Please select the curriculum by the start year of studies and competence track.
Marie Hjortell
Distance learning
National course in Moodle platform
Endast för Arcadas Studerande :Nationell kurs i vaccinationskunskap helt virtuellt via Novias Moodle (not translated)
26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 31.07.2024
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
Portfolio + virtuell tent enligt inlämningsdeadline på Arcada (not translated)
Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
84% Face-to-face, 16% Distance learning
Broman. L & Wikström.C 2019. Medicinsk teknink. Studentlitteratur.
Kap 3 Oxygenbehandling
Kap 4 Sugning i luftvägar
Kap 5 Sond
Kap 15 Katetrisering
Kap 16 Puls
Kap 17 Blodtryck
Som ”bredvid läsningslitteratur” på svenska kan användas: Anttila, K., Kaila-Mattila, Y., Kan, S., Puska, E-L. & Vihunen, Vård och välbefinnande.
demonstration, practice
The examination is assessed 0-5
Clinical exercises are assessed UK / GK
Can receive feedback and shows willingness to develop practical skills
Can ask questions that are relevant to one's own learning
Can perform the practical tasks both under supervision and independently
Can follow directives and instructions and takes responsibility for tasks
Can make decisions concerning practical tasks
Knows the values and takes into account the principles of professional ethics
Can collaborate with others in the student group
09.09.2024 - 08.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 08.09.2024
10 - 50
Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn, Maria Berg, Marice Nedergård
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Mandatory attendance 100% during practical exercises
Approved exercises in training classes
Please see schedule
See peppi for re-examination
1sp/27h this course 6 credits= 162h
Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
Broman. L & Wikström.C 2019. Medicinsk teknink. Studentlitteratur.
Kap 3 Oxygenbehandling
Kap 4 Sugning i luftvägar
Kap 5 Sond
Kap 15 Katetrisering
Kap 16 Puls
Kap 17 Blodtryck
Som ”bredvid läsningslitteratur” på svenska kan användas: Anttila, K., Kaila-Mattila, Y., Kan, S., Puska, E-L. & Vihunen, Vård och välbefinnande.
Övrig aktuell litteratur eller forskning enligt lärares anvisningar
demonstration, practice
The examination is assessed 0-5
Clinical exercises are assessed UK / GK
Can receive feedback and shows willingness to develop practical skills
Can ask questions that are relevant to one's own learning
Can perform the practical tasks both under supervision and independently
Can follow directives and instructions and takes responsibility for tasks
Can make decisions concerning practical tasks
Knows the values and takes into account the principles of professional ethics
Can collaborate with others in the student group
07.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 06.10.2024
10 - 40
Camilla Mattjus, Jannica Andtfolk, Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn, Carina Gädda, Marice Nedergård
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
Mandatory attendance 100% during practical exercises
Approved exercises in training classes
Approved objective structured clinical examination
Tentamen sker online, vänligen se schema för datum
Omtentamen sker på allmänna omtentamenstillfälle se peppi.
1 sp =27 h
6sp=162 h
Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
Broman. L & Wikström.C 2019. Medicinsk teknink. Studentlitteratur.
Kap 3 Oxygenbehandling
Kap 4 Sugning i luftvägar
Kap 5 Sond
Kap 15 Katetrisering
Kap 16 Puls
Kap 17 Blodtryck
Som ”bredvid läsningslitteratur” på svenska kan användas: Anttila, K., Kaila-Mattila, Y., Kan, S., Puska, E-L. & Vihunen, Vård och välbefinnande.
Övrig aktuell litteratur eller forskning enligt lärares anvisningar
demonstration, practice
The examination is assessed 0-5
Clinical exercises are assessed UK / GK
Can receive feedback and shows willingness to develop practical skills
Can ask questions that are relevant to one's own learning
Can perform the practical tasks both under supervision and independently
Can follow directives and instructions and takes responsibility for tasks
Can make decisions concerning practical tasks
Knows the values and takes into account the principles of professional ethics
Can collaborate with others in the student group
09.09.2024 - 08.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
15 - 32
Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn, Marice Nedergård, Maria Berg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Mandatory attendance 100% during practical exercises
Approved exercises in training classes
Please see schedule
See peppi for re-examination
1sp/27h this course 6 credits= 162h
Anna-Lena Nieminen
34% Face-to-face, 66% Distance learning
Bringsén, Å., Lindström N.& Arnesson K. 2019. Hälsopromotion i teori och praktik: olika arenor och målgrupper. Liber AB.
Brylde, B. 2011. Folkhälsoarbetets etik. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Elinder, L. & Kwak L. 2014. Evidensbaserat Folkhälsoarbete. Studentlitteratur AB, Lund.
Larsson, C., Murdaugh, C., Persons, M & Pender , N. 2021 . Sjukskötarens hälsofrämjande arbete.
Pellmer, K., Wramner, B. & Wramner H. 2017. Grundläggande folkhälsovetenskap. Liber, Stockholm.
Svanström, L. 2017. Att mäta folkhälsa. Kriterier för bra folkhälsoarbete.
Valda artiklar.
Institutet för Hälsa och Välfärd
Social- och Hälsovårdsministeriet
Föreläsning, självstudier, grupparbete och workshops
28.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 27.10.2024
10 - 50
Anna-Lena Nieminen
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
Godkända individuella -och grupparbete samt tentamen (då kursen avslutas)
3 sp
1 sp = 27 timmar
Anna-Lena Nieminen
Distance learning
Bringsén, Å., Lindström N.& Arnesson K. 2019. Hälsopromotion i teori och praktik: olika arenor och målgrupper. Liber AB.
Brylde, B. 2011. Folkhälsoarbetets etik. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Elinder, L. & Kwak L. 2014. Evidensbaserat Folkhälsoarbete. Studentlitteratur AB, Lund.
Larsson, C., Murdaugh, C., Persons, M & Pender , N. 2021 . Sjukskötarens hälsofrämjande arbete.
Pellmer, K., Wramner, B. & Wramner H. 2017. Grundläggande folkhälsovetenskap. Liber, Stockholm.
Svanström, L. 2017. Att mäta folkhälsa. Kriterier för bra folkhälsoarbete.
Valda artiklar.
Institutet för Hälsa och Välfärd
Social- och hälsovårdsministeriet (not translated)
Inbandad introduktion till kursen på Moodle, Power Point och hänvisning till aktuella websidor på Moodle, portfolio, individuella uppgifter samt rapport på moodle.
02.09.2024 - 18.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 14.09.2024
10 - 50
Camilla Mattjus, Anna-Lena Nieminen, Pia Liljeroth
Kursen är online och studierna förverkligas sjävständigt under tiden 2/9-18/10.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
3 credits
Moodle tentamen 17 /10 klockan 09.00-11.00
3 sp
1 sp = 27 timmar (not translated)
Anna-Lena Nieminen
Bringsén, Å., Lindström N.& Arnesson K. 2019. Hälsopromotion i teori och praktik: olika arenor och målgrupper. Liber AB.
Brylde, B. 2011. Folkhälsoarbetets etik. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Elinder, L. & Kwak L. 2014. Evidensbaserat Folkhälsoarbete. Studentlitteratur AB, Lund.
Larsson, C., Murdaugh, C., Persons, M & Pender , N. 2021 . Sjukskötarens hälsofrämjande arbete.
Pellmer, K., Wramner, B. & Wramner H. 2017. Grundläggande folkhälsovetenskap. Liber, Stockholm.
Svanström, L. 2017. Att mäta folkhälsa. Kriterier för bra folkhälsoarbete.
Valda artiklar.
Institutet för Hälsa och Välfärd
Social- och Hälsovårdsministeriet
Föreläsning, självstudier, grupparbete och workshops.
Några lektioner är online, se moodle
18.11.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
0 - 35
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Pia Liljeroth
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Godkända individuella -och grupparbete samt tentamen (då kursen avslutas)
3 sp
1 sp = 27 timmar
Rika Levy-Malmberg
Care Assessment:
Berk, T., Thalmann, M., Jensen, K. O., Schwarzenberg, P., Jukema, G. N., Pape, H.-C., & Halvachizadeh, S. (2023). Implementation of a novel nursing assessment tool in geriatric trauma patients with proximal femur fractures. PLoS ONE, 17(6), 1–11.
Gasperini, B., Pelusi, G., Frascati, A., Sarti, D., Dolcini, F., Espinosa, E., & Prospero, E. (2021). Predictors of adverse outcomes using a multidimensional nursing assessment in an Italian community hospital. PLoS ONE, 16(4), 1–10.
Finch, T., Fay, M., Smith, J., Kleiser, H., Dews, D., Roberts, S., Shaw, F., Haining, S., & Oliver, L. (2022). Using care and support planning to implement routine falls prevention and management for people living with frailty: A qualitative evaluation. PLoS ONE, 17(10), 1–17.
Puustinen, J., Kangasniemi, M., & Turjamaa, R. (2021). Are comprehensive and individually designed care and service plans for older people’s home care a vision or a reality in Finland? Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(5), e144–e152.
Dufour, E., Bolduc, J., Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Charette, M., Dufour, I., Roy, D., Poirier, A.-A., & Duhoux, A. (2023). Examining nursing processes in primary care settings using the Chronic Care Model: an umbrella review. BMC Primary Care, 24(1), 1–18.
Health technology:
Nordens välfärdscenter
Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions
Terveys- ja hyvinvointiteknologia - mitä yritysten ja sote-organisaatioiden tulee tietää?
Tekoäly ja terveydenhuolto Suomessa
Digitally engaged physicians about the digital health transition
A short guide for medical professionals in the era of artificial intelligence
Digital Health Technologies and Well-Being in the Future
lectures, group discussion and seminar
07.10.2024 - 17.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 35
Frida Gädda, Rika Levy-Malmberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Seminar and assignment
instruction will be given in Moodle
Seminar and assignments See in Moodle
1 ECTS= 27 hours
Care assessment 2 credits - grade from 0-5
Health technology 1 credit - grade pass/fail
Did not achieve any of the criteria
In order to obtain 1 (satisfactory), the participants should have helpfully performed the tasks with answers that meet the learning objectives.
In order to obtain 2 (extremely satisfactory), the participant should, in addition to what is stated for grades 1, have completed the course in a satisfactory manner and shown activity and own initiatives.
In order to obtain 3 (good), the participant should have completed the course in a satisfactory manner and in his / her answers shown proof that he / she has read the literature and on the basis of this presented well-thought-out answers and actively participated in the discussions.
To obtain 4 (extremely good) the same things are required as for the grade 3, but the participant's answers show a greater depth, further own reflections in the tasks and a more lively activity in the discussions.
To obtain 5 (praiseworthy) the participant should have completed the course and in their answers shown that he / she has read and understood the literature by presenting answers and comments that are excellent and include their own reflections. The participant should actively participate in the discussions, refer to a larger amount of scientific literature and be able to show how his / her knowledge has been deepened during the course.
Rika Levy-Malmberg
Care Assessment:
Berk, T., Thalmann, M., Jensen, K. O., Schwarzenberg, P., Jukema, G. N., Pape, H.-C., & Halvachizadeh, S. (2023). Implementation of a novel nursing assessment tool in geriatric trauma patients with proximal femur fractures. PLoS ONE, 17(6), 1–11.
Gasperini, B., Pelusi, G., Frascati, A., Sarti, D., Dolcini, F., Espinosa, E., & Prospero, E. (2021). Predictors of adverse outcomes using a multidimensional nursing assessment in an Italian community hospital. PLoS ONE, 16(4), 1–10.
Finch, T., Fay, M., Smith, J., Kleiser, H., Dews, D., Roberts, S., Shaw, F., Haining, S., & Oliver, L. (2022). Using care and support planning to implement routine falls prevention and management for people living with frailty: A qualitative evaluation. PLoS ONE, 17(10), 1–17.
Puustinen, J., Kangasniemi, M., & Turjamaa, R. (2021). Are comprehensive and individually designed care and service plans for older people’s home care a vision or a reality in Finland? Health & Social Care in the Community, 29(5), e144–e152.
Dufour, E., Bolduc, J., Leclerc-Loiselle, J., Charette, M., Dufour, I., Roy, D., Poirier, A.-A., & Duhoux, A. (2023). Examining nursing processes in primary care settings using the Chronic Care Model: an umbrella review. BMC Primary Care, 24(1), 1–18.
Health technology:
Nordens välfärdscenter
Healthcare and care through distance spanning solutions
Terveys- ja hyvinvointiteknologia - mitä yritysten ja sote-organisaatioiden tulee tietää?
Tekoäly ja terveydenhuolto Suomessa
Digitally engaged physicians about the digital health transition
A short guide for medical professionals in the era of artificial intelligence
Digital Health Technologies and Well-Being in the Future
lectures, group discussion and seminar
09.09.2024 - 13.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 08.09.2024
10 - 45
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Rika Levy-Malmberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Seminar and assignment
instruction will be given in Moodle
Seminar and assignments See in Moodle
1 ECTS= 27 hours
Care assessment 2 credits - grade from 0-5
Health technology 1 credit - grade pass/fail
Did not achieve any of the criteria
In order to obtain 1 (satisfactory), the participants should have helpfully performed the tasks with answers that meet the learning objectives.
In order to obtain 2 (extremely satisfactory), the participant should, in addition to what is stated for grades 1, have completed the course in a satisfactory manner and shown activity and own initiatives.
In order to obtain 3 (good), the participant should have completed the course in a satisfactory manner and in his / her answers shown proof that he / she has read the literature and on the basis of this presented well-thought-out answers and actively participated in the discussions.
To obtain 4 (extremely good) the same things are required as for the grade 3, but the participant's answers show a greater depth, further own reflections in the tasks and a more lively activity in the discussions.
To obtain 5 (praiseworthy) the participant should have completed the course and in their answers shown that he / she has read and understood the literature by presenting answers and comments that are excellent and include their own reflections. The participant should actively participate in the discussions, refer to a larger amount of scientific literature and be able to show how his / her knowledge has been deepened during the course.
Terese Österberg
Scientific articles
Supervised clinical practice at delivery ward.
Supervision and assessment discussion with the teacher.
Individual reflections and case.
Information and seminar.
According to Plan for Clinical Studies.
Seminar mandatory
Approved individual assignments (reflection diary and case).
09.09.2024 - 31.05.2025
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
Terese Österberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Midwifery
Performed and approved clinical practice.
Reflection diary.
Case with current theme from clinical practice, with references to at least two scientific sources.
Participation in internship seminar.
All documents must be submitted to the teacher no later than one week after completing the internship.
27h / cr
1.5 cr / working week = 40 hours. Of these, 38 hours are performed at the internship and 2 hours are considered for individual assignments. The seminar comprising 3 hours is included in the total working hours.
Terese Österberg
Scientific articles
Supervised clinical practice in postnatal care.
Supervision and assessment discussion with the teacher.
Individual reflections and case.
Information and seminar.
According to Plan for Clinical Studies.
Seminar mandatory.
Approved individual assignments (reflection diary and case).
30.09.2024 - 31.08.2025
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
Terese Österberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Midwifery
Performed and approved clinical practice.
Reflection diary.
Case with current theme from clinical practice, with references to at least two scientific sources.
Participation in internship seminar.
All documents must be submitted to the teacher no later than one week after completing the internship.
