Please select the curriculum by the start year of studies and competence track.
Kaj Wikman
The material is available on the course's Moodle page
The course is based on lectures, self-study and exercises in a classroom environment. The labs are compulsory
Of the marks of the examination questions, you must obtain at least 33% in order to obtain a grade in the course, irrespective of the total score of the exams. 33% for pass, per exam. In total, 33% is applied for approved and linear scale.
09.09.2024 - 01.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 22.09.2024
Jussi Hamunen
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
About 50% attendance studies and about 50% self-study
At least 10p/30p
At least 18p/30p
At least 26p/30p
Kaj Wikman
The course is based on lectures, self-study and exercises in a classroom environment. The labs are compulsory
Of the marks of the examination questions, you must obtain at least 33% in order to obtain a grade in the course, irrespective of the total score of the exams. 33% for pass, per exam. In total, 33% is applied for approved and linear scale
04.11.2024 - 31.03.2025
15.06.2024 - 22.11.2024
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
About 50% attendance studies and about 50% self-study
At least 10p/30p
At least 18p/30p
At least 26p/30p
Kaj Wikman
The course is based on lectures, self-study and exercises in a classroom environment. The labs are compulsory.
Of the marks of the examination questions, you must obtain at least 33% in order to obtain a grade in the course, irrespective of the total score of the exams. 33% for pass, per exam. In total, 33% is applied for approved and linear scale.
27.01.2025 - 27.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 26.01.2025
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
About 50% attendance studies and about 50% self-study.
At least 10p/30p
At least 18p/30p
At least 26p/30p
Kaj Wikman
27.01.2025 - 06.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 31.01.2025
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Business
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
material on Moodle
lectures, computer based exercises, homework
passed exam
approved exercises
21.10.2024 - 22.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 20.10.2024
Susanne Österholm
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
exam 2023
retake 1 january 2024
retake 2 spring 2024
classroom studies 35 h
own work 45 h
Students' knowledge does not reach the level of a satisfactory grade.
The student can code simple console programs that use simple structures with sequences, option choices and repetitions.
The student can call functions that use parameters and return data.
The student can code programs that use more advanced alternative choices and repetitions. The student can nest structures.
The student can create and call functions that use parameters and return data.
The student can store data in one-dimensional arrays.
The student can independently solve more advanced programming tasks.
The student can independently learn new programming techniques and apply them in his coding.
Kaj Wikman
The course is based on lectures, self-study and exercises in a classroom environment. The labs are compulsory
Of the marks of the examination questions, you must obtain at least 33% in order to obtain a grade in the course, irrespective of the total score of the exams. 33% for pass, per exam. In total, 33% is applied for approved and linear scale.
13.11.2024 - 31.03.2025
15.06.2024 - 17.11.2024
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
About 50% attendance studies and about 50% self-study
At least 10p/30p
At least 18p/30p
At least 26p/30p
Kaj Wikman
The material is available on the course's Moodle page.
The course is based on lectures, self-study and exercises in a classroom environment. The labs are compulsory
Of the marks of the examination questions, you must obtain at least 33% in order to obtain a grade in the course, irrespective of the total score of the exams. 33% for pass, per exam. In total, 33% is applied for approved and linear scale
06.01.2025 - 31.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
Leif Backlund, Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
About 50% attendance studies and about 50% self-study
At least 10p/30p
At least 18p/30p
At least 26p/30p
Kaj Wikman
06.01.2025 - 23.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 08.01.2025
Kaj Wikman
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
Material on Moodle.
lectures, computer exercises
exam, submission task
02.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 22.09.2024
Susanne Österholm
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
exam: December 2024
re-examination 1: January 2025
re-examination 2, February 2025
classroom teaching 60 h, homework and own studies 75 h
The student does not meet the criteria for the grade 1.
The student knows the database administrator's duties.
The student can realize databases containing simple stored procedures, functions and triggers.
The student knows the principles of reporting and data analysis.
The student can perform the database administrator's routine tasks.
The student can implement databases with more advanced stored procedures, functions and triggers.
The student can program client applications that use server-side code.
The student can implement and use databases for reporting and data analysis.
The student can plan and configure the database administration of a database server and its databases.
The student can create software for database applications in multi-user environments where transaction management and locking are needed.
The student can plan, realize and use databases for data analysis.
Kaj Wikman
material on Moodle
lectures, computer exercises
passed examination
approved exercises
02.09.2024 - 27.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 22.09.2024
Susanne Österholm
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
examination and handed in exercises: october 2024
retake1: november/december 2024
retake 2: sprint 2025
classroom studies ca 35 h
own work ca 45 h
Student's knowledge does not reach the level of a satisfactory white word.
The student knows different types of data storage.
The student knows how a small relational database is structured.
The student understands why a database in higher normal form is better than a database in lower normal form.
The student can explain the different normal forms.
The student knows and can use elementary database commands.
The student can use a database management system's graphical user interface.
The student can explain the advantages of relational databases and the structure of database systems.
