnie Sundsten
Facts Worth Knowing about Frequency Converters (Danfoss).
Manufacturer's information and operating instructions.
Supplementary material.
Practical laboratotry exercises
Self studies
Written exam + laboratory report.
10.03.2025 - 04.05.2025
01.12.2024 - 09.03.2025
Jan Berglund
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Course exam (50 % of course grades) and report from the practical exercises (50 % of course grades).
A total of 81 hours, of which lectures/exam 12 hours and laboratory exercises 24 hours.
Less than 50% of the total score.
More than 50% of the total score.
More than 70% of the total score.
More than 90% of the total score.
Ronnie Sundsten
Facts Worth Knowing about Frequency Converters (Danfoss).
Manufacturer's information and operating instructions.
Supplementary material.
Practical laboratotry exercises
Self studies
Written exam + laboratory report.
21.10.2024 - 15.12.2024
02.07.2024 - 20.10.2024
Jan Berglund
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Course exam (50 % of course grades) and report from the practical exercises (50 % of course grades).
A total of 81 hours, of which lectures/exam 12 hours and laboratory exercises 24 hours.
Less than 50% of the total score.
More than 50% of the total score.
More than 70% of the total score.
More than 90% of the total score.
Ronnie Sundsten
Relevant course literature
System manuals
Lectures, exercises and laboratory exercises.
The course assessment is based on:
- the documentation of compulsory laboratory exercises
- assignments to be handed in
- course exam
06.01.2025 - 16.02.2025
01.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
Joachim Böling
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Ronnie Sundsten
Relevant course literature
System manuals
This course runs in English.
Lectures, exercises and laboratory exercises.
The course assessment is based on:
- the documentation of compulsory laboratory exercises
- assignments to be handed in
- course exam
03.03.2025 - 13.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 02.03.2025
Joachim Böling
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Ronnie Sundsten
Supplementary material.
Laboratory work
Self studies
Written exam (33.3 % for passing grade, 30 % of course grade).
Assignments (70 % of the course grade).
13.01.2025 - 02.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
Philip Hollins, Jenny Rönnqvist-Norrby
Degree Programme in Energy Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Written exam and assignments.
The exam is (preliminary) arranged week 8.
A total of 81 hours, of which lectures / exercises 32 hours.
Less than 33.3 % of the total score.
Grade 1: 33.3 % - 47.2 % of the total score.
Grade 2: 47.3 % - 61.1 % of the total score.
Grade 3: 61.2 % - 74.9 % of the total score.
Grade 4: 75.0 % - 88.8 % of the total score.
More than 88.8 % of the total score.
Ronnie Sundsten
13.01.2025 - 09.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
Philip Hollins
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Ronnie Sundsten
02.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
02.07.2024 - 22.09.2024
Kaj Rintanen
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Ronnie Sundsten
Course compendium
Supplementary material
Lectures/Supervised teaching
Self studies
The course is assessed according to exam results and assignments.
23.09.2024 - 10.11.2024
02.07.2024 - 29.09.2024
Hans Lindén
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Course examination three weeks after completing the course.
Theory exam w. 44-45.
Submission of laboratory assignments according to given deadlines
In addition to participating in the lecture and laboratory sessions, the course requires active own work.
The initial theory of number systems and transformation, as well as Boolean logic, requires abundant own work for complete understanding.
The laboratory tasks and their documentation are carried out mainly in class, but also outside lecture hours.
Less than 40% of the course credits.
40% - 63% of the course credits.
64% - 87% of the course credits.
At least 88% of the course credits.
Ronnie Sundsten
Course documentation, relevant teaching materials and reference documents found in Moodle
20.01.2025 - 04.05.2025
01.12.2024 - 19.01.2025
Shiva Sharma
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Ronnie Sundsten
Course documentation is within Moodle together with relevant teaching materials and reference documents
Competence objectives of the study unit
This module familiarises students with a number of renewable low carbon and rapidly emerging energy storage alternatives, specifically, those related to the transport and power generation sectors. It will discuss current and future implementation as a means to limit the emissions of GHG’s and thereby mitigate the effects of global warming.
Areas that will be considered are: National power mix, Intermittency and dispatchability, Sankey diagrams, Intro' to energy Storage options, Solar/Wind - key technologies, SAM Modelling software, RetScreen Modelling software and Nuclear power considerations
Format of delivery
Lectures, group presentations/video, group work, self-study and study visit(s)
Information and study materials are provided in Moodle for the course
To complete the course the following criteria are used for evaluation:
1, Individual short report (10%)
2. Group SAM model simulation/presentation (25%)
3. Group RetScreen model simulation/presentation (25%)
4. Individual review report of group work (40%)
4. Attendance to lectures/study visits (compulsory/informed absence)
FYI. Grade scale used - modification of EPS
29.08.2024 - 15.12.2024
02.07.2024 - 22.09.2024
Philip Hollins
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
6 ETCS = 162 hours
Contact teaching and computer classes approx ~ 30 hr
Study visits ~4hr
Independent (and group) studying and preparation ~128 hr
<50% of the maximum number of credits earned in the assignments
50-59% (=1) or 60-69% (=2) of the maximum number of credits earned in the assignments respectively
70-79% (=3) or 80-89% (=4) of the maximum number of credits earned in the assignments respectively
90-100% (=5) of the maximum number of credits earned in the assignments respectively
Ronnie Sundsten
Supplementary material.