27h / cr
1.5 cr / working week = 40 hours. Of these, 38 hours are performed at the internship and 2 hours are considered for individual assignments. The seminar comprising 3 hours is included in the total working hours.
Marice Nedergård
80% Face-to-face, 20% Distance learning
Boman, L. & Wikström, C. 2019. Medicinsk teknik. Teori, planering och genomförande. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Röda Korsets ABO-nätkurs.
Käypä hoito - suositus: Elvytys Akuuttihoito opas: Elvytys ja elvytetyn potilaan jatkohoito
Laboratoriotutkimusten näytteenotto (2021, Friman, Tarja; Kuparinen, Marja; Lehto, Liisa & Liikanen Eeva)
Näytteenottajan käsikirja (2016, Matikainen, Anna-Mari; Miettinen Marja & Wasström, Kalle)
Klinisk kemi: Kortfattad analystolkning (2014, Lund-Egloff, D. & Löwbeer, C.)
Jorfeldt, L., & Pahlm, O. (2011). EKG: Grunder, handledning vid tolkning och 101 kliniska fall. Studentlitteratur.
Lind, Y., & Lind, L. (2010). EKG-boken, bok med eLabb. Liber.
Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, individual assignments, problem solving.
Clinical exercises in laboratory class.
02.09.2024 - 13.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Mikaela Engvall, Katarina Vironen, Jannica Andtfolk, Marice Nedergård
Mandatory attendance at clinical exercises in laboratory class.
In clinical exercises, care clothes and slippers is used.
See Moodle for more information!
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Red Cross blood web-course made last
Clinical exam week
Resuscitation test according to schedule
Radiation safety: On-line examination, the date will be decided the first lecture
5 sp Totalt 135 h
Obligatorisk närvaro introduktionsföreläsningen och vid alla övningar.
Teori: 4 h
Övningsstationer; ca 20 h/grupp
Hemuppgift: Blodtransfusionscase hemuppgift och Webbkursen Blodtransfusionens ABO. 1 – 1½ h (60 – 80 min)/stud
Klinisk examination: Förberedelser inför examination och filmning av examination, ca 3 h /studerande
4 h teori (alla)
4h Klinska övningar grupp 1 OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
4h Kliniska övningar grupp 2 OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
4h Examination grupp 1 (enligt skilld bokning) OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
4h Examination grupp 2 (enligt skilld bokning) OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
7h Förberedande för examination.
Inblick i klinisk laboratorieverksamhet, grunder för venös provtagning och EKG, teori, Grupp 1 och 2, 6 h
Hemuppgift: Preanalytiska faktorer, kunskapstest, förberedelser inför kliniska övningar
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 1, 4 h Blodprov, venös provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 2, 4 h Blodprov, venös provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 1, 4 h EKG provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 2, 4 h EKG provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
STRÅLSÄKERHET 1sp= 27t (not translated)
Approved individual tasks and exercises.
Approved Red Cross ABO online course.
Passed clinical examination: Grade GK / UK
Radiation safety: Grade Approved/ Failed
Marice Nedergård
80% Face-to-face, 20% Distance learning
Boman, L. & Wikström, C. 2019. Medicinsk teknik. Teori, planering och genomförande. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Röda Korsets ABO-nätkurs.
Käypä hoito - suositus: Elvytys Akuuttihoito opas: Elvytys ja elvytetyn potilaan jatkohoito
Laboratoriotutkimusten näytteenotto (2021, Friman, Tarja; Kuparinen, Marja; Lehto, Liisa & Liikanen Eeva)
Näytteenottajan käsikirja (2016, Matikainen, Anna-Mari; Miettinen Marja & Wasström, Kalle)
Klinisk kemi: Kortfattad analystolkning (2014, Lund-Egloff, D. & Löwbeer, C.)
Jorfeldt, L., & Pahlm, O. (2011). EKG: Grunder, handledning vid tolkning och 101 kliniska fall. Studentlitteratur.
Lind, Y., & Lind, L. (2010). EKG-boken, bok med eLabb. Liber.
Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, individual assignments, problem solving.
Clinical exercises in laboratory class.
14.10.2024 - 01.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 20.10.2024
10 - 44
Mikaela Engvall, Katarina Vironen, Jannica Andtfolk, Marice Nedergård
Mandatory attendance at clinical exercises in laboratory class.
In clinical exercises, care clothes and slippers is used.
See Moodle for more information!
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Red Cross blood web-course made last
Clinical exam week
Resuscitation test according to schedule
Radiation safety: On-line examination, the date will be decided the first lecture
5 sp Totalt 135 h
Obligatorisk närvaro introduktionsföreläsningen och vid alla övningar.
Teori: 4 h
Övningsstationer; ca 20 h/grupp
Hemuppgift: Blodtransfusionscase hemuppgift och Webbkursen Blodtransfusionens ABO. 1 – 1½ h (60 – 80 min)/stud
Klinisk examination: Förberedelser inför examination och filmning av examination, ca 3 h /studerande
4 h teori (alla)
4h Klinska övningar grupp 1 OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
4h Kliniska övningar grupp 2 OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
4h Examination grupp 1 (enligt skilld bokning) OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
4h Examination grupp 2 (enligt skilld bokning) OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
7h Förberedande för examination.
Inblick i klinisk laboratorieverksamhet, grunder för venös provtagning och EKG, teori, Grupp 1 och 2, 6 h
Hemuppgift: Preanalytiska faktorer, kunskapstest, förberedelser inför kliniska övningar
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 1, 4 h Blodprov, venös provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 2, 4 h Blodprov, venös provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 1, 4 h EKG provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 2, 4 h EKG provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
STRÅLSÄKERHET 1sp= 27t (not translated)
Approved individual tasks and exercises.
Approved Red Cross ABO online course.
Passed clinical examination: Grade GK / UK
Radiation safety: Grade Approved/ Failed
Marice Nedergård
60% Face-to-face, 40% Distance learning
Boman, L. & Wikström, C. 2019. Medicinsk teknik. Teori, planering och genomförande. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Röda Korsets ABO-nätkurs.
Käypä hoito - suositus: Elvytys Akuuttihoito opas: Elvytys ja elvytetyn potilaan jatkohoito
Laboratoriotutkimusten näytteenotto (2021, Friman, Tarja; Kuparinen, Marja; Lehto, Liisa & Liikanen Eeva)
Näytteenottajan käsikirja (2016, Matikainen, Anna-Mari; Miettinen Marja & Wasström, Kalle)
Klinisk kemi: Kortfattad analystolkning (2014, Lund-Egloff, D. & Löwbeer, C.)
Jorfeldt, L., & Pahlm, O. (2011). EKG: Grunder, handledning vid tolkning och 101 kliniska fall. Studentlitteratur.
Lind, Y., & Lind, L. (2010). EKG-boken, bok med eLabb. Liber.
Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, individual assignments, problem solving.
Clinical exercises in laboratory class.
28.08.2024 - 11.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 01.09.2024
10 - 48
Mikaela Engvall, Jannica Andtfolk, Carina Gädda, Marice Nedergård
Mandatory attendance at clinical exercises in laboratory class.
In clinical exercises, care clothes and slippers is used.
See Moodle for more information!
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
Red Cross blood web-course made last
Clinical exam week
Resuscitation test according to schedule
Radiation safety: On-line examination, the date will be decided the first lecture
5 sp Totalt 135 h
Obligatorisk närvaro vid alla övningar.
Teori: 4 h
Övningsstationer; ca 20 h/grupp
Hemuppgift: Blodtransfusionscase hemuppgift och Webbkursen Blodtransfusionens ABO. 1 – 1½ h (60 – 80 min)/stud
Klinisk examination: Förberedelser inför examination och filmning av examination, ca 3 h /studerande
4 h teori (alla)
4h Klinska övningar grupp 1 OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
4h Kliniska övningar grupp 2 OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
4h Examination grupp 1 (enligt skilld bokning) OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
4h Examination grupp 2 (enligt skilld bokning) OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
7h Förberedande för examination.
Inblick i klinisk laboratorieverksamhet, grunder för venös provtagning och EKG, teori, Grupp 1 och 2, 6 h
Hemuppgift: Preanalytiska faktorer, kunskapstest, förberedelser inför kliniska övningar
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 1, 4 h Blodprov, venös provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 2, 4 h Blodprov, venös provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 1, 4 h EKG provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Kliniska övningar, Grupp 2, 4 h EKG provtagning OBLIGATORISK NÄRVARO
Förverkligas digitalt (not translated)
Approved individual tasks and exercises.
Approved Red Cross ABO online course.
Passed clinical examination: Grade GK / UK
Radiation safety: Grade Approved/ Failed
Terese Österberg
Scientific articles
Supervised clinical practice at delivery ward.
Supervision and assessment discussion with the teacher.
Individual reflections and case.
Information and seminar.
According to Plan for Clinical Studies.
Seminar mandatory
Approved individual assignments (reflection diary and case).
01.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 29.09.2024
0 - 15
Terese Österberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Midwifery
Performed and approved clinical practice.
Reflection diary.
Case with current theme from clinical practice, with references to at least two scientific sources.
Participation in internship seminar.
All documents must be submitted to the teacher no later than one week after completing the internship.
27h / cr
1.5 cr / working week = 40 hours. Of these, 38 hours are performed at the internship and 2 hours are considered for individual assignments. The seminar comprising 3 hours is included in the total working hours.
Sirkku Säätelä
Nordeng& Spigset. Farmakologi och farmakologisk omvårdnad eller
Koskinen et al. 2012. Lääketietoa ammatilaisille
Läkemedelsboken online
Articles, films and podcast according to instructions
Online 100%
Groupdiscussions/workshops online
recorded lectures
forumdiscusiion and supervisiononline
Final online test / multiple choice
Assigmets and workshops Appr+ /Appr/ complete/not pass
Online test 0-5 /0% correct answers for pass
02.12.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Sirkku Säätelä
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Short micro assignments / week according to Novia digistrategy Workshops
Final test online l
27h arbete /sp för studerande
totalt 54 h arbete (not translated)
Kursen är periodiserad på based av innehåll i mindre deluppgifter sk microinlärninsgmoduler
Deluppgifterna görs i kronologisk ordning så att den föregående uppgiften ska vara gjor för att kunna gå vidare till nästa sektion.
Sluttest online sista kursveckan schemalagd (not translated)
Assignment done according to instructions with critical and analytic approach = Appr + Can higher the testresult if near limit to higher grade
Assignment done according to instructions and handed in according to deadline= appr
Assignment incomplete and need to be completed : Complete
Assignment not handed in or handed in 4 week after course is finished : Not appr
Assigment handed in too late ( < 4 weeks) can lower grade
Sirkku Säätelä
Nordeng& Spigset. Farmakologi och farmakologisk omvårdnad eller
Koskinen et al. 2012. Lääketietoa ammatilaisille
Läkemedelsboken online
Articles, films and podcast according to instructions
Online 100%
Groupdiscussions/workshops online
recorded lectures
forumdiscusiion and supervisiononline
Final online test / multiple choice
Assigmets and workshops Appr+ /Appr/ complete/not pass
Online test 0-5 /0% correct answers for pass
25.11.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Sirkku Säätelä
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Short micro assignments / week according to Novia digistrategy Workshops
Final test online l
27h arbete /sp för studerande
totalt 54 h arbete (not translated)
Kursen är periodiserad på based av innehåll i mindre deluppgifter sk microinlärninsgmoduler
Deluppgifterna görs i kronologisk ordning så att den föregående uppgiften ska vara gjor för att kunna gå vidare till nästa sektion.
Sluttest online sista kursveckan schemalagd (not translated)
Assignment done according to instructions with critical and analytic approach = Appr + Can higher the testresult if near limit to higher grade
Assignment done according to instructions and handed in according to deadline= appr
Assignment incomplete and need to be completed : Complete
Assignment not handed in or handed in 4 week after course is finished : Not appr
Assigment handed in too late ( < 4 weeks) can lower grade
Sirkku Säätelä
Nordeng& Spigset. Farmakologi och farmakologisk omvårdnad eller
Koskinen et al. 2012. Lääketietoa ammatilaisille
Läkemedelsboken online
Articles, films and podcast according to instructions
Online 100%
Groupdiscussions/workshops online
recorded lectures
forumdiscusiion and supervisiononline
Final online test / multiple choice
Assigmets and workshops Appr+ /Appr/ complete/not pass
Online test 0-5 /0% correct answers for pass
02.09.2024 - 13.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 01.09.2024
10 - 44
Sirkku Säätelä
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Short micro assignments / week according to Novia digistrategy Workshops
Final test online l
27h arbete /sp för studerande
totalt 54 h arbete (not translated)
Kursen är periodiserad på based av innehåll i mindre deluppgifter sk microinlärninsgmoduler
Deluppgifterna görs i kronologisk ordning så att den föregående uppgiften ska vara gjor för att kunna gå vidare till nästa sektion.
Sluttest online sista kursveckan schemalagd (not translated)
Assignment done according to instructions with critical and analytic approach = Appr + Can higher the testresult if near limit to higher grade
Assignment done according to instructions and handed in according to deadline= appr
Assignment incomplete and need to be completed : Complete
Assignment not handed in or handed in 4 week after course is finished : Not appr
Assigment handed in too late ( < 4 weeks) can lower grade
Sirkku Säätelä
Nordeng& Spigset. Farmakologi och farmakologisk omvårdnad eller
Koskinen et al. 2012. Lääketietoa ammatilaisille
Läkemedelsboken online
Articles, films and podcast according to instructions
Online 100%
Groupdiscussions/workshops online
recorded lectures
forumdiscusiion and supervisiononline
Final online test / multiple choice
Assigmets and workshops Appr+ /Appr/ complete/not pass
Online test 0-5 /0% correct answers for pass
02.09.2024 - 13.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Sirkku Säätelä
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Short micro assignments / week according to Novia digistrategy Workshops
Final test online l
27h arbete /sp för studerande
totalt 54 h arbete (not translated)
Kursen är periodiserad på based av innehåll i mindre deluppgifter sk microinlärninsgmoduler
Deluppgifterna görs i kronologisk ordning så att den föregående uppgiften ska vara gjor för att kunna gå vidare till nästa sektion.
Sluttest online sista kursveckan schemalagd (not translated)
Assignment done according to instructions with critical and analytic approach = Appr + Can higher the testresult if near limit to higher grade
Assignment done according to instructions and handed in according to deadline= appr
Assignment incomplete and need to be completed : Complete
Assignment not handed in or handed in 4 week after course is finished : Not appr
Assigment handed in too late ( < 4 weeks) can lower grade
Ann-Louise Glasberg
34% Face-to-face, 66% Distance learning
Maria Henricson (red.) (2023). Vetenskaplig teori och metod - från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
• Alligood & Marriner Tomey (2018). Nursing theorists and their work, 9th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.
• Backman, Y., Gardelli, T., Gardelli, V. & Persson, A., 2012. Vetenskapliga tankeverktyg: till grund för akademiska studier. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Dahlberg, K., 2014. Att undersöka Hälsa & Vårdande. Natur & Kultur (Kvalitativ metod).
