Please select the curriculum by the start year of studies and competence track.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material on Moodle.
Appelgren, A. (2018). Motiverad. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
Forsnor Wärn, A. & Kamperhaug, A. (2019). Self Care. Stockholm: Norstedts.
Mobile applications.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, discussions, workshops, tests, reflection, research, mood boards, study visits and teamwork.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and team) and for activity. The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
07.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Valeria Simonova
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments and activity.
Group feedback is given after finished course.
For course assignment is the aim to cooperate with working life and study visit within working life.
Mandatory attendance at study visits.
Examination consists of course assignments.
Deadline is in February-March 2025.
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 21hrs
Self study: 60hrs
Total: 81hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences and understanding within the theme.
The assignments are inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence and good understanding within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence and a complete understanding within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Valeria Simonova
Study material on Moodle and according to the teacher's instructions.
De Mare, M., ChWilliams Language Services, k., & Esposito, F. (2023). Revolutionise your salon with colour analysis: [discover, create and add value to each client with friendly colours]. Independently published.
Eiseman, L. (2006). More alive with color: Personal colors, personal style. Capital Books.
Gage, J. (2000). Color and meaning: Art, science and symbolism. University of California Press.
Middleton, K. k. (2018). Color theory for the makeup artist: Understanding color and light for beauty and special effects. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
(2023). Color coded confidence: The power of colour - all in one personal color analysis: the 12 seasonal color analysis guide to bring out your natural beauty. Independently published.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises, workshops, mood boards, color systems and team work.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and / or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
The grades (0-5) are given for the following parts:
1. Active participation in practical exercises in class (1 cr.)
2. Exam (1 cr.)
3. Course assignment (1 cr.)
23.09.2024 - 08.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Valeria Simonova
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Group or individual feedback is given after finished course.
Alumni teacher.
Examination consists of practical exercises in class, submitted course assignments and exam, deadline in Autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 28 hrs
Self study: 53 hrs
Total: 81 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignment is inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Miranda Ekholm
Study material on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, practical exercises and workshops.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and / or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Miranda Ekholm
More information is given at course introduction.
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Feedback is given after finished course.
Examination consists of submitted assignments. Deadline is in Autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 28 hrs
Self study: 53 hrs
Total: 81 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme
The assignment is inadequate or lacking
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view
The student has almost or has fullfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fullfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Sanna Gunell
- Marie Lodén: Ren, mjuk och vacker; Kemi och funktion hos kosmetika (2013 eller äldre upplaga)
- Material på Moodle (not translated)
Föreläsningar, övningar och grupparbeten och framställning av kosmetiska produkter (obligatorisk närvaro) (not translated)
02.09.2024 - 01.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 11.09.2024
Mikaela Engvall, Sanna Gunell
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Johanna Nykamb
-Rees, A. (2016). The curated closet. (First edition.). 1 ex.
-Freer, A., & Kuo, J. (2015). How to get dressed. 1 ex.
-Hancock, J. H., Johnson-Woods, T., & Karaminas, V. (2013). Fashion in popular culture. E-book.
-Edwards, T. (2011). Fashion in focus: Concepts, practices and politics. Routledge. (2015).
Välklädd: Så stylar du din garderob. 1 ex.
Se Moodle
Introduction in Moodle
Lectures, discussions and practical exercises and exams.
Workshops, test, practical assignments, assignments
Approved practical assignments and submitted assignments.
Feedback is given after finished course via Moodle.
Other instructions are available on Moodle.
30.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Johanna Nykamb
This course focus particularly on the global goals point 4. Quality education.
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Education liberates the intellect, unlocks the imagination and is fundamental for self-respect. It is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities, making it possible for each of us to contribute to a progressive, healthy society. Learning benefits every human being and should be available to all
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
For course assignment is the aim to cooperate with working life
Examination consists of submitted assignments.
Deadline for submitted assignments are in November/ December 2024.
More information is given at course introduction.
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 50 hrs
Self study: 85 hrs
Total: 135 hrs
Approved practical assignments and submitted assignments exams.
Feedback is given after finished course via Moodle.
Other instructions are available on Moodle.
Students demonstrate a superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject
Students demonstrate competence that is related to and connected with the literature. Students can reflect on and justify their own perspectives
Students have an advanced competence and demonstrate a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to their future profession
Johanna Nykamb
Eek. G, Feldt. M & Pihlsgård. A. (2022). Servicekunskap 1. Liber.
Erasmine. M & Pihlsgård. A. (2023) Personlig försäljning 1 Fakta och Uppgifter. Liber.
Skärvad, P., & Olsson, J. (2008). Företagsekonomi 100: Faktabok (14. uppl.). Liber ekonomi. 1, 2, 4,5, 12, 13
Lectures, discussions and practical exercises.
Workshops, assignments, final assignments/ exam
Examination consists of submitted assignments.
Deadline for submitted assignments are in November/ December 2024.