Calculation exercises
Self studies
Written exam, at least 33.3 % for approved course grade. (50 % calculation tasks, 50 % theory tasks in the exam).
No own material allowed at the exam.
Preparatory exam, can raise the calculation part of the exam (only) at approved course exam (does not apply at re-takes).
02.09.2024 - 27.10.2024
02.07.2024 - 22.09.2024
Matts Nickull
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Written exam (and preparatory exam).
The exam is arranged week 43.
A total of 81 hours, of which lectures / calculation exercises 36 hours (weeks 36 - 43).
Less than 33.3% of the total points.
Rating 1: 33.3 % - 47.2 % of total points.
Rating 2: 47.3 % - 61.1 % of total points.
Rating 3: 61.2 % - 74.9 % of the total points.
Rating 4: 75.0 % - 88.8 % of total points.
More than 88.8 % of the total points.
Ronnie Sundsten
Lecturer's slides and handouts
Reference book:
Exploring Raspberry Pi: Interfacing to the Real World with Embedded Linux by Derek Molloy
10.02.2025 - 27.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 09.02.2025
Hans Lindén
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Ronnie Sundsten
Own compendium
Data sheets and reference documents
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
Hans Lindén
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Ronnie Sundsten
Shared documents with theory and exercises
Software tutorial materials
Course literature
Computer lab sessions
Home assignments and small projects
Homework assignments
Project work
13.01.2025 - 23.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 14.01.2025
Anders Skjäl
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
An exam scheduled during normal lecture hours towards the end of the course.
Lectures 36 h
Home assignments and projects 25 h
Self studies 20 h
40% – 60% of course work and exam completed
60% – 85% of course work and exam completed
85% – 100% of course work and exam completed
Ronnie Sundsten
Relevant textbooks and online information.
03.02.2025 - 23.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 02.02.2025
Hans Lindén
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Ronnie Sundsten
PMI: A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge,
ISO SFS standard 21500,
Fundamentals in Project Management, available on ebrary with Novia accesscodes.
Other possible literature recommended by the teacher.
13.01.2025 - 27.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
Philip Hollins
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Ronnie Sundsten
Course documentation is within Moodle together with relevant teaching materials and reference documents
Competence objectives of the study unit
This module familiarises engineers with the principles of sustainability within the global, national and local context.
Areas that will be considered are: Sustainably Development Goals (SDG's), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Circular Economy, Waste to Energy (Wte) and Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) modelling
Format of delivery
Lectures, presentations, group work, self-study and computer classes and study visit
Information and study materials are provided in Moodle for the course
To complete the course the following criteria are used for evaluation:
1. Group Presentation
2. Directed study
3. Multichoice exam
4. Video production
5. Reports + calculation
FYI. Grade scale used - modification of EPS
29.08.2024 - 15.12.2024
02.07.2024 - 22.09.2024
Philip Hollins
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
6 ETCS = 162 hours
Contact teaching and computer classes approx ~ 30 hr
Study visit ~4hr
Independent (and group) studying and preparation ~128 hr
<50% of the maximum number of credits earned in the assignments
50-59% (=1) or 60-69% (=2) of the maximum number of credits earned in the assignments respectively
70-79% (=3) or 80-89% (=4) of the maximum number of credits earned in the assignments respectively
90-100% (=5) of the maximum number of credits earned in the assignments respectively
Ronnie Sundsten
Novia guidelines/instruction can be found at:
Moodle course will provide further links and instruction
Competence objectives of the study unit
The objective of the course is to prepare students for their upcoming thesis by increasing their awareness of the requirements and equipping them with the tools for successful submission
Content of the study unit
Student writing/presentation/group discussion based on previous thesis examples
Format of delivery
Lectures, presentations and self-study
Information and study materials are provided in Moodle for the course
To complete the course the following criteria are used for evaluation:
1. Submission of directed study work
2. Attendance of in-class sessions
3. Submission of short review report(s)
11.11.2024 - 20.12.2024
02.07.2024 - 17.11.2024
Philip Hollins
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
1 ETCS = 27 hours
Contact teaching 6 h
Independent studying and preparation 21 h
Total 27 h
None submission of directed study work (Fail)
None attendance of in-class sessions (Fail)
Poor/None submission of two short review reports (Fail)
Full submission of directed study work (Pass)
Full attendance of in-class sessions (Pass)
Excellent/Full submission of two short review reports (Pass)
Both complete/satisfactory submission of all course work and full attendance of class sessions within the allocated time --> Approved.
If neither submission nor attendance is complete/full within the allocated time --> Not Approved
Ronnie Sundsten
Compendiums of course responsible and info from transformer manufacturers.
06.01.2025 - 16.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
Henrik Järveläinen
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Energy Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
There is no implementations attached to this degree programme.