• Denscombe, M., 2016. Forskningshandboken: för småskaliga forskningsprojekt inom samhällsvetenskaperna. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Ejvegård, R., 2009. Vetenskaplig metod. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Friberg, F. (red.), 2017. Dags för uppsats – vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Forsberg, C. & Wengström, Y., 2013. Att göra systematiska litteraturstudier. Värdering, analys och presentation av omvårdnadsforskning. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
• Granskär, M. & Höglund-Nielsen, B., 2012. Tillämpad kvalitativ forskning inom hälso- och sjukvård. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Jacobsen, D.I., 2012. Förståelse, beskrivning och förklaring: introduktion till samhällsvetenskaplig metod för hälsovård och socialt arbete. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Kristensson, J, 2014. Handbok i uppsatsskrivande och forskningsmetodik för studenter inom hälso- och vårdvetenskap. Natur och Kultur.
• Malterud, K., 2014. Kvalitativa metoder i medicinsk forskning: en introduktion. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Nehls, E., (2021). Nybörjarens guide till vetenskapligt tänkande. Lund: Studentlitteratur
• Nyberg, R. & Tidström, A., 2012. Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Olsson, H. & Sörensen, S., 2021 (även 2011). Forskningsprocessen. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber.
• Parker, M.E., (2019). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. F.A. Davis Company.
• Patel, R. & Davidson, B., 2011. Forskningsmetodikens grunder: att planera, genomföra och rapportera en undersökning. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Smith, M., 2019. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. F.A. Davis Company.
• Tjora, A. & Torhell, S-E., 2012. Från nyfikenhet till systematisk kunskap: kvalitativ forskning i praktiken. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Trost, J. & Hultåker, O., 2016. Enkätboken 5 upl. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Novia har licens att använda MOT Kielipalvelu:
• MOT Ordböcker: 29 ordböcker; allmänna och specialordböcker
• MOT Översättare: automatisk översättning, till 26 språk
• MOT Språkgranskare
• MOT Ordlistor: exempelvis ”Terveydenhuoltosanastoa”
Mera om innehållet:
Adressen fungerar när du är på campus, i Novias nät, medan följande adress fungerar på distans: (not translated)
Individual assignment
Research plan for thesis
Arbetsplan för examensarbete: uk-gk.
Planen skall innehålla följande delar (för gk):
• Novia titelblad
• Innehållsförteckning
• Inledning (minst 1 sid): skall innehålla minst 2 källor
• Syfte och frågeställningar
• Bakgrund (minst 4 sidor). Skall innehålla: 1 stud. minst 6 källor, varav minst 2 vetenskapliga; 2 stud. minst 9 källor, varav minst 4 vetenskapliga; 3 stud. minst 12 källor, varav minst 6 vetenskapliga
• Metod (minst 1 sida): Urval; Datainsamling; Dataanalysmetod; Etiska överväganden och Tidsplan
• Källförteckning (över de källor som används i planen)
Omfattning min 6 sidor och max 9 sidor (exkl. titelblad, innehållsförteckning och källförteckning)
Skall följa Novias skrivanvisningar (not translated)
07.10.2024 - 22.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 21.08.2024
10 - 35
Ann-Louise Glasberg
Enligt Novias processbeskrivning:
"Till studier som leder till yrkeshögskoleexamen ingår ett lärdomsprov som vid Novia kallas examensarbete. Examensarbetet är en analys av ett problem från verkligheten där du kan använda de kunskaper du fått under dina studier och specialisera dig inom ett ämnesområde. Det är viktigt att slutföra en kurs i forskningsmetodik före du börjar med examensarbetet."
Innebär att kurs i forskningsmetodik skall vara slutförd eller påbörjad och slutförs under processen med skrivandet av planen för examensarbetet. Motsvarande kurs i forskningsmetodik vid annan yrkeshögskola eller universitet kan beaktas.
Kursen är en av tre kursdelar för examensarbetet.
Den innebär självständigt arbete, skrivande av och feed-back av plan för examensarbete (EA). (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
3 credits
2 credits
Approved research plan for thesis.
Topics for thesis.
See Moodle.
27 h/cr = 81 h
Struktur saknas, likaså vissa källor och källhänvisningarna.
Hänvisningar och källförteckning följer inte de skriftliga anvisningar för examensarbete.
Syfte och frågeställningarna är otydliga och saknar vårdperspektivet.
Metoden för examensarbetet är oklar.
Godkänd: Följer anvisningarna och alla delar finns med. (not translated)
Ann-Louise Glasberg
34% Face-to-face, 66% Distance learning
Maria Henricson (red.) (2023). Vetenskaplig teori och metod - från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
• Alligood & Marriner Tomey (2018). Nursing theorists and their work, 9th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.
• Backman, Y., Gardelli, T., Gardelli, V. & Persson, A., 2012. Vetenskapliga tankeverktyg: till grund för akademiska studier. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Dahlberg, K., 2014. Att undersöka Hälsa & Vårdande. Natur & Kultur (Kvalitativ metod).
• Denscombe, M., 2016. Forskningshandboken: för småskaliga forskningsprojekt inom samhällsvetenskaperna. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Ejvegård, R., 2009. Vetenskaplig metod. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Friberg, F. (red.), 2017. Dags för uppsats – vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Forsberg, C. & Wengström, Y., 2013. Att göra systematiska litteraturstudier. Värdering, analys och presentation av omvårdnadsforskning. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
• Granskär, M. & Höglund-Nielsen, B., 2012. Tillämpad kvalitativ forskning inom hälso- och sjukvård. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Jacobsen, D.I., 2012. Förståelse, beskrivning och förklaring: introduktion till samhällsvetenskaplig metod för hälsovård och socialt arbete. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Kristensson, J, 2014. Handbok i uppsatsskrivande och forskningsmetodik för studenter inom hälso- och vårdvetenskap. Natur och Kultur.
• Malterud, K., 2014. Kvalitativa metoder i medicinsk forskning: en introduktion. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Nehls, E., (2021). Nybörjarens guide till vetenskapligt tänkande. Lund: Studentlitteratur
• Nyberg, R. & Tidström, A., 2012. Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Olsson, H. & Sörensen, S., 2021 (även 2011). Forskningsprocessen. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber.
• Parker, M.E., (2019). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. F.A. Davis Company.
• Patel, R. & Davidson, B., 2011. Forskningsmetodikens grunder: att planera, genomföra och rapportera en undersökning. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Smith, M., 2019. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. F.A. Davis Company.
• Tjora, A. & Torhell, S-E., 2012. Från nyfikenhet till systematisk kunskap: kvalitativ forskning i praktiken. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Trost, J. & Hultåker, O., 2016. Enkätboken 5 upl. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Novia har licens att använda MOT Kielipalvelu:
• MOT Ordböcker: 29 ordböcker; allmänna och specialordböcker
• MOT Översättare: automatisk översättning, till 26 språk
• MOT Språkgranskare
• MOT Ordlistor: exempelvis ”Terveydenhuoltosanastoa”
Mera om innehållet:
Adressen fungerar när du är på campus, i Novias nät, medan följande adress fungerar på distans: (not translated)
Individual assignment
Research plan for thesis
Arbetsplan för examensarbete: uk-gk.
Planen skall innehålla följande delar (för gk):
• Novia titelblad
• Innehållsförteckning
• Inledning (minst 1 sid): skall innehålla minst 2 källor
• Syfte och frågeställningar
• Bakgrund (minst 4 sidor). Skall innehålla: 1 stud. minst 6 källor, varav minst 2 vetenskapliga; 2 stud. minst 9 källor, varav minst 4 vetenskapliga; 3 stud. minst 12 källor, varav minst 6 vetenskapliga
• Metod (minst 1 sida): Urval; Datainsamling; Dataanalysmetod; Etiska överväganden och Tidsplan
• Källförteckning (över de källor som används i planen)
Omfattning min 6 sidor och max 9 sidor (exkl. titelblad, innehållsförteckning och källförteckning)
Skall följa Novias skrivanvisningar (not translated)
02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 02.09.2024
10 - 45
Ann-Louise Glasberg
Enligt Novias processbeskrivning:
"Till studier som leder till yrkeshögskoleexamen ingår ett lärdomsprov som vid Novia kallas examensarbete. Examensarbetet är en analys av ett problem från verkligheten där du kan använda de kunskaper du fått under dina studier och specialisera dig inom ett ämnesområde. Det är viktigt att slutföra en kurs i forskningsmetodik före du börjar med examensarbetet."
Innebär att kurs i forskningsmetodik skall vara slutförd eller påbörjad och slutförs under processen med skrivandet av planen för examensarbetet. Motsvarande kurs i forskningsmetodik vid annan yrkeshögskola eller universitet kan beaktas.
Kursen är en av tre kursdelar för examensarbetet.
Den innebär självständigt arbete, skrivande av och feed-back av plan för examensarbete (EA). (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
3 credits
2 credits
Approved research plan for thesis.
Topics for thesis.
See Moodle.
27 h/cr = 81 h
Struktur saknas, likaså vissa källor och källhänvisningarna.
Hänvisningar och källförteckning följer inte de skriftliga anvisningar för examensarbete.
Syfte och frågeställningarna är otydliga och saknar vårdperspektivet.
Metoden för examensarbetet är oklar.
Godkänd: Följer anvisningarna och alla delar finns med. (not translated)
Ann-Louise Glasberg
17% Face-to-face, 83% Distance learning
Henricson, M. (red.) (2023). Vetenskaplig teori och metod - från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Alligood & Marriner Tomey (2018). Nursing theorists and their work, 9th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.
• Backman, Y., Gardelli, T., Gardelli, V. & Persson, A., 2012. Vetenskapliga tankeverktyg: till grund för akademiska studier. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Dahlberg, K., 2014. Att undersöka Hälsa & Vårdande. Natur & Kultur (Kvalitativ metod).
• Denscombe, M., 2016. Forskningshandboken: för småskaliga forskningsprojekt inom samhällsvetenskaperna. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Ejvegård, R., 2009. Vetenskaplig metod. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Friberg, F. (red.), 2017. Dags för uppsats – vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Forsberg, C. & Wengström, Y., 2013. Att göra systematiska litteraturstudier. Värdering, analys och presentation av omvårdnadsforskning. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
• Granskär, M. & Höglund-Nielsen, B., 2012. Tillämpad kvalitativ forskning inom hälso- och sjukvård. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Jacobsen, D.I., 2012. Förståelse, beskrivning och förklaring: introduktion till samhällsvetenskaplig metod för hälsovård och socialt arbete. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Kristensson, J, 2014. Handbok i uppsatsskrivande och forskningsmetodik för studenter inom hälso- och vårdvetenskap. Natur och Kultur.
• Malterud, K., 2014. Kvalitativa metoder i medicinsk forskning: en introduktion. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Nehls, E., (2021). Nybörjarens guide till vetenskapligt tänkande. Lund: Studentlitteratur
• Nyberg, R. & Tidström, A., 2012. Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Olsson, H. & Sörensen, S., 2021 (även 2011). Forskningsprocessen. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber.
• Parker, M.E., (2019). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. F.A. Davis Company.
• Patel, R. & Davidson, B., 2011. Forskningsmetodikens grunder: att planera, genomföra och rapportera en undersökning. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Smith, M., 2019. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. F.A. Davis Company.
• Tjora, A. & Torhell, S-E., 2012. Från nyfikenhet till systematisk kunskap: kvalitativ forskning i praktiken. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Trost, J. & Hultåker, O., 2016. Enkätboken 5 upl. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Följer anvisningarna för mellanseminarium.
Datainsamlingen skall vara gjord och dataanalysen påbörjad för gk.
De som inte kan delta (eller kommit så långt i EA-processen) får gk i samband med att de presenterar det färdiga examensarbetet (EX03). (not translated)
25.11.2024 - 30.03.2025
15.06.2024 - 05.01.2025
10 - 35
Ann-Louise Glasberg
Planen för examensarbetet (EX01) skall var godkänd innan man deltar i mellansemi. (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
6 credits
5 credits
EX02 godkänns senast i samband med presentation av färdigt examensarbete (EX03). (not translated)
Topic for thesis.
Mid-seminar ccording to schedual.
27 h/cr = 162 h
Strukturen följer anvisningarna
Bakgrunden är relevant och informativ, samt ger motivering till val av forskningsområde
Syfte och frågeställningar uppvisar en klar avgränsning med ett tydligt vårdperspektiv
Datainsamling och -analys är påbörjad.
Källorna är relevanta och aktuella för syfte och frågeställningarna
Källhänvisningarna är gjorda på korrekt sätt och källförteckningen följer anvisningar för examensarbete (not translated)
Anita Wikberg
84% Face-to-face, 16% Distance learning
According to the subject for thesis and literature for research method is free of choice
See VÅV22UV01-3002
Individual work under supervision
Seminar for presentation of parts of thesis, discussion and supervision
The theoretical framework for thesis i suitable for the content and can be approved. The methodology is described and the data collection is almost done. the analysis of the data has begun. The thesis work is under construction.
07.10.2024 - 31.01.2025
15.06.2024 - 02.09.2024
10 - 30
Anita Wikberg
Approved work, consisting of theoretical framework to thesis, description of methodology used, collected datamaterial and the analysis of data has begun.
Use Instructions for writing a thesis and word template available on Novia homepage
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
6 credits
1 credits
See Novia instructions for validation
The thesis can be ordered from a health organization
See time schedule, seminar i January 2025
The hours counted for the course is 162 (6 cu) and contains mainly independent work but individual supervision is available during the course
October to January
Ann-Louise Glasberg
17% Face-to-face, 83% Distance learning
Henricson, M. (red.) (2023). Vetenskaplig teori och metod - från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Alligood & Marriner Tomey (2018). Nursing theorists and their work, 9th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier.
• Backman, Y., Gardelli, T., Gardelli, V. & Persson, A., 2012. Vetenskapliga tankeverktyg: till grund för akademiska studier. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Dahlberg, K., 2014. Att undersöka Hälsa & Vårdande. Natur & Kultur (Kvalitativ metod).
• Denscombe, M., 2016. Forskningshandboken: för småskaliga forskningsprojekt inom samhällsvetenskaperna. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Ejvegård, R., 2009. Vetenskaplig metod. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Friberg, F. (red.), 2017. Dags för uppsats – vägledning för litteraturbaserade examensarbeten. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Forsberg, C. & Wengström, Y., 2013. Att göra systematiska litteraturstudier. Värdering, analys och presentation av omvårdnadsforskning. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
• Granskär, M. & Höglund-Nielsen, B., 2012. Tillämpad kvalitativ forskning inom hälso- och sjukvård. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Jacobsen, D.I., 2012. Förståelse, beskrivning och förklaring: introduktion till samhällsvetenskaplig metod för hälsovård och socialt arbete. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Kristensson, J, 2014. Handbok i uppsatsskrivande och forskningsmetodik för studenter inom hälso- och vårdvetenskap. Natur och Kultur.
• Malterud, K., 2014. Kvalitativa metoder i medicinsk forskning: en introduktion. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Nehls, E., (2021). Nybörjarens guide till vetenskapligt tänkande. Lund: Studentlitteratur
• Nyberg, R. & Tidström, A., 2012. Skriv vetenskapliga uppsatser, examensarbeten och avhandlingar. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Olsson, H. & Sörensen, S., 2021 (även 2011). Forskningsprocessen. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber.
• Parker, M.E., (2019). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. F.A. Davis Company.
• Patel, R. & Davidson, B., 2011. Forskningsmetodikens grunder: att planera, genomföra och rapportera en undersökning. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Smith, M., 2019. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. F.A. Davis Company.