The student can use the basic concepts of relational theory to describe a relational database.
The student can normalize a database to 3NF. The student can determine the normal form of a database.
The student knows and can use more advanced database commands.
The student can use a database management system's graphical user interface.
The student can compare different techniques for data storage with each other.
The student can use the basic concepts of relational theory to describe a relational database.
The student can normalize a more extensive database to 3NF.
The student can independently acquire knowledge of database commands and practically apply this knowledge.
The student can make versatile use of a database management system's graphical user interface.
Kaj Wikman
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2025
Kaj Wikman
Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
See the current realization of the course.
03.03.2025 - 27.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 02.03.2025
Hans Lindén
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
03.03.2025 - 27.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 02.03.2025
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Business
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
In the Moodle course site
The course is based on lectures, self-study and exercises in a classroom environment. The labs are compulsory
Of the marks of the examination questions, you must obtain at least 33% in order to obtain a grade in the course, irrespective of the total score of the exams. 33% for pass, per exam. In total, 33% is applied for approved and linear scale.
04.11.2024 - 22.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 03.11.2024
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
About 50% attendance studies and about 50% self-study
At least 10p/30p
At least 18p/30p
At least 26p/30p
Kaj Wikman
The material is available in Moodle
The course is based on lectures, self-study and exercises in a classroom environment. The labs are compulsory
Of the marks of the examination questions, you must obtain at least 33% in order to obtain a grade in the course, irrespective of the total score of the exams. 33% for pass, per exam. In total, 33% is applied for approved and linear scale.
02.09.2024 - 15.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 29.09.2024
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
About 50% attendance studies and about 50% self-study.
At least 10p/30p
At least 18p/30p
At least 26p/30p
Kaj Wikman
06.01.2025 - 06.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Business
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
Material on Moodle.
föreläsningar, datasalsövningar, hemuppgifter (not translated)
godkänd tentamen
godkända uppgifter (not translated)
02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 29.09.2024
Susanne Österholm
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
godkänd tentamen, godkända uppgifter (not translated)
tentamen december 2024
omtentamen 1 januari 2025
omtentamen 2 våren 2025 (not translated)
Studeranden uppnår inte kunskaper som motsvarar vitsordet tillfredsställande. (not translated)
Studeranden kan grundläggande producera kod med programmeringsspråket C# som innefattar klasser och objekt.
Studerande kan grundläggande producera kod som hanterar enklare samlingar av objekt. (not translated)
Studerande kan producera kod med programmeringsspråket C# som innefattar klasser och objekt, arv och interfaces.
Studeranden kan producera kod som hanterar olika typer av samlingar. (not translated)
Studeranden kan producera avancerad kod med programmeringsspråket C# som innefattar klasser och objekt, arv och interfaces.
Studeranden kan producera kod som mångsidigt hanterar olika typer av samlingar. (not translated)
Kaj Wikman
21.10.2024 - 23.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 20.10.2024
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
material on Moodle
lectures, programming exercises
02.09.2024 - 10.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 22.09.2024
Susanne Österholm
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
examination: november 2024
retake 1: december 2024
retake 2: spring 2025
classroom studies about 45 h
own work about 55 h
Student's knowledge does not reach the level of a satisfactory grade.
The student can create simple user interfaces with basic functionality for web applications.
The student can create user interfaces with more advanced functionality for web applications.
The student can create user interfaces with more advanced functionality for web applications where external libraries are used, where different types of media is considered and where data is temporary stored.
Kaj Wikman
02.12.2024 - 02.02.2025
15.06.2024 - 01.12.2024
Kaj Wikman
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Business Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
Course material on Moodle.
Additional material.
03.03.2025 - 27.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 02.03.2025
Ray Pörn
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
20.09.2024 - 31.12.2026
21.08.2024 - 19.09.2024
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation, Degree Programme in Information Technology
01.05.2025 - 31.07.2025
01.04.2025 - 30.06.2025
Anders Ahlbäck
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Niklas Kallenberg
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
07.08.2024 - 30.09.2024
Niklas Kallenberg
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Leif Östman
inga (not translated)
Praktik (not translated)
Utfört byggarbete och tillhörande rapportering med arbetsintyg (not translated)
01.05.2025 - 31.08.2025
05.02.2025 - 17.07.2025
Leif Östman
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Civil and Construction Engineering, Degree Programme in Construction Management, Degree Programme in Electrical Engineering and Automation, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
i arbetslivet (not translated)
efter utförd praktik (not translated)
267 h, ca 7 veckor (not translated)
se ovan (not translated)
Kaj Wikman
See the current realization of the course.
03.03.2025 - 27.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 02.03.2025
Jan Berglund
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
This course equips students with essential skills for effective technical communication. Students will learn to create clear and user-friendly technical documentation across various formats. By the course's end, students will be proficient in producing quality technical documentation and enhancing their employability in technical communication roles.
