Anita Wikberg
Alligood, M. R. (2014). Nursing theorists and their work (Eighth edition.). Elsevier.
Arman, M., Dahlberg, K. & Ekebergh, M., red. 2015. Teoretiska grunder för vårdande. Stockholm: Liber.
kapitel 1-3, 5
Erikssson, K. m.fl. 2012. Hoitotiede, Helsinki: Sanoma pro OY.
Eriksson, K. 2018. Vårdvetenskap. Vetenskapen om vårdandet - om dettidlösa i tiden. (Samlingsverk.) Stockhom: Liber AB.
Rehnsfeldt, A. & Arman, M. (red.). 2020. Klinisk vårdvetenskap. Vårdande på teoretisk grund. Stockholm: Liber Ab.
Wiklund, L. 2003. Vårdvetenskap i klinisk praxis. Stockholm: Natur och kultur.
Sandman.L. & Kjellström.S. 2013. Etikboken. Etik för vårdande yrken. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Arman, M., Dahlberg, K. & Ekebergh, M., red. 2015. Teoretiska grunder för vårdande. Stockholm: Liber.
kapitel 4.
Abdelhamid, P., Juntunen, A. & Koskinen, L. 2009. Monikulttuurinen hoitotyö. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Ahmadi, F. 2008. Kultur och hälsa. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Ekblad, S, (red.).Hälsa och mångfald: ett kliniskt perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber.
Hanssen, I. 2007. Omvårdnad i ett mångkulturellt samhälle. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Herlitz, G. 2006. Kulturgrammatik - hur du ökar din förmåga att umgås över kulturgränserna. Malmö: Liber.
Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G.J. & Minkov, M. 2011. Organisationer och kulturer. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Holland, K. & Hogg, C. 2010. Cultural awareness in nursing and health care: an introductory text. London: Hodder Arnold.
Kersey-Matusiak,G. 2015. Kulturkompetent omvårdnad. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Ritter, L.A. & Graham, D.H. 2017. Multicultural Health. Burlington, MA, USA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Sorajjakool, S., Carr, M.F. & Bursey, E. (Eds.) 2017. World religions for healthcare professionals. 2nd ed. Routledge: Oxon.
+ links on Moodle
lectures, groupwork, tutorials, online tests, and workshops
Nursing ethics assessed pass/fail
The assignment (nursing science + interultural nursing) is assessed with grades 0-5
Criteria for evaluation Max score 40:
- Have chosen a relevant term and described it 10
- Referred to one of the recommended books on each subject of health sciences and
intercultural care 2
- Described the culture, ethnic group 10
- Referred to a scientific article/study (peer reviewed) on the chosen culture and concept e.g. health of Vietnamese. Told about the result 3
- Interviewed a person from a culture other than their own. Told about the result. The questions in appendix 2
- Reflection 3
- Followed Novia's instructions for degree project especially references 2
- 9 pages of text on 3 stud., 5-6 on 2 stud. 1
- Extra Literature 1
- Something extra in addition to what was required, e.g. PP, film, theory 2
- Comments on other people's work on Moodle 3
- Submitted on agreed date 1
The health care organization is assessed 0-5
Own work if the profession is assessed pass/fail
02.09.2024 - 25.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 13.09.2024
10 - 40
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Anita Wikberg, Terese Österberg, Carina Gädda, Frida Gädda
Introductions, workshops and seminars have mandatory attendance.
Group feedback, individual feedback on demand
The course has been updated from evaluation of previous courses
All assignments need to follow Instructions for writing thesis in Novia
AI is not allowed to use.
Degree Programme in Midwifery
2.00 credits
2.00 credits
Validation according to Novia's instructions
Nursing and Midwifery associations in Finland
Welfare county
Nursing Ethics: Online Tests
Nursing Sciences + Intercultural Care: assignment
Health care organization: Sote, legislation: assignment
Own profession and sustainable development: assignment
See deadlines for assignments in Moodle
Autumn 2024
w. 36-43
Nursing science and intercultural care: lectures and group exercises and discussions + team work with the exercise work = 54h.
Nursing ethics 2h introduction, 25h own reading and implementation of tests and tasks
Sote and legislation: lectures + group work and discussions = 54h
Own profession and sustainable development: lectures and material other own reading and implementation + individual task = 27h
Not reached criteria for grade 1
See above
See above
See above