• Tjora, A. & Torhell, S-E., 2012. Från nyfikenhet till systematisk kunskap: kvalitativ forskning i praktiken. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
• Trost, J. & Hultåker, O., 2016. Enkätboken 5 upl. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Följer anvisningarna för mellanseminarium.
Datainsamlingen skall vara gjord och dataanalysen påbörjad för gk.
De som inte kan delta (eller kommit så långt i EA-processen) får gk i samband med att de presenterar det färdiga examensarbetet (EX03). (not translated)
25.11.2024 - 30.03.2025
15.06.2024 - 24.11.2024
10 - 45
Ann-Louise Glasberg
Planen för examensarbetet (EX01) skall var godkänd innan man deltar i mellansemi. (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
6 credits
5 credits
EX02 godkänns senast i samband med presentation av färdigt examensarbete (EX03). (not translated)
Topic for thesis.
Mid-seminar according to schedual.
27 h/cr = 162 h
Strukturen följer anvisningarna
Bakgrunden är relevant och informativ, samt ger motivering till val av forskningsområde
Syfte och frågeställningar uppvisar en klar avgränsning med ett tydligt vårdperspektiv
Datainsamling och -analys är påbörjad.
Källorna är relevanta och aktuella för syfte och frågeställningarna
Källhänvisningarna är gjorda på korrekt sätt och källförteckningen följer anvisningar för examensarbete (not translated)
Anita Wikberg
80% Face-to-face, 20% Distance learning
According to the chosen theme
Lectures, seminars and independent work with supervision
The development work is evaluated 1-5
Criteria for evaluation
Starting point for and goal of the development work
The theoretical foundation of development work
Area of use for the development work
Critical review of development work, process and product
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
8 - 15
Terese Österberg, Anita Wikberg, Marie Hjortell
The lectures and seminars are compulsory.
Novia instructions for writing thesis is used
AI is not allowed to use
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Midwifery
5 credits
1 credits
A finished product and presentation of development project
The work may be ordered from Health Care Center, hospital or other care institution
Presentation of development work in November 2024 or in May 2025
3 h lecture
4 h seminars
128 h individual work, with supervision
The development work does not fulfill the criterion for achieving 1
The purpose of the development work is unclearly formulated and the objective is not relevant or unclearly explained. The work includes all relevant parts but they are inadequately described
The purpose and objectives remain somewhat unclear and relate poorly to existing knowledge in the thematic area. The relevance of the development work is described, albeit superficially, and the delimitation is deficient
Justification for choosing background material / frame of reference is missing or is scarce / inconsistent. Ability to source criticism is lacking
Students' choice of background material / frame of reference is partly relevant. The ability to critique sources is weak. The process description / method description is based on literature but it is not fully applied as described. The process / method is not well chosen considering the product
The product / study is inadequately presented, has a greater anchoring in the respondents' own perception than in theory and expectations from working life. It requires extensive processing to be able to be used / published / distributed
The product is well presented, but the anchoring in the needs of working life is weakly substantiated and the product / information can form the basis for further processing before a possible spread.The description and motivation for choosing a product / study is very deficient and not entirely appropriate in terms of purpose, issues and area of use.
The description of and motivation for choosing a product / study method is weak. There are some errors in the product / study and the discussion and reflection on the implementation of the study / product is deficient.
The motivation for choosing a theme area is universal and the goal is clear but could be more clearly justified. The development work is clearly delimited.
The development work is clearly and logically structured and reflects purpose and objectives and a good ability to apply a scientific approach (with practical roots). The work includes all relevant parts and the parts are proportional in relation to each other
The purpose / objective is clearly described and the theoretical / pragmatic basis for the development work is clearly described and sufficient basic material (eg data material for analysis) has been used
The process description / method description is based on literature and there is a clear approach to anchoring the product's development in the process description / method. The process / method is well chosen with the product in mind. The respondent / respondents can reflect on the choice of process / method and discuss this.
Background / frame of reference well described, motivated, relevant and forms a good basis for the development work. The ability to critique sources is good. The process description / method description is well chosen with the product in mind, well described and is well rooted in literature. The process is carried out in accordance with the description and well described. The respondent / respondents are able to reflect and critically examine the choice and the discussion concerning the choice and the description of the process / method is well implemented.
The product / study is carefully carried out but has little grounding in working life and requires processing to be able to be used / published / disseminated
The product / study is carefully carried out, has a clear anchoring in working life requires a certain amount of processing to be able to be used / published / disseminated
The choice and justification of the method for the product / study is appropriate. The use of traditional methods (for both product and study) is good. The critical review is weak.
The description of method and approach is good and based on a good motivation. The respondent (s) master their methods well, and there is a clear connection to the purpose of the product / study. In the critical review of planning and implementation, the respondents show awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of the product / study.
The development work is current and innovative and develops the student's professional knowledge. The purpose and objective are clear and well motivated. The development work has been carried out in such a way that the purpose and objective are fulfilled.
The chosen subject area is discussed and the respondents / n / s are able to reflect on their subject area and add something new to the discussion.
The purpose / objective is clearly described and the theoretical / pragmatic basis for the development work is clearly described and is based on sufficient basic material. There is a pronounced / described anchoring in the degree project / in a need that is based on the care area. Background / frame of reference forms a clear and logical basis for the development work. The rationale for the choices made is clear, unambiguous and relevant. The student has made a meritorious synthesis. The ability to critique sources is commendable. The product is ready for distribution
The product / study is carefully carried out, has a clear anchoring in working life and is well processed to be used in working life / published / disseminated
The description and use of the method and approach are excellent and based on an excellent motivation. The report has a clear connection to the purpose of the survey. The discussion and the critical review show an excellent ability to account in theoretical reasoning for the product / study's advantages and disadvantages regarding choice of method / process and implementation
Camilla Mattjus
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
STM 2020. Säker läkemedelsbehandling.
Social- och hälsovårdsministeriets publikationer
Nurminen, M-L. 2008. ABC om läkemedelsbehandling. Utbildningsstyrelsen, Helsingfors.
Kivela, S-L. 2006. Me, ikääntyminen ja lääkkeet, WSOY, Helsinki eller Fastbom, J. 2006. Äldre och läkemedel. Liber, Stockholm.
Ernvall, S et al 2006. Läkemedelsräkning. Utbildningsstyrelsen, Helsingfors.
Molin, B. Therborn, M., Andersson, I.2016. Träna läkemedelsräkning. Liber AB, Stockholm.
+ material on moodle
Group work, individual work
Self study and virtual tasks on the moodle page
Drug calculation exercises with case problems
Web-based tasks approved
Virtual test 80 % correctly
Exam in drug calculation, 100% correct
07.10.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 06.10.2024
10 - 50
Camilla Mattjus, Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
Läkemedelsräkning innehåll:
Enhetsomvandlingar ( microgram, milligram, gram, Internationella enheter , läkemedels styrka i %
Dosberäkningar av fasta och flytande läkemedel
Utspädningar (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Virtual test
Exam in drug calculation
3 sp = 81 h
Class teaching 20 hours + 4 hours for the exam
Time for Web-based assignments, selfstudies, group work and tent reading 57 h.
Webbaserade uppgifter: UK
Virtuellt test i teori 80 % inte korrekt, vitsord UK
Tentamen i läkemedelsräkning inte godkänt om inte 100 % är korrekt (not translated)
Web-based tasks not approved
Virtual test not 80 % correctly
Examination in drug calculation not 100 % correctly
Camilla Mattjus
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
STM 2020. Säker läkemedelsbehandling.
Social- och hälsovårdsministeriets publikationer
Nurminen, M-L. 2008. ABC om läkemedelsbehandling. Utbildningsstyrelsen, Helsingfors.
Kivela, S-L. 2006. Me, ikääntyminen ja lääkkeet, WSOY, Helsinki eller Fastbom, J. 2006. Äldre och läkemedel. Liber, Stockholm.
Ernvall, S et al 2006. Läkemedelsräkning. Utbildningsstyrelsen, Helsingfors.
Molin, B. Therborn, M., Andersson, I.2016. Träna läkemedelsräkning. Liber AB, Stockholm.
+ material on moodle
Group work, individual work
Self study and virtual tasks on the moodle page
Drug calculation exercises with case problems
Web-based tasks approved
Virtual test 80 % correctly
Exam in drug calculation, 100% correct
21.10.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 20.10.2024
10 - 50
Camilla Mattjus, Katarina Vironen
Läkemedelsräkning innehåll:
Enhetsomvandlingar ( microgram, milligram, gram, Internationella enheter , läkemedels styrka i %
Dosberäkningar av fasta och flytande läkemedel
Utspädningar (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Virtual test
Exam in drug calculation
3 sp = 81 h
Class teaching 20 hours + 4 hours for the exam
Time for Web-based assignments, selfstudies, group work and tent reading 57 h.
Webbaserade uppgifter: UK
Virtuellt test i teori 80 % inte korrekt, vitsord UK
Tentamen i läkemedelsräkning inte godkänt om inte 100 % är korrekt (not translated)
Web-based tasks not approved
Virtual test not 80 % correctly
Examination in drug calculation not 100 % correctly
Nina Vestö
SHM 2021 Säker läkemedelsbehandling : Handbok för upprättande av plan för läkemedelsbehandling
Taam-Ukkonen, M. & Saano S. 2012. Lääkehoidon käsikirja. (Del 1 kap. 1-14)
Nordeng, H, och Spigset, O. 2020. Farmakologi och läkemedelsandvändning (Del 1 kap. 1-6)
WHO.2010. WHO best praxis for injections and related proceduces toolkit. valda delar
Lääketietokanta, Lääkkeet ja hinnat och lääkeinteraktiot, finns tillänglig på Terveysportti
FASS Vårdpersonal
Molin et al 2016. Träna Läkemedelsberäkning Liber, Stockholm
Björkman E. & Hagberg M. 2014 (eller äldre). Läkemedelsräkning för sjuksköterskor. eller
Ernvall S.mfl. 2014 (eller äldre). Läkemedelsräkning.
Rekommenderad litteratur:
Iivanainen och Syväoja.2012. Hoida ja kirjaa. Sanoma Pro. Helsingfors
Björkman, A-M. 2009. Läkemedelsberäkning och läkemedelshantering. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Aktuella artiklar och material enligt föreläsarens anvisningar på finska /engelska
seminars , lectures, groupwork
Selfstuides in moodle
Clinical exercises and examination on campus
Assingmenst passed/not passed. Online test sclae 0-5 ( 70% for passing)
Calculation 100% according to natinal demands
11.11.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
0 - 36
Katarina Vironen, Nina Vestö
Läkemedlesräkning innehåll:
Enhetsomvandlingar ( mikrogram, milligram, gram Internationella enheter , läkemedels styrka i %
Dosberäkningar av fasta och flytande läkemedel
Utspädningar (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Assignments and virtual online test according to instructions
Calcularion test in class after workshops
Re test on days for re test on campus
clinical examination in injections according to schedule
27 h/credit
Fyller inte kraven på en gk prestation (not translated)
Nöjaktig nivå:
Studerandes svara är på en ytlig nivå. Studerande kan beskriva läkemedelsbehandlingsprocess men har svårt att relatera de olika delarna av processen till varandra och sjukskötarens uppgifter. Studerande beaktar på grundläggande nivå sjukskötarens ansvar och rättigheter i läkemedelsprocessen, egna reflektioner fattas.
Studerande känner svagt till läkemedlens skeden i organismen
Studerande känner svagt till olika läkemedelsformer och administrationssätt (not translated)
God-synnerligen god nivå:
Studerandes svar är på god nivå i alla tentens frågor. Studerande kan beskriva läkemedelsbehandlingsprocessen och relatera de olika delarna av processsen till varandra och sjukskötarens uppgifter. Studerande beaktar sjukskötarens ansvar och rättigheter i läkemedelsprocessen och kan göra egna reflektioner.
Studerande kan läkemedlets skeden i organismen.
Studerande kan olika läkemedelsformer och administrationssätt (not translated)
Berömlig nivå:
Studerandes svar är på djupgående nivå i alla tentens frågor. Studerande kan beskriva läkemedelsbehandlingsprocessen och relatera de olika delarna av processsen till varandra och sjukskötarens uppgifter. Studerande beaktar mångsidigt sjukskötarens ansvar och rättigheter i läkemedelsprocessen och kan göra egna mångsidiga reflektioner.
Studerande kan läkemedlets skeden i organismen.
Studerande kan olika läkemedelsformer och administrationssätt
På engelska (not translated)
Terese Herrgård-Backlund
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
11.11.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 10.11.2024
10 - 50
Miranda Ekholm
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Anita Kvist
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
04.11.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 03.11.2024
10 - 50
Anna Korhonen
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Marica Hinders
Korte, H. & Myllyrinne, K. 2018. Första hjälpen. Otavan Kirjapaino Oy. Keuruu
Hedrenius, S. & Johansson, S. 2013. Krisstöd vid olyckor, katastrofer och svåra händelser. Natur och Kultur. Stockholm
Hugelius, K. & Tapani, J. 2017. Krishantering i praktiken. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Heide, M. & Simonsson, C. 2016. Krisen inifrån. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Lessons, demonstration, practice
Theoretical test: approved/failed
Practical tests : approved/failed
Resuscitation: 90 % correct
18.11.2024 - 13.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 11.11.2024
0 - 37
Marica Hinders
Compulsory attendance at all lessons
You can bye Electronic First Aid card after completed course
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Practical tests and theoretic test
2 x 27 timmar = 54 tim (not translated)
Marica Hinders
14.10.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Sirkku Säätelä, Marica Hinders
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Terese Österberg
Scientific articles
Supervised clinical practice in gynaecological context.
Supervision and assessment discussion with the teacher.
Individual reflections and case.
Information and seminar.
According to Plan for Clinical Studies.
Seminar mandatory.
Approved individual assignments (reflection diary and case).
30.09.2024 - 31.05.2025
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
Terese Österberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Midwifery
Performed and approved clinical practice.
Reflection diary.
Case with current theme from clinical practice, with references to at least two scientific sources.
Participation in internship seminar.
All documents must be submitted to the teacher no later than one week after completing the internship.
27h / cr
1.5 cr / working week = 40 hours. Of these, 38 hours are performed at the internship and 2 hours are considered for individual assignments. The seminar comprising 3 hours is included in the total working hours.
Camilla Ribacka
50% Face-to-face, 50% Distance learning
Course literature:
Henriksson och Rasmusson (2018) Fysiologi med relevant anatomi. Studentlitteratur, Stockholm.
Other recommended literature:
Christensen R. (2012) Anatomi och fysiologi för sjuksköterskor. Pearson.
Aldskogius och Rydqvist (2018) Den friska människan. Liber, Stockholm
Sand, Sjaastad, Haug och Bjålie (2007). Människokroppen. Liber, Stockholm eller dess äldre upplaga av Bjålie, Haug, Sand och Sjaastad (1998) Människokroppen. Liber, Stockholm
Föreläsningar, diskussioner och övningsuppgifter.
Självständiga studier.
The course is graded 0-5 based on result in individual exam. On line quizzes are graded passed or failed.
In order to pass the course all parts (exam and quizzes) have to be passed.