Teaching methods: contact studies
Prerequisites: None
Continuous assessment: students are assessed throughout the course
-participation in in-class activities, individual assignments, group work, and final exam
06.01.2025 - 16.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 05.01.2025
Hanna Kuusisto
Degree Programme in Information Technology
FInal exam
27 hours individual workload per 1 credit (a total of 3 ETCS)
Lack of attendance, incompleted assignments, failed final exam.
Students who receive a grade of 1 or 2 demonstrate a below-average understanding of the course material. Their technical documentation may lack clarity, organization, or usability. Their work shows a limited application of technical writing principles. They may have difficulty actively participating in class discussions or meeting expectations consistently.
Students who receive a grade of 3 demonstrate an acceptable level of understanding of the course material. They produce technical documentation that meets basic requirements in terms of clarity, organization, and usability. While there may be some room for improvement, their work reflects a satisfactory application of technical writing principles. They participate adequately in class discussions and meet most expectations.
Students who receive a grade of 4 consistently demonstrate a solid understanding of the course material. They consistently produce high-quality technical documentation that is clear, well-organized, and user-friendly. Their work shows proficiency in applying technical writing principles and best practices. They actively participate in class discussions, contribute valuable insights, and consistently meet or exceed expectations.
Students who receive a grade of 5 consistently demonstrate exceptional mastery of the course material. They consistently produce outstanding technical documentation that showcases clarity, organization, and usability. Their work exhibits a deep understanding of the principles and best practices of technical writing. They actively participate in class discussions, engage in critical thinking, and consistently exceed expectations.
01.08.2024 - 01.11.2024
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
Degree Programme in Information Technology
Kaj Wikman
Munkenberg, Eva-Charlott: English for Engineers and Technicians (2015).
Contact teaching, in-class activities, individual assignments, and oral presentations.
The course enables the students to understand the differences between Standard English and language for special purposes. Students learn how to express themselves orally by presenting and discussing technical phenomena whereby they will also be given tools to expand their grammatical knowledge and engineering English vocabulary enabling them to use a greater range of structures while speaking and writing in English.
Continuous assessment of in-class activity, group work and final exam
21.10.2024 - 15.12.2024
01.08.2024 - 05.11.2024
Hanna Kuusisto
Degree Programme in Information Technology
Book exam (more information about this will be given at the first meeting)
Final exam
27 hours individual workload per 1 credit (a total of 3 ETCS)
Lacking attendance, incompleted assignments, failed exam
Being able to identify general technical functions and descriptions of materials and components in English.
Being able to identify general technical problems and technical development in English.
Being able to identify the specific linguistic features in engineering English on a grammatical level.
Being able to present an engineering-related phenomenon.
Being able to identify the stylistic and linguistic elements in scientific writing and engineering documents.
Being able to describe general technical functions and materials and components in English.
Being able to describe, assess and interpret faults and feasibility, and discuss technical requirements and improvements in English.
Being able to apply the linguistic features of engineering English on a grammatical level when creating documents.
Being able to present an engineering-related phenomenon and take part in discussions and debates.
Being able to apply the stylistic and linguistic elements in scientific writing and engineering documents.
Being able to describe, explain, compare, and evaluate general technical functions and materials and components in English.
Being able to describe, compare and evaluate general technical problems as well as technical development, and propose solutions and insights in technical development.
Being able to apply, implement, and critically reflect on the gained knowledge of the specific linguistic features of engineering English on a grammatical level.
Being able to present and critically reflect on engineering-related phenomena and take an active part in discussions and debates
Being able to apply, implement, and critically reflect the gained knowledge in the stylistic and linguistic elements in scientific writing and engineering documents.
Kaj Rintanen
21.10.2024 - 15.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 20.10.2024
Hanna Kuusisto
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Hanna Kuusisto
09.03.2025 - 30.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 08.03.2025
Hanna Kuusisto
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Leif Östman
06.01.2025 - 16.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 10.01.2025
Hanna Kuusisto
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
06.01.2025 - 30.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 10.01.2025
Erik Kull, Kaj Wikman
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
Kaj Wikman
Material on Moodle.
foreläsningar, datasalsövningar, hemuppgifter (not translated)
godkänd tentamen
godkända övningar (not translated)
02.09.2024 - 27.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 22.09.2024
Susanne Österholm
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Degree Programme in Information Technology, Degree Programme in Information Technology
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
tentamen december 2024
omtentamen 1 januari 2025
omtentamen 2 våren 2025 (not translated)
närundervisning ca 35 h, självständigt arbete ca 45 h (not translated)
Studeranden uppnår inte kunskaper som motsvarar vitsordet tillfredsställande. (not translated)
Studeranden kan använda olika typer av editorer för att skapa en webbsida.
Studeraden kan skapa webbsidor med html och css. (not translated)
Studeraden kan skapa webbsidor som också kräver JavaScript-kodning.
Studeranden känner till hur en webbsida kan publiceras. (not translated)
Studeraden kan skapa mera avancerade webbsidor med html, css och JavaScript. (not translated)
There is no implementations attached to this degree programme.