09.09.2024 - 08.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 08.09.2024
10 - 50
Camilla Ribacka
Additional information on the Moodle platform
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
Course examination 08.11.2024
Re-examination 13.12.2024, 07.02.2025 and 09.05.2025
Lectures, self studies and digital teaching methods 108 h
Inadequate knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Weak knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Good knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Excellent knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Camilla Ribacka
25% Face-to-face, 75% Distance learning
Course literature:
Henriksson och Rasmusson (2018) Fysiologi med relevant anatomi. Studentlitteratur, Stockholm.
Other recommended literature:
Christensen R. (2012) Anatomi och fysiologi för sjuksköterskor. Pearson.
Aldskogius och Rydqvist (2018) Den friska människan. Liber, Stockholm
Sand, Sjaastad, Haug och Bjålie (2021, 2007). Människokroppen. Liber, Stockholm eller dess äldre upplaga av Bjålie, Haug, Sand och Sjaastad (1998) Människokroppen. Liber, Stockholm
Föreläsningar, diskussioner och övningsuppgifter.
Självständiga studier.
The course is graded 0-5 based on result in individual exam. On line quizzes are graded passed or failed.
In order to pass the course all parts (exam and quizzes) have to be passed.
06.09.2024 - 15.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 07.09.2024
10 - 50
Camilla Ribacka
Additional information on the Moodle platform
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
3 credits
Course examination 13.11.2024
Re-examination 13.12.2024, 07.02.2025 and 09.05.2025
Lectures, self studies and digital teaching methods 108 h
Inadequate knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Weak knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Good knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Excellent knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Sanna Gunell
Course literature:
Henriksson och Rasmusson (2018) Fysiologi med relevant anatomi. Studentlitteratur, Stockholm.
Other recommended literature:
Christensen R. (2012) Anatomi och fysiologi för sjuksköterskor. Pearson.
Aldskogius och Rydqvist (2018) Den friska människan. Liber, Stockholm
Sand, Sjaastad, Haug och Bjålie (2007). Människokroppen. Liber, Stockholm eller dess äldre upplaga av Bjålie, Haug, Sand och Sjaastad (1998) Människokroppen. Liber, Stockholm
Lectures, tasks and discussions.
The course is graded 0-5 based on result in individual exam. On line quizzes are graded passed or failed.
In order to pass the course all parts (exam and quizzes) have to be passed.
23.09.2024 - 22.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 24.09.2024
0 - 40
Sanna Gunell, Terese Österberg
Additional information on the Moodle platform
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Course examination tba
Re-examination tba
Lectures, self studies and digital teaching methods 108 h
Inadequate knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Weak knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Good knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Excellent knowledge of fundamental Anatomy and Physiology
Ann-Louise Glasberg
60% Face-to-face, 40% Distance learning
Andersson, R., Regnér, S. & Rogmark, C. (red). (2021). Kirurgiska sjukdomar. Kap. 10. Allmän ortopedi. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Ericson, T. & Lind, M. (2020). Medicinska sjukdomar. Kap. 15. Vård vid reumatiska sjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Kumlien, C. & Rystedt, J. (red). (2022). Omvårdnad & kirurgi. Kap. 28. Ortopedi. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Stubberud, D-G., Almås, H. & Gronseth, R, (red). 2020. Klinisk Omvårdnad 2 (3:e uppl.). Kap. 21 och 22. Stockholm: Liber AB.
Föreläsningar på Moodle
Andersson R., Regnér, S. & Rogmark, C. (red) (2021). Kirurgiska sjukdomar. Kap 12. Neurokirurgi. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Ericson, T. & Lind, M. (2020). Medicinska sjukdomar. Kap. 5. Vård vid cerebrovaskulära sjukdomar. Kap. 6. Vård vid neurologiska sjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Stubberud, D-G., Almås, H. & Gronseth, R, (red). (2020). Klinisk Omvårdnad 2 (3:e uppl.). Kap. 23 och 24. Stockholm: Liber AB,
Föreläsningar på Moodle
Ericson, T. & Lind, M. (2020). Medicinska sjukdomar. Kap. 4. Vård vid blodsjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Stubberud, D-G, Almås H.& Gronseth, R.(red). 2020. Klinisk omvårdnad 2 (3:e uppl.). Kap. 28 (delar). Stockholm: Liber AB.
Material på Moodle.
Föreläsningsmaterial på Moodle.
Föreläsningsmaterial i Moodle och enligt kursansvarigas anvisningar.
Burman J., Nyholm D. & Amandusson Å. (2020). Neurologi (6:e upplagan). Liber.
Ekwall, A. & Jansson, M. (2022). Omvårdnad och medicin.
Gahrton, G & Juliusson, G. (2012). Blodets sjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Iivanainen, A. & Syväoja, P. (2016). Hoida ja kirjaa. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Medibas via
Workshops (case & practice)
Godkända övningsuppgifter / inlämningsuppgifter & tester som utförs under kursens gång (bedöms GK/UK)
Obligatorisk närvaro vid workshops / praktiska övningar (bedöms GK/UK)
MSK: Online deltenter bedöms 0-5
Neuro: Tentamen bedöms 0-5 (not translated)
02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.08.2024
10 - 30
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Jannica Andtfolk
Mandatory attendance at the introductory lecture
Mandatory attendance at workshops.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
Validation according to Novia instructions.
För godkänd kurs behöver följande uppgifter och tentamen vara godkända:
Quiz i sinnesorganens ohälsa (GK/UK)
Anlays av berättelse/film Amputation (GK/UK)
Korsord (reuma och atros) (GK/UK)
Stroke (kort tent i samband med workshop) (0-5)
Quiz-online i Neurologi & Neurokirurgi (0-5)
Hematologi: uppgift i Moodle (GK/UK)
Muskuloskeletal ohälsa/Ortopedi (vissa delar): tent i klass vid Alere (0-5) (not translated)
27 h/sp = 135 h
Kursen innehåller fyra delar:
- Neurologiska sjukdomstillsstånd, 1,75 sp
- Muskeloskeletala sjukdomstillstånd, 1,75 sp
- Sinnesorganens sjukdomstillstånd, 0,75 sp
- Hematologiska sjukdomstillstånd 0,75 sp
2 h Intro (obligatorisk närvaro)
3 h Strokeföreläsning
3 h EP, MS, Parkinson & hjärntumörer
4 h Neurokirurgi och Neurobedömning workshop i A265
5 h Workshop (stroke & neuro) Grupp 1, Obligatorisk närvaro
5 h Workshop (stroke & neuro) Grupp 2, Obligatorisk närvaro
Självstudier & Quiz/tent läsning (26 h)
2 h Teori
4 h Reuma + Artros föreläsning
6 h Workshop, Obligatorisk närvaro
2 h Tent
Självstudier (33 h): tent, korsord och uppgift om amputationer
4 h Workshop Grupp 1, Obligatorisk närvaro
4 h Workshop Grupp 2, Obligatorisk närvaro
Självstudier & Quiz (14 h)
Självstudier (se Moodle = 20 h) (not translated)
Written exam: points < 50%
Written exam: The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject, points 50%-69%
Written exam: points 70%-89%
Written exam: The student shows an in-depth knowledge, points > 90%
Ann-Louise Glasberg
60% Face-to-face, 40% Distance learning
Andersson, R., Regnér, S. & Rogmark, C. (red). (2021). Kirurgiska sjukdomar. Kap. 10. Allmän ortopedi. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Ericson, T. & Lind, M. (2020). Medicinska sjukdomar. Kap. 15. Vård vid reumatiska sjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Kumlien, C. & Rystedt, J. (red). (2022). Omvårdnad & kirurgi. Kap. 28. Ortopedi. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Stubberud, D-G., Almås, H. & Gronseth, R, (red). 2020. Klinisk Omvårdnad 2 (3:e uppl.). Kap. 21 och 22. Stockholm: Liber AB.
Föreläsningar på Moodle
Andersson R., Regnér, S. & Rogmark, C. (red) (2021). Kirurgiska sjukdomar. Kap 12. Neurokirurgi. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Ericson, T. & Lind, M. (2020). Medicinska sjukdomar. Kap. 5. Vård vid cerebrovaskulära sjukdomar. Kap. 6. Vård vid neurologiska sjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Stubberud, D-G., Almås, H. & Gronseth, R, (red). (2020). Klinisk Omvårdnad 2 (3:e uppl.). Kap. 23 och 24. Stockholm: Liber AB,
Föreläsningar på Moodle
Ericson, T. & Lind, M. (2020). Medicinska sjukdomar. Kap. 4. Vård vid blodsjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Stubberud, D-G, Almås H.& Gronseth, R.(red). 2020. Klinisk omvårdnad 2 (3:e uppl.). Kap. 28 (delar). Stockholm: Liber AB.
Material på Moodle.
Föreläsningsmaterial på Moodle.
Föreläsningsmaterial i Moodle och enligt kursansvarigas anvisningar.
Burman J., Nyholm D. & Amandusson Å. (2020). Neurologi (6:e upplagan). Liber.
Ekwall, A. & Jansson, M. (2022). Omvårdnad och medicin.
Gahrton, G & Juliusson, G. (2012). Blodets sjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Iivanainen, A. & Syväoja, P. (2016). Hoida ja kirjaa. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Medibas via
Workshops (case & practice)
Godkända övningsuppgifter / inlämningsuppgifter & tester som utförs under kursens gång (bedöms GK/UK)
Obligatorisk närvaro vid workshops / praktiska övningar (bedöms GK/UK)
MSK: Online deltenter bedöms 0-5
Neuro: Tentamen bedöms 0-5 (not translated)
30.09.2024 - 17.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 22.09.2024
10 - 44
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Jannica Andtfolk
Mandatory attendance at the introductory lecture
Mandatory attendance at workshops.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
Validation according to Novia instructions.
För godkänd kurs behöver följande uppgifter och tentamen vara godkända:
Quiz i sinnesorganens ohälsa (GK/UK)
Anlays av berättelse/film Amputation (GK/UK)
Korsord (reuma och atros) (GK/UK)
Stroke (kort tent i samband med workshop) (0-5)
Quiz-online i Neurologi & Neurokirurgi (0-5)
Hematologi: uppgift i Moodle (GK/UK)
Muskuloskeletal ohälsa/Ortopedi (vissa delar): tent i klass vid Alere (0-5) (not translated)
27 h/sp = 135 h
Kursen innehåller fyra delar:
- Neurologiska sjukdomstillsstånd, 1,75 sp
- Muskeloskeletala sjukdomstillstånd, 1,75 sp
- Sinnesorganens sjukdomstillstånd, 0,75 sp
- Hematologiska sjukdomstillstånd 0,75 sp
2 h Intro (obligatorisk närvaro)
3 h Strokeföreläsning
3 h EP, MS, Parkinson & hjärntumörer
4 h Neurokirurgi och Neurobedömning workshop i A265
5 h Workshop (stroke & neuro) Grupp 1, Obligatorisk närvaro
5 h Workshop (stroke & neuro) Grupp 2, Obligatorisk närvaro
Självstudier & Quiz/tent läsning (26 h)
2 h Teori
4 h Reuma + Artros föreläsning
6 h Workshop, Obligatorisk närvaro
2 h Tent
Självstudier (33 h): tent, korsord och uppgift om amputationer
4 h Workshop Grupp 1, Obligatorisk närvaro
4 h Workshop Grupp 2, Obligatorisk närvaro
Självstudier & Quiz (14 h)
Självstudier (se Moodle = 20 h) (not translated)
Written exam: points < 50%
Written exam: The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject, points 50%-69%
Written exam: points 70%-89%
Written exam: The student shows an in-depth knowledge, points > 90%
Ann-Louise Glasberg
60% Face-to-face, 40% Distance learning
Andersson, R., Regnér, S. & Rogmark, C. (red). (2021). Kirurgiska sjukdomar. Kap. 10. Allmän ortopedi. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Ericson, T. & Lind, M. (2020). Medicinska sjukdomar. Kap. 15. Vård vid reumatiska sjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Kumlien, C. & Rystedt, J. (red). (2022). Omvårdnad & kirurgi. Kap. 28. Ortopedi. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Stubberud, D-G., Almås, H. & Gronseth, R, (red). 2020. Klinisk Omvårdnad 2 (3:e uppl.). Kap. 21 och 22. Stockholm: Liber AB.
Föreläsningar på Moodle
Andersson R., Regnér, S. & Rogmark, C. (red) (2021). Kirurgiska sjukdomar. Kap 12. Neurokirurgi. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Ericson, T. & Lind, M. (2020). Medicinska sjukdomar. Kap. 5. Vård vid cerebrovaskulära sjukdomar. Kap. 6. Vård vid neurologiska sjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Stubberud, D-G., Almås, H. & Gronseth, R, (red). (2020). Klinisk Omvårdnad 2 (3:e uppl.). Kap. 23 och 24. Stockholm: Liber AB,
Föreläsningar på Moodle
Ericson, T. & Lind, M. (2020). Medicinska sjukdomar. Kap. 4. Vård vid blodsjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB.
Stubberud, D-G, Almås H.& Gronseth, R.(red). 2020. Klinisk omvårdnad 2 (3:e uppl.). Kap. 28 (delar). Stockholm: Liber AB.
Material på Moodle.
Föreläsningsmaterial på Moodle.
Föreläsningsmaterial i Moodle och enligt kursansvarigas anvisningar.
Burman J., Nyholm D. & Amandusson Å. (2020). Neurologi (6:e upplagan). Liber.
Ekwall, A. & Jansson, M. (2022). Omvårdnad och medicin.
Gahrton, G & Juliusson, G. (2012). Blodets sjukdomar. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Iivanainen, A. & Syväoja, P. (2016). Hoida ja kirjaa. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro.
Medibas via
Workshops (case & practice)
Godkända övningsuppgifter / inlämningsuppgifter & tester som utförs under kursens gång (bedöms GK/UK)
Obligatorisk närvaro vid workshops / praktiska övningar (bedöms GK/UK)
MSK: Online deltenter bedöms 0-5
Neuro: Tentamen bedöms 0-5 (not translated)
02.09.2024 - 06.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.08.2024
10 - 50
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Jannica Andtfolk
Mandatory attendance at the introductory lecture
Mandatory attendance at workshops.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
Validation according to Novia instructions.
För godkänd kurs behöver följande uppgifter och tentamen vara godkända:
Quiz i sinnesorganens ohälsa (0-5)
Anlays av berättelse/film Amputation (GK/UK)
Korsord (reuma och atros) (0-5)
Stroke (kort tent i samband med workshop) (0-5)
Quiz-online i Neurologi & Neurokirurgi (0-5)
Hematologi: uppgift i Moodle (GK/UK)
Muskuloskeletal ohälsa/Ortopedi (vissa delar): tent i klass vid Alere (0-5) (not translated)
27 h/sp = 135 h
Kursen innehåller fyra delar:
- Neurologiska sjukdomstillsstånd, 1,75 sp
- Muskeloskeletala sjukdomstillstånd, 1,75 sp
- Sinnesorganens sjukdomstillstånd, 0,75 sp
- Hematologiska sjukdomstillstånd 0,75 sp
2 h Intro-online (obligatorisk närvaro)
4 h Workshop (stroke & neuro) Grupp 1, Obligatorisk närvaro
4 h Workshop (stroke & neuro) Grupp 2, Obligatorisk närvaro
2 h Workshop (Neurobedömning och -övervakning), Obligatorisk närvaro
2 h Workshop, Obligatorisk närvaro (samma dag som Neurobedömning och -övervakning, samt sinnesorganen)
4 h Workshop, Obligatorisk närvaro
Självstudier (not translated)
Written exam: points < 50%
Written exam: The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject, points 50%-69%
Written exam: points 70%-89%
Written exam: The student shows an in-depth knowledge, points > 90%
Terese Österberg
Paananen et al, Kätilötyö
Lindgren et al, Reproduktiv hälsa.
Moodle course Änglatröst
Articles according to the lecturers' instructions
Lectures and discussions
Moodle course Änglatröst
Practical skills training, simulations
Individual assignments
Clinical Examination
Written exam
For passing the course, the following are required:
Certificate of completed course "Bäckenbottenutbildning" and "ctg-utbildning"
Approved written exam
Approved clinical examination
Presence at all mandatory lessons
General feedback on exam answers is given to the whole class at the same time, for individual feedback the teacher is contacted.
Feedback on practical skills is given directly in the situation.
09.09.2024 - 30.05.2025
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
Vasa - timlärare Vård, Terese Österberg
External lecturer:
Gynecologist Päivi Kivelä - ctg
Hospital chaplain Ann-Sofi Nylund
Mandatory attendance at course introduction, clinical simulations and at lessons with external lecturers
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Midwifery
Written exam
Clinical examination
week 22 in spring 2025
27h/cr, 3 cr = 81 h
Anita Kvist
75% Face-to-face, 25% Distance learning
Novia's instructions for degree projects.
Materials on Moodle
Introduction: Materials on Moodle
Communication - Swedish 3 cr:
- Lectures on scientific writing
- Lectures on oral presentation
- Group work in scientific writing
- Exercises in oral presentation
- Oral presentations that are analyzed
Introduction to academic studies 1 cr: Lecturers, presentations, virtual test. More course information can be found in Moodle platform
- kan kommunicera både muntligt och skriftligt på ett strukturerat och språkligt välfungerande sätt, i enlighet med arbetslivets och samhällslivets krav.
känner till arbetsprocessen för vetenskapligt skrivande och kan använda referenssystem.
- är medveten om olika vägar att söka information och kan rapportera enligt reglerna för standarduppställning.
Studeranden med finska som skolbildningsspråk ska uppvisa sådana kunskaper i svenska som enligt lagen (424/2003) krävs av offentligt anställda. Detta innebär att dessa studerande bör visa nöjaktig (vitsord 1-3) eller god (vitsord 4-5) förmåga att använda svenska i tal och skrift. Muntlig och skriftlig förmåga bedöms separat. (not translated)
02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
10 - 50
Anita Kvist, Anna Korhonen, Marice Nedergård
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Communication: Assessed group work and assessed oral presentation at the end of the course.
Introduction to academic studies: virtual tests
27 h/cr
Kommunikation för sjukskötare 3 sp:
- Vetenskapligt skrivande på svenska samt litteratursökning manuellt och i databaser
- Tillförlitligt källmaterial och källkritik
- Muntlig och skriftlig framställning
- E-post hantering och användning av sociala medier i vårdarbetet
Introduktion till högskolestudier 1sp:
- Studieinformation och informationssökning
- Lärande i ett högskolesammanhang
- Dataskydd och datasäkerhet (not translated)
The student do not have a sufficient knowledge and competence about the topic.
Assessment criteria - satisfactory-extremely satisfactory (1-2)
Students demonstrate a superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
Assessment criteria - good-extremely good (3-4)
• Students demonstrate a competence that is related and linked to the literature
• Students can reflect and justify their own points of view
Assessment criteria - excellent (5)
• Students have in-depth competence and show a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the future profession
Marie Hjortell
Novia's instructions for degree projects.
Materials on Moodle
Communication: Swedish 3 cr
- Lectures on scientific writing
- Lectures on oral presentation
- Group work in scientific writing
- Exercises in oral presentation
- Oral presentations that are analyzed
Introduction to academic studies 1 cr:
- Lecturers, presentations,
- Virtual on line test.
- Virtual test ( library )
More course information can be found on Moodle platform
- can communicate both orally and in writing in a structured and linguistically well-functioning way, in accordance with the requirements of working life and social life.
knows the work process of scientific writing and can use referencing systems.
- is aware of different ways to search for information and can report according to the rules for standard reporting.
Students with Finnish as the language of schooling must demonstrate such knowledge of Swedish as is required of public employees according to the law (424/2003). This means that these students should demonstrate satisfactory (grade 1-3) or good (grade 4-5) ability to use Swedish in speech and writing. Oral and written skills are assessed separately.
No prior knowledge requirements
02.09.2024 - 11.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
Terese Österberg, Anita Kvist, Anna Korhonen, Marie Hjortell
Introduction to university studies 1 cr:
Study information and information search
Learning in a university context
Data protection and data security
Communication for midwives/public health nurses 3 credits:
Scientific writing in Swedish and literature searches manually and in databases
Reliable source material and source criticism
Oral and written presentation
E-mail handling and use of social media in care work
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Communication: Assessed group work and assessed oral presentation at the end of the course.
Introduction to academic studies: virtual tests
One (1) credit corresponds to 27 hours of work for the student.
This course is 4 credits which means 108 hours of work for this course.
The course is divided according to:
3 credits Communication/Swedish (Language teacher)
1 ECTS Introduction (Marie Hjortell and Terese Österberg)
Studerande visar inte tillräcklig kompetens i ämnet.
Assessment criteria - satisfactory-extremely satisfactory (1-2)
Students demonstrate a superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject
Assessment criteria - good-extremely good (3-4)
• Students demonstrate a competence that is related and linked to the literature
• Students can reflect and justify their own points of view
Assessment criteria - excellent (5)
• Students have in-depth competence and show a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the future profession
Anita Kvist
50% Face-to-face, 50% Distance learning
Novia's instructions for degree projects.
Materials on Moodle
Introduction: Materials on Moodle
Communication - Swedish 3 cr:
- Lectures on scientific writing
- Lectures on oral presentation
- Group work in scientific writing
- Exercises in oral presentation
- Oral presentations that are analyzed
Introduction to academic studies 1 cr: Lecturers, presentations, virtual test. More course information can be found in Moodle platform
- kan kommunicera både muntligt och skriftligt på ett strukturerat och språkligt välfungerande sätt, i enlighet med arbetslivets och samhällslivets krav.
känner till arbetsprocessen för vetenskapligt skrivande och kan använda referenssystem.
- är medveten om olika vägar att söka information och kan rapportera enligt reglerna för standarduppställning.
Studeranden med finska som skolbildningsspråk ska uppvisa sådana kunskaper i svenska som enligt lagen (424/2003) krävs av offentligt anställda. Detta innebär att dessa studerande bör visa nöjaktig (vitsord 1-3) eller god (vitsord 4-5) förmåga att använda svenska i tal och skrift. Muntlig och skriftlig förmåga bedöms separat. (not translated)
02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 13.09.2024
10 - 50
Terese Herrgård-Backlund, Ann-Louise Glasberg
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
Communication: Assessed group work and assessed oral presentation at the end of the course.
Introduction to academic studies: virtual tests
27 h/cr
Kommunikation för sjukskötare 3 sp:
- Vetenskapligt skrivande på svenska samt litteratursökning manuellt och i databaser
- Tillförlitligt källmaterial och källkritik
- Muntlig och skriftlig framställning
- E-post hantering och användning av sociala medier i vårdarbetet
Introduktion till högskolestudier 1sp:
- Studieinformation och informationssökning
- Lärande i ett högskolesammanhang
- Dataskydd och datasäkerhet (not translated)
The student do not have a sufficient knowledge and competence about the topic.
Assessment criteria - satisfactory-extremely satisfactory (1-2)
Students demonstrate a superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
Assessment criteria - good-extremely good (3-4)
• Students demonstrate a competence that is related and linked to the literature
• Students can reflect and justify their own points of view
Assessment criteria - excellent (5)
• Students have in-depth competence and show a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the future profession
Marlene Gädda
42% Face-to-face, 58% Distance learning
Skärsäter, I.&Wiklund Gustin, L. (red.) 2019. Omvårdnad vid psykisk ohälsa - på grundläggande nivå, Studentlitteratur AB, Lund
Andersson Höglund. I. & Hedman Ahlström. B. 2014. Psykiatri 2, Sanoma Utbildning AB, Stockholm
Allgulander, C. 2019. Klinisk Psykiatri, Studentlitteratur, Lund
Lindqvist B. & Hildebrand Karlén. 2023. Handbok i missbruks- och beroendepsykologi, Liber, Stockholm
Aktuell forskning
M.m. enl lärarens anvisningar
Self studies, individually and in group
Study visit?
Expert by experience
25.11.2024 - 12.01.2025
15.06.2024 - 24.11.2024
10 - 30
Marlene Gädda
Obligatorisk närvaro vid Introduktion, Workshop, Seminarie (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
3.5 credits
Assignments; selfstudy
Test on moodle
on moodle
For written work:
The student has not followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is missing. The student shows limited substantive knowledge, cannot be essential
For the exam:
The student shows limited substantive knowledge, cannot be essential
For written work:
The student has not followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is missing. The student shows limited substantive knowledge, cannot be essential
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential
For the exam:
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential.
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written work. The student has mastered the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
For the exam:
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his / her views
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written work. The student has mastered the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
For written work
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance. They have read the other participants' written work and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar. The written work and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections and independent working methods)
For the exam:
The student shows in his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
For written work
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance. They have read the other participants' written work and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar. The written work and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections and independent working methods)
Terese Österberg
According to the lecturer's instructions in breastfeeding councelling
Neonatal care: Selected parts from:
Fellman, V., Luukainen, P. & Asikainen, T. 2018. Vastasyntyneiden tehohoito. Oppaan uusin kirjaversio, 3 uudistettu painos. Duodecim, Helsinki. (This book is also available in its entirety at Terveysportti.)
Iivanainen, A & Syväoja, P. 2013. Hoida ja kirjaa. Sanoma Pro Oy, Helsinki. Pages 146 - 151
Lagercrantz, H., Hellström-Westas, L. & Norman, M. (Eds.) 2015. Neonatology, Studentlitteratur AB, Lund.
Lundqvist, P. (Eds.). 2013. Nursing of the newborn child. Studentlitteratur AB, Lund.
Evidence-based scientific articles and research according to the lecturer's directive
Practical training
02.09.2024 - 31.01.2025
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
Anita Ståhl-Levón, Vasa - timlärare Vård, Terese Österberg
Mandatory attendance at all contact teaching ( breast feeding councelling) in order to receive a certificate of approved breastfeeding tutor training
During internship also 5 recorded breastfeeding instruction sessions
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Midwifery
Written exercise during the course in breastfeeding councelling, grade 1-5
Completed web training with passed knowledge test:
Exam 1
Exam 2
1 cr = 27 h
Marica Hinders
Recommended literature in Moodle
Introduction lecture - compulsory
Work shop -Escape Game- Compulsory
Case study is graded 0-5
02.09.2024 - 13.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 06.10.2024
10 - 44
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Marica Hinders
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Individual case study
Online Exam
1 c =27h
2 c =54
Marica Hinders
Recommended literature in Moodle
Online recorded lectures
Individual cas study graded 0-5
Reflection Pass/Fail
Feedback on the tasks is obtained through assessment criteria, more detailed justification is obtained when contacting the course's teacher.
25.11.2024 - 20.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Marica Hinders
Moodle opens 25.11
The course closes 20.12
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Individual case study
1 cr= 27h
2 cr= 54h
The student shows limited substantive knowledge, cannot be essential
The student has followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential.
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written work. The student has mastered the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance. They have read the other participants' written work and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar. The written work and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections and independent working methods)
Marica Hinders
Recommended literature in Moodle
Online recorded lectures
Individual cas study graded 0-5
Reflection Pass/Fail
Feedback on the tasks is obtained through assessment criteria, more detailed justification is obtained when contacting the course's teacher.
14.10.2024 - 15.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Marica Hinders
Moodle opens 14.10
The course closes 15.11
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Individual case study
1 cr= 27h
2 cr= 54h
The student shows limited substantive knowledge, cannot be essential
The student has followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential.
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written work. The student has mastered the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance. They have read the other participants' written work and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar. The written work and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections and independent working methods)
Åsa Lågland
Stubberud, D-G., Gronseth, R., Almås, H., (red). 2020. Tredje upplagan. Klinisk Omvårdnad 1. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Almås, H., Stubberud, D-G,. Gronseth, Randi (red). 2018. Klinisk omvårdnad 2. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Föreläsarens moodleföreläsningar.
Stubberud, D-G., Gronseth, R., Almås, H., (red). 2020. Tredje upplagan. Klinisk Omvårdnad 1. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Bodelsson, M., (red.), Lundberg, D., Roth, B. & Werner, M. (2011). Anestesiologi. Studentlitteratur. Poland.
Hovind, I. L. (red.) (2013) Anestesiologisk omvårdnad. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Niemi-Murola, L., Jalonen, J., Junttila, E., Metsävainio, K & Pöyhiä. R. (red.) (2012). Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon perusteet. Duodecim. Helsinki.
Aktuella vetenskapliga artiklar
Stubberud, D-G., Gronseth, R., Almås, H., (red). 2020. Tredje upplagan. Klinisk Omvårdnad 1. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Almås, H., Stubberud, D-G,. Gronseth, Randi (red). 2011. Klinisk omvårdnad 2. Liber AB. Stockholm.
Lukkari, L., Kinnunen, T. & Korte, R. (2013). Perioperatiivinen hoitotyö. SanomaPro Oy. Helsinki.
Myklestul Dåvöy, G., Hansen, I. & Hege Eide, P. (red.) (2012). Operationssjukvård – operationssjuksköterskans perioperativa omvårdnad. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Aktuella vetenskapliga artiklar
Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, films, individual assignments, clinical exercises and independent exercises.
Simulation exercises in pre- and postoperative care.
Approved individual tasks and exercises.
Passed clinical examination: Grade GK / UK
Passed online examination: 80% correct answer for passed.
02.09.2024 - 06.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Åsa Lågland
Mandatory attendance at exercises
Uniform clothing and slippers at exercises.
See Moodle for more detailed information!
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Individual tasks and exercises.
Clinical examination
Moodle online tent.
Individual tasks and exercises.
Clinical examination
Moodle online tent.
3 cr = 81 h
Mandatory attendance at clinical exercises.
Theory 4 h + 4 h, SimMan exercises 4 h x 3
Study on your own
8+8 h practical in operation room
Common Moodletent for all parts of the course, 40 min.
Students have not participated in all the exercises and are not approved in the clinical examination.
Online examination: if students did not pass 80%, then students faild
Åsa Lågland
Stubberud, D-G., Gronseth, R., Almås, H., (red). 2020. Tredje upplagan. Klinisk Omvårdnad 1. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Almås, H., Stubberud, D-G,. Gronseth, Randi (red). 2018. Klinisk omvårdnad 2. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Föreläsarens moodleföreläsningar.
Stubberud, D-G., Gronseth, R., Almås, H., (red). 2020. Tredje upplagan. Klinisk Omvårdnad 1. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Bodelsson, M., (red.), Lundberg, D., Roth, B. & Werner, M. (2011). Anestesiologi. Studentlitteratur. Poland.
Hovind, I. L. (red.) (2013) Anestesiologisk omvårdnad. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Niemi-Murola, L., Jalonen, J., Junttila, E., Metsävainio, K & Pöyhiä. R. (red.) (2012). Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon perusteet. Duodecim. Helsinki.
Aktuella vetenskapliga artiklar
Stubberud, D-G., Gronseth, R., Almås, H., (red). 2020. Tredje upplagan. Klinisk Omvårdnad 1. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Almås, H., Stubberud, D-G,. Gronseth, Randi (red). 2011. Klinisk omvårdnad 2. Liber AB. Stockholm.
Lukkari, L., Kinnunen, T. & Korte, R. (2013). Perioperatiivinen hoitotyö. SanomaPro Oy. Helsinki.
Myklestul Dåvöy, G., Hansen, I. & Hege Eide, P. (red.) (2012). Operationssjukvård – operationssjuksköterskans perioperativa omvårdnad. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Aktuella vetenskapliga artiklar
Lectures, discussions, demonstrations, films, individual assignments, clinical exercises and independent exercises.
Simulation exercises in pre- and postoperative care.
Approved individual tasks and exercises.
Passed clinical examination: Grade GK / UK
Passed online examination: 80% correct answer for passed.
07.10.2024 - 17.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 06.10.2024
10 - 44
Åsa Lågland
Mandatory attendance at exercises
Uniform clothing and slippers at exercises.
See Moodle for more detailed information!
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Individual tasks and exercises.
Clinical examination
Moodle online tent.
Individual tasks and exercises.
Clinical examination
Moodle online tent.
3 cr = 81 h
Mandatory attendance at clinical exercises.
Theory 4 h + 4 h, SimMan exercises 4 h x 3
Study on your own
8+8 h practical in operation room
Common Moodletent for all parts of the course, 40 min.
Students have not participated in all the exercises and are not approved in the clinical examination.
Online examination: if students did not pass 80%, then students faild
Åsa Lågland
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
Stubberud, D-G., Gronseth, R., Almås, H., (red). 2020. Tredje upplagan. Klinisk Omvårdnad 1. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Almås, H., Stubberud, D-G,. Gronseth, Randi (red). 2018. Klinisk omvårdnad 2. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Föreläsarens moodleföreläsningar.
Stubberud, D-G., Gronseth, R., Almås, H., (red). 2020. Tredje upplagan. Klinisk Omvårdnad 1. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Bodelsson, M., (red.), Lundberg, D., Roth, B. & Werner, M. (2011). Anestesiologi. Studentlitteratur. Poland.
Hovind, I. L. (red.) (2013) Anestesiologisk omvårdnad. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Niemi-Murola, L., Jalonen, J., Junttila, E., Metsävainio, K & Pöyhiä. R. (red.) (2012). Anestesiologian ja tehohoidon perusteet. Duodecim. Helsinki.
Aktuella vetenskapliga artiklar
Stubberud, D-G., Gronseth, R., Almås, H., (red). 2020. Tredje upplagan. Klinisk Omvårdnad 1. Liber AB, Stockholm.
Almås, H., Stubberud, D-G,. Gronseth, Randi (red). 2011. Klinisk omvårdnad 2. Liber AB. Stockholm.
Lukkari, L., Kinnunen, T. & Korte, R. (2013). Perioperatiivinen hoitotyö. SanomaPro Oy. Helsinki.
Myklestul Dåvöy, G., Hansen, I. & Hege Eide, P. (red.) (2012). Operationssjukvård – operationssjuksköterskans perioperativa omvårdnad. Studentlitteratur. Lund.
Aktuella vetenskapliga artiklar
Introduction online and other theorylessons recorded, demonstrationfilms, individual assignments, clinical exercises and independent exercises.
Simulation exercises in pre- and postoperative care.
Approved individual tasks and exercises.
Passed clinical examination: Grade GK / UK
Passed online examination: 80% correct answer for passed.
02.09.2024 - 04.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 03.10.2024
10 - 50
Marice Nedergård, Åsa Lågland
Mandatory attendance at exercises
Uniform clothing and slippers at exercises.
See Moodle for more detailed information!
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Individual tasks and exercises.
Clinical examination
Moodle online tent.
Individual tasks and exercises.
Clinical examination
Moodle online tent.
3 cr= 81 h
Mandatory attendance at clinical exercises.
Theory 4 h, SimMan exercises 4 h x 2
Study on your own
Common Moodletent for all parts of the course, 40 min.
Students have not participated in all the exercises and are not approved in the clinical examination.
Online examination: if students did not pass 80%, then students faild
Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
Se Moodle för närmare information:
- eventuella hälsogranskningar, prov och vaccinationer
- praktikuppgifter (not translated)
Clinical practice 6 ects
Patient Safety 1 ects
Can receive feedback and show willingness to develop professional skills
Follows the worklist and keeps agreed times
Can ask questions that are relevant for learning a work
For the most part, it works in a planned manner and has a basic accuracy at important work moments
Can perform tasks under supervision
Has basic knowledge and can ask questions that are relevant to learning a work
Can follow directives and instructions and take responsibility for tasks
Can make decisions concerning tasks at the basic level Know the values and consider the ethical principles
Can communicate and respond to patients / clients / customers
Can work with others in the work team/student group
09.12.2024 - 07.02.2025
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
Terese Österberg, Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
Mandatory attendance during practice.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Godkänd praktik
Godkända praktikuppgifter
Deltagande i praktikseminarium
Godkänd webbutbildning kring patientsäkerhet
Deltagande vid föreläsning och framförande om patientsäkerhet
1 sp = 27 h (not translated)
- kan under handledning planera, förverkliga och utvärdera grundvård
- kan tillämpa evidensbaserade metoder inom grundvården
- kan visa kollegialitet och påvisa medarbetarkompetens
- an arbeta i interprofessionella team
- kan professionellt bemöta patienter och närstående
- kan handleda patienter inom grundvården
- kan under handledning utföra en säker läkemedelsbehandling
- förstår vikten av patient- och klientsäkerhet
- behärskar den centrala kunskapsbasen för patient- och klientsäkerhet
- kan främja patientsäkerheten och förebygga risksituationer (not translated)
1 sp = 27 h (not translated)
Marice Nedergård
90% Face-to-face, 10% Distance learning
See Moodle for more information:
About any health ccks, tests and vaccinations
About assignments
Simulation exercises at the school before the internship
Supervised internship 6 weeks in Internal Medicine and Surgery
Written assignments and seminar after completion of internship.
In order to pass the course, students must
- participated in the simulation exercises.
- participated in practice information
- have completed the internship and achieved the goals specified in the curriculum.
- all practical assignments must be approved.
- participated in practical seminar
- practical tasks presented and submitted in connection with the practical seminar.
07.10.2024 - 08.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn, Marice Nedergård, Frida Gädda
Mandatory attendance at the simulation exercises, internship information, during the internship and at the internship seminar
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Approved internship
Approved assignments
Participation in internship seminar
Simulation exercises
Clinical practice in different contexts
Mandatory Simulation Exercises/Workshop 6 h/group before the internship begins.
Internship info, Mandatory attendance
Internship seminar, Compulsory attendance
Students can practice abroad
The course is 10 credits, of which simulation exercises, internship information and internship seminar = 1 credit 27 hours and 9 credit internship = 6 weeks of supervised internship.
The student must be at the internship site 38/h per week = Total 228 h. and an additional 2 h/week that can be used for the internship tasks. A total of 40h/week, of which 38h in the field.
Internship info 3h/student
Simulations 6 h/student
Internship seminar 3 h
Independent reading 15 h Total 27 h.
Can receive feedback and show willingness to develop professional skills
Follows the worklist and keeps agreed times
Can ask questions that are relevant for learning a work
For the most part, it works in a planned manner and has a basic accuracy at important work moments
Can perform tasks under supervision
Has basic knowledge and can ask questions that are relevant to learning a work
Can follow directives and instructions and take responsibility for tasks
Can make decisions concerning tasks at the basic level Know the values and consider the ethical principles
Can communicate and respond to patients / clients / customers
Can work with others in the work team/student group
Marice Nedergård
90% Face-to-face, 10% Distance learning
See Moodle for more information:
About any health ccks, tests and vaccinations
About assignments
Simulation exercises at the school before the internship
Supervised internship 6 weeks in Internal Medicine and Surgery
Written assignments and seminar after completion of internship.
In order to pass the course, students must
- participated in the simulation exercises.
- participated in practice information
- have completed the internship and achieved the goals specified in the curriculum.
- all practical assignments must be approved.
- participated in practical seminar
- practical tasks presented and submitted in connection with the practical seminar.
04.11.2024 - 02.02.2025
15.06.2024 - 10.11.2024
1 - 44
Marice Nedergård, Frida Gädda
Mandatory attendance at the simulation exercises, internship information, during the internship and at the internship seminar
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Approved internship
Approved assignments
Participation in internship seminar
Simulation exercises
Clinical practice in different contexts
Mandatory Simulation Exercises/Workshop 6 h/group before the internship begins.
Internship info, Mandatory attendance
Internship seminar, Compulsory attendance
Students can practice abroad
The course is 10 credits, of which simulation exercises, internship information and internship seminar = 1 credit 27 hours and 9 credit internship = 6 weeks of supervised internship.
The student must be at the internship site 38/h per week = Total 228 h. and an additional 2 h/week that can be used for the internship tasks. A total of 40h/week, of which 38h in the field.
Internship info 3h/student
Simulations 6 h/student
Internship seminar 3 h
Independent reading 15 h Total 27 h.
Can receive feedback and show willingness to develop professional skills
Follows the worklist and keeps agreed times
Can ask questions that are relevant for learning a work
For the most part, it works in a planned manner and has a basic accuracy at important work moments
Can perform tasks under supervision
Has basic knowledge and can ask questions that are relevant to learning a work
Can follow directives and instructions and take responsibility for tasks
Can make decisions concerning tasks at the basic level Know the values and consider the ethical principles
Can communicate and respond to patients / clients / customers
Can work with others in the work team/student group
Marice Nedergård
90% Face-to-face, 10% Distance learning
See Moodle for more information:
About any health ccks, tests and vaccinations
About assignments
Simulation exercises at the school before the internship
Supervised internship 6 weeks in Internal Medicine and Surgery
Written assignments and seminar after completion of internship.
In order to pass the course, students must
- participated in the simulation exercises.
- participated in practice information
- have completed the internship and achieved the goals specified in the curriculum.
- all practical assignments must be approved.
- participated in practical seminar
- practical tasks presented and submitted in connection with the practical seminar.
23.09.2024 - 01.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 22.09.2024
1 - 50
Marice Nedergård, Frida Gädda
Mandatory attendance at the simulation exercises, internship information, during the internship and at the internship seminar
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Approved internship
Approved assignments
Participation in internship seminar
Simulation exercises
Clinical practice in different contexts
Mandatory Simulation Exercises/Workshop 6 h/group before the internship begins.
Internship info, Mandatory attendance
Internship seminar, Compulsory attendance
Students can practice abroad
The course is 10 credits, of which simulation exercises, internship information and internship seminar = 1 credit 27 hours and 9 credit internship = 6 weeks of supervised internship.
The student must be at the internship site 38/h per week = Total 228 h. and an additional 2 h/week that can be used for the internship tasks. A total of 40h/week, of which 38h in the field.
Internship info 3h/student
Simulations 6 h/student
Internship seminar 3 h
Independent reading 15 h Total 27 h.
Can receive feedback and show willingness to develop professional skills
Follows the worklist and keeps agreed times
Can ask questions that are relevant for learning a work
For the most part, it works in a planned manner and has a basic accuracy at important work moments
Can perform tasks under supervision
Has basic knowledge and can ask questions that are relevant to learning a work
Can follow directives and instructions and take responsibility for tasks
Can make decisions concerning tasks at the basic level Know the values and consider the ethical principles
Can communicate and respond to patients / clients / customers
Can work with others in the work team/student group
Marice Nedergård
90% Face-to-face, 10% Distance learning
See Moodle for more information:
About any health ccks, tests and vaccinations
About assignments
Simulation exercises at the school before the internship
Supervised internship 6 weeks in Internal Medicine and Surgery
Written assignments and seminar after completion of internship.
In order to pass the course, students must
- participated in the simulation exercises.
- participated in practice information
- have completed the internship and achieved the goals specified in the curriculum.
- all practical assignments must be approved.
- participated in practical seminar
- practical tasks presented and submitted in connection with the practical seminar.
04.11.2024 - 26.01.2025
15.06.2024 - 03.11.2024
10 - 50
Marice Nedergård
Mandatory attendance at the simulation exercises, internship information, during the internship and at the internship seminar
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
Approved internship
Approved assignments
Participation in internship seminar
Simulation exercises
Clinical practice in different contexts
Mandatory Simulation Exercises/Workshop 6 h/group before the internship begins.
Internship info, Mandatory attendance
Internship seminar, Compulsory attendance
Students can practice abroad
The course is 10 credits, of which simulation exercises, internship information and internship seminar = 1 credit 27 hours and 9 credit internship = 6 weeks of supervised internship.
The student must be at the internship site 38/h per week = Total 228 h. and an additional 2 h/week that can be used for the internship tasks. A total of 40h/week, of which 38h in the field.
Internship info 3h/student
Simulations 6 h/student
Internship seminar 3 h
Independent reading 15 h Total 27 h.
Can receive feedback and show willingness to develop professional skills
Follows the worklist and keeps agreed times
Can ask questions that are relevant for learning a work
For the most part, it works in a planned manner and has a basic accuracy at important work moments
Can perform tasks under supervision
Has basic knowledge and can ask questions that are relevant to learning a work
Can follow directives and instructions and take responsibility for tasks
Can make decisions concerning tasks at the basic level Know the values and consider the ethical principles
Can communicate and respond to patients / clients / customers
Can work with others in the work team/student group
Marlene Gädda
95% Face-to-face, 5% Distance learning
Part 1: Workshop
Part 2: Clinical practice
Part 1: Workshop
Compulsory attendance
Del 2: Clinical practice
Approved practice
Approved written assignments
07.10.2024 - 08.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 06.10.2024
10 - 45
Maria Berg, Marlene Gädda
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
0.5 credits
Part 1: Workshop 2 days at CTC
Compulsory attendance
Part 2: Clinical practice
Approved clinical practice
Written assignments
Participation i seminars
Approved achievement in clinical studies on a basic level:
A Satisfactorily achieved the targets for work practice section.
B Interest and motivation
• is able to receive feedback and show willingness to develop professional skills
• follows the work list and respects agreed times
• can ask questions that are relevant to learn one operation
C Knowledge and skills
• mostly works according to a plan and has a basic accuracy of the important parts of the work
• can perform tasks under supervision
• has a basic knowledge and can ask questions that are relevant to learn one operation
• can follow directions and instructions and take responsibility for tasks
• makes decisions concerning work on a basic level
• is familiar with values and considers the ethical vocational principles
D Collaboration and response
• can communicate and respond to patients / clients / customers
• can work with others within the work team
Failed achievement in clinical studies on a basic level:
A Did not reach the objectives of work practice section.
B Interest and motivation
• has shown little or no interest and did not take enough responsibility for the tasks given
• does not follow work list and is not able to respect agreed times
C Knowledge and skills
• does not work according to plan, and with an unsystematic approach
• has demonstrated an unreliable approach to work with clear mistakes
• lack of understanding where knowledge is fragmentary and sometimes only ostensibly apparent
• has demonstrated professional immaturity and can compromise patient safety
D Collaboration and response
• possesses poor communication and interpersonal skills
• shows an unprofessional attitude
Anna-Lena Nieminen
Se Jobiili för att kontrollera praktikplatsens krav gällande vaccinationer, intyg
Se Moodle gällande praktikuppgifter (not translated)
Klinisk praktik inom primärvården (not translated)
30.09.2024 - 01.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Nina Vestö
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
Anita Wikberg
43% Face-to-face, 57% Distance learning
Qualitative methodology:
Alligood, M. (2022). Nursing Theorists and their work. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier. (eller tidigare upplagor)
Birkler, J. (2022). Vetenskapsteori en grundbok. Stockholm: Liber.
Carlsson, T. & Georgsson, S. (2021). Forsknignsetik. Ingår i Oscarsson M & Gerorgsson S. (red.). Etik för barnmorskor. Lund: Studentlitteratur, s 293- 308.
Forsknignsetiska delegationens dokument
Henricson, M. red. (2023). Vetenskapliglig teori och metod. Från idé till examination inom vård och hälsovetenskaper. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (eller tidigare upplagor)
Lundgren I, et al. (Eds.). (2022). Theories and perspectives for midwifery a Nordic view. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Wiklund Gustin, L. (2012). Omvårdnadsteorier i klinisk praxis. Natur och kultur.
+ annan valfri relevant litteratur.
Quantitative methodology:
som bredvidläsning rekommenderas Holme, I.M. & Solvang, B.K. (1992). Forskningsmetodik. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Widjeskog, Ö. 1995 (eller nyare upplaga). Statistik. En introduktion. Åbo: W-statistik, samt av examinator anvisad litteratur
Qualitative methods: lectures, written assignments, individual work and group work, tutorials home exam.
Quantitative methods: lectures, exercises in computer class, as well as written presentation
Compulsory presence
For written assignment 1-4 the grading is Pass/Fail
See details in Moodle
For home exam grades 0-5
Quantiative assignment is graded 1-5
02.09.2024 - 13.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
10 - 30
Ralf Lillbacka, Anita Wikberg
The course is arranged with midwifery students and the public health nurse students together.
More information about content in Moodle course
Compulsory presence on some parts mentioned in Moodle.
General feedback to the whole group, individual feedback on request.
Use Novia instructions for thesis in the assignments.
AI is not allowed to use unless it is explicitly encouraged.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
4 credits
Qualitative methods:
4 assignments pass/ fail, see more details in Moodle
+ home exam 0-5
Validation according to Novia's general instructions.
Quantitative methods: written assignment (graded according to the scale 1-5)
See Novia's instructions for validation
The students make an interview on a common topic that is agree on in class.
Deadlines for assignments and home exam in Moodle
Visit from a professor in midwifery from South Africa w 39.
Then the lectures will be in English
7 credits correspond to 189 hours of work for students.
Qualitative methodology 5cr:
Introduction 2h, lecture on interview including exercises 4h, research process 4h, qualitative content analysis including exercises 8h, midwifery, nursing or public health theory theory 2h. other: recorded lectures in Moodle, tutorials and individual and group work to be submitted in Moodle.
Quantitative research methodology is 1.5 cr which is equivalent to 40.5 hours work of which 8 are scheduled lectures and seminars and the rest is the students' own work. assignment is submitted on a agreed date after the lectures.
A written assignment is failed when it doesn't fulfill the requirements for a passed grade. The requirements for passed grade are available at the Moodlepage designed for the course
The examination is evaluated based on the answers given and if not the points all together reaches 50% of maximum the examination is failed.
The quantitative assignment is evaluated similarly, according to the relative proportion of correct answers.
50-69% correct answers
70-89% correct answers
90-100% correct answers
Ann-Louise Glasberg
43% Face-to-face, 57% Distance learning
Maria Henricson (red.) (2023). Vetenskaplig teori och metod - från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Other literature see Moodle.
Quantitative methods: following literature is recommended Holme, I.M. & Solvang, B.K. (1992). Forskningsmetodik. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Widjeskog, Ö. 1995 (eller nyare upplaga). Statistik. En introduktion. Åbo: W-statistik, as well as other literature suggested by the examiner.
Qualitative methods: lectures, self-studies, individual interview, group assignments and seminar
Quantitative methods: lectures, exercises in computer class, as well as written presentation
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: based on the written assignments, the student's ability to understand and apply a theoretical approach in health care and selected qualitative research methods.
Quantitative methods: based on the written assignment, the student's ability to understand and apply fundamental statistical concepts, and to perform a statistical analysis, is evaluated.
22.08.2024 - 22.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 21.08.2024
10 - 35
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Ralf Lillbacka, Anita Wikberg
Kursen är kopplad till skrivande av examensarbete, samt förutsätter att man har en idé/plan för sitt examensarbete och inleder skrivandet av examensarbetet.
Obligatorisk närvaro vid introduktion av kursen, seminarier och presentationer av examinationsuppgifter. (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
4 credits
Validation according to Novia instructions.
Topics for thesis.
See Peppi and Moodle.
Moodle-test in information search
Reflection report thesis
Scientific articles assignment
Written exam
Assignment in qualitative methods
Assignment in quantitative methods
Assignment in nursing theories
Quantitative methods: the written assignment must be submitted within a month after the end of this part of the course.
27 h/cr = 189 h
Written exam: points < 50%
Written assignment: The student has not followed the instructions and shows very week substance knowledge.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has not followed the instructions and shows very week substance knowledge.
Quantitative methods: the student does not understand and cannot apply statistical concepts and cannot perform an adequate statistical analysis.
Written exam: The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject, points 50%-69%
Written assignment: The student has followed the instructions and shows limited substance knowledge.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has followed the instructions and shows limited substance knowledge.
Quantitative methods: notable weaknesses are found in the student's understanding and application of statistical concepts, or the statistical analysis is not adequately performed.
Written exam: The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his / her views, points 70%-89%.
Written assignment:The student has followed the instructions for the written work and master the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has followed the instructions for the written work and master the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
Quantitative methods: the student predominantly demonstrates a good understanding of and can apply statistical concepts, and only minor errors are found in the statistical analysis.
Written exam: The student shows an in-depth knowledge, points > 90%
Written assignment: The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she/he has mastered the substance.
Quantitative methods: the student demonstrates a complete understanding of statistical concepts and makes only insignificant errors when applying them, and performs a statistical analysis without errors.
Ann-Louise Glasberg
72% Face-to-face, 28% Distance learning
Maria Henricson (red.) (2023). Vetenskaplig teori och metod - från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Other literature see Moodle.
Quantitative methods: following literature is recommended Holme, I.M. & Solvang, B.K. (1992). Forskningsmetodik. Kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Widjeskog, Ö. 1995 (eller nyare upplaga). Statistik. En introduktion. Åbo: W-statistik, as well as other literature suggested by the examiner.
Qualitative methods: lectures, self-studies, individual interview, group assignments and seminar
Quantitative methods: lectures, exercises in computer class, as well as written presentation
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: based on the written assignments, the student's ability to understand and apply a theoretical approach in health care and selected qualitative research methods.
Quantitative methods: based on the written assignment, the student's ability to understand and apply fundamental statistical concepts, and to perform a statistical analysis, is evaluated.
02.09.2024 - 22.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 02.09.2024
10 - 45
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Ralf Lillbacka
Kursen är kopplad till skrivande av examensarbete, samt förutsätter att man har en idé/plan för sitt examensarbete och inleder skrivandet av examensarbetet.
Obligatorisk närvaro vid introduktion av kursen, seminarier och presentationer av examinationsuppgifter. (not translated)
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
2 credits
Validation according to Novia instructions.
Topics for thesis.
See Peppi and Moodle.
Moodle-test in information search
Reflection report thesis
Scientific articles assignment
Written exam
Assignment in qualitative methods
Assignment in quantitative methods
Assignment in nursing theories
Quantitative methods: the written assignment must be submitted within a month after the end of this part of the course.
27 h/cr = 189 h
Written exam: points < 50%
Written assignment: The student has not followed the instructions and shows very week substance knowledge.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has not followed the instructions and shows very week substance knowledge.
Quantitative methods: the student does not understand and cannot apply statistical concepts and cannot perform an adequate statistical analysis.
Written exam: The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject, points 50%-69%
Written assignment: The student has followed the instructions and shows limited substance knowledge.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has followed the instructions and shows limited substance knowledge.
Quantitative methods: notable weaknesses are found in the student's understanding and application of statistical concepts, or the statistical analysis is not adequately performed.
Written exam: The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his / her views, points 70%-89%.
Written assignment:The student has followed the instructions for the written work and master the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has followed the instructions for the written work and master the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
Quantitative methods: the student predominantly demonstrates a good understanding of and can apply statistical concepts, and only minor errors are found in the statistical analysis.
Written exam: The student shows an in-depth knowledge, points > 90%
Written assignment: The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance.
Nursing theories and quantitative methods: The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she/he has mastered the substance.
Quantitative methods: the student demonstrates a complete understanding of statistical concepts and makes only insignificant errors when applying them, and performs a statistical analysis without errors.
Terese Österberg
80% Face-to-face, 20% Distance learning
Klemetti R. & Raussi-Lehto, E. (red.), Edistä, ehkäise, vaikuta Seksuaali- ja lisääntymisterveyden toimintaohjelma 20142020, Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos. Opas 33/2014.
Lindgren et al. 2022. Reproduktiv hälsa. Barnmorksans kompetensområde. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Lundgren, I, Blix, E, Gottfredsdottir, H., Wikberg, A. & Aagard Nohr, E. 2022. Theories and perspectives for midwifery a Nordic view. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Oscarsson M. & Georgsson S. (red.). (2021). Etik för barnmorskor. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Harvala m.fl., 2021, Kätilötyö. Edita, Helsingfors.
Ryttyläinen K. & Valkama S., 2010, Seksuaalisuus hoitotyössä, Edita, Helsingfors
Tapanainen,J., Heikinheimo, O.& Kaarin Mäkikallio, K. (toim.) 2019 (eller 2011). Naistentaudit ja synnytykset. Duodecim. (kap. 1-17, 20-31)(kap. 2-12, 14-28 i 2011)
According to instructions from the lecturers
Lectures, group works, discussion, video, demonstration, practical exercises, individual work
02.09.2024 - 29.09.2024
15.06.2024 - 25.08.2024
5 - 15
Terese Österberg, Anita Wikberg
Written exam 40p
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Midwifery
1 credits
1 credits
Compulsory attendance at practical exercises and group work
Moodle exam in class
Plan and conduct a lesson in sexual health
Active participation in discussions
Validation according to general directives in Novia.
Written exam deadline see Moodle
Retake exams on two general exam days, see Moodle or Peppi
Registration on Peppi is compulsory for re take exams no later than the Monday before the exam.
In the retake Tapanainen et al. see above or equivalent literature in English + Moodle material both lectures and groups works are included.
practical exercises
presentationer av grupparbeten
Anita Wikberg
67% Face-to-face, 33% Distance learning
Alligood, M. R. (2014). Nursing theorists and their work (Eighth edition.). Elsevier.
Arman, M., Dahlberg, K. & Ekebergh, M., red. 2015. Teoretiska grunder för vårdande. Stockholm: Liber.
kapitel 1-3, 5
Erikssson, K. m.fl. 2012. Hoitotiede, Helsinki: Sanoma pro OY.
Eriksson, K. 2018. Vårdvetenskap. Vetenskapen om vårdandet - om dettidlösa i tiden. (Samlingsverk.) Stockhom: Liber AB.
Rehnsfeldt, A. & Arman, M. (red.). 2020. Klinisk vårdvetenskap. Vårdande på teoretisk grund. Stockholm: Liber Ab.
Wiklund, L. 2003. Vårdvetenskap i klinisk praxis. Stockholm: Natur och kultur.
Sandman.L. & Kjellström.S. 2013. Etikboken. Etik för vårdande yrken. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Arman, M., Dahlberg, K. & Ekebergh, M., red. 2015. Teoretiska grunder för vårdande. Stockholm: Liber.
kapitel 4.
Abdelhamid, P., Juntunen, A. & Koskinen, L. 2009. Monikulttuurinen hoitotyö. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Ahmadi, F. 2008. Kultur och hälsa. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Ekblad, S, (red.).Hälsa och mångfald: ett kliniskt perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber.
Hanssen, I. 2007. Omvårdnad i ett mångkulturellt samhälle. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Herlitz, G. 2006. Kulturgrammatik - hur du ökar din förmåga att umgås över kulturgränserna. Malmö: Liber.
Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G.J. & Minkov, M. 2011. Organisationer och kulturer. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Holland, K. & Hogg, C. 2010. Cultural awareness in nursing and health care: an introductory text. London: Hodder Arnold.
Kersey-Matusiak,G. 2015. Kulturkompetent omvårdnad. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Ritter, L.A. & Graham, D.H. 2017. Multicultural Health. Burlington, MA, USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Sorajjakool, S., Carr, M.F. & Bursey, E. (Eds.) 2017. World religions for healthcare professionals. 2nd ed. Routledge: Oxon.
+ links on Moodle
lectures, groupwork, tutorials, online tests, and workshops
Nursing ethics assessed pass/fail
The assignment (nursing science + interultural nursing) is assessed with grades 0-5
Criteria for evaluation Max score 40:
- Have chosen a relevant term and described it 10
- Referred to one of the recommended books on each subject of health sciences and
intercultural care 2
- Described the culture, ethnic group 10
- Referred to a scientific article/study (peer reviewed) on the chosen culture and concept e.g. health of Vietnamese. Told about the result 3
- Interviewed a person from a culture other than their own. Told about the result. The questions in appendix 2
- Reflection 3
- Followed Novia's instructions for degree project especially references 2
- 9 pages of text on 3 stud., 5-6 on 2 stud. 1
- Extra Literature 1
- Something extra in addition to what was required, e.g. PP, film, theory 2
- Comments on other people's work on Moodle 3
- Submitted on agreed date 1
The health care organization is assessed 0-5
Own work if the profession is assessed pass/fail
02.09.2024 - 25.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 13.09.2024
10 - 40
Terese Österberg, Carina Gädda, Frida Gädda, Anita Wikberg
Introductions, workshops and seminars have mandatory attendance.
Group feedback, individual feedback on demand
The course has been updated from evaluation of previous courses
All assignments need to follow Instructions for writing thesis in Novia
AI is not allowed to use.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Midwifery
2 credits
2 credits
Validation according to Novia's instructions
Nursing and Midwifery associations in Finland
Welfare county
Nursing Ethics: Online Tests
Nursing Sciences + Intercultural Care: assignment
Health care organization: Sote, legislation: assignment
Own profession and sustainable development: assignment
See deadlines for assignments in Moodle
Nursing science and intercultural care: lectures and group exercises and discussions + team work with the exercise work = 54h.
Nursing ethics 2h introduction, 25h own reading and implementation of tests and tasks
Sote and legislation: lectures + group work and discussions = 54h
Own profession and sustainable development: lectures and material other own reading and implementation + individual task = 27h
Not reached criteria for grade 1
See above
See above
See above
There is no implementations attached to this degree programme.