More information is given at course introduction in Moodle.
24.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Johanna Nykamb
This Course focus on the sustainable goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Economic growth should be a positive force for the whole planet.This is why we must make sure that financial progress creates decent and fulfilling jobs while not harming the environment. We must protect labour rights and once and for all put a stop to modern slavery and child labour. If we promote job creation with expanded access to banking and financial services, we can make sure that everybody gets the benefits of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services.
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
For course assignment is the aim to cooperate with working life
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 30 hrs
Self study: 51 hrs
Total: 81 hrs
Competence objectives of the study unit
• The students have knowledge about customer service and are able to adapt it in different work situations and for different customers
• The students understand the importance of and nurture the customer relation
• The students understand and can communicate with different types of customer personalities
• The students can carry out an analysis of customer needs and take the needs and wishes of the customer into consideration
• The students have knowledge about sales work for products and services
• The students understand the importance of social medias and can use them within customer service
• The students can plan, apply and analyze content for social media in Beauty Care
• The students can apply, analyze and develop an approach that promotes sustainable development
Customer Service and Relation
Customer Personalities
Sales Work for Products and Services
Social Media
Content for Social Media in Beauty Care
No prerequisite is needed
Studerande påvisar en ytlig kompetens och grundläggande förståelse för ämnet (not translated)
Studerande påvisar en kompetens som relateras och kopplas till litteraturen
Studerande kan reflektera och motivera egna synpunkter (not translated)
Studerande har en fördjupad kompetens och visar en djupare förståelse för ämnet i relation till det kommande yrket (not translated)
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Ohlsson, S. (2011). Digital bild 3.0 (4.0) Projektor.
Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019). Digital marketing (Seventh edition.). Pearson.
Chat GPT
Lectures, practical exercises, analyses and practical exams.
Practical exercises in photography (studio and nearby environments)
Exercises in various digital programs
Editing and color grading of images
Examination consists of submitted assignments and open book test.
More information is given at course introduction in Moodle.
07.01.2025 - 31.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Johanna Nykamb
This Course focus on the sustainable goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Economic growth should be a positive force for the whole planet.This is why we must make sure that financial progress creates decent and fulfilling jobs while not harming the environment. We must protect labour rights and once and for all put a stop to modern slavery and child labour. If we promote job creation with expanded access to banking and financial services, we can make sure that everybody gets the benefits of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial servic
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
For course assignment is the aim to cooperate with working life
More information at Moodle
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 50 hrs
Self study: 85 hrs
Total: 135 hrs
Students demonstrate a superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject
Students demonstrate competence that relates to and connects with the literature.
Students can reflect on and justify their own viewpoints
Students demonstrate advanced competence and show a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to their future profession
Study material on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, practical exercises and workshops.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and / or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Miranda Ekholm
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Feedback is given after finished course.
Examination consists of submitted assignments. Deadline is in Autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 24 hrs
Self study: 57 hrs
Total: 81 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme
The assignment is inadequate or lacking
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view
The student has almost or has fullfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fullfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Camilla Mattjus
Study materials and recommended reading are available on Moodle
Web-based lectures with elements of guest speakers and study visits.
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
02.12.2024 - 28.09.2025
Annika Wentjärvi, Camilla Mattjus, Nanette Westergård, Marica Hinders, Johanna Nykamb, Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Nursing, Degree Programme in Social Services, Degree Programme in Beauty Care, Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Examinations will be held at least twice each semester.
Written assignment.
3 cp = 81h
- have submitted the tasks on time
- have carried out tasks according to instructions and have included all parts of the assignment
- can reflect and justify own views
- participated in study visits and guest lectures OR submitted alternative assignments
according to instructions
-Undone / failed tasks
Valeria Simonova
Study material on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises, teamwork.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments. The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
The grades are given for the following parts:
1. Active participation in practical exercises in class (1 cr.)
2. Practical exam (1 cr.)
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
02.11.2024 - 01.12.2024
10 - 20
Valeria Simonova
More information is given at course introduction.
Degree Programme in Beauty Care, Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and practical exam.
Feedback is given after finished course.
Examination consists of practical exercises in class and practical exam.
Deadline in Autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 11 hrs
Self study: 43 hrs
Total: 54 hrs
The student has not followed the task's instructions and demonstrate particularly weak knowledge of the subject.
The submitted assignment is incomplete or missing.
The student has not participated and has not contributed to the process of the project work. The student's share in the project cannot be demonstrated or is brief.
The student has not shown greater commitment and has not been active during the course.
The student has partially followed the task's instructions and demonstrate satisfactory knowledge of the subject.
The content of the submitted assignment is satisfactory.
The student has partly participated and have partly contributed in the process of the project work. The student´s share in the project is satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but engagement and activity has been low or satisfactory.
The student has almost or has completed the task's instructions and demonstrate good or extremely good knowledge of the subject.
The content of the submitted assignment is good or extremely good.
The student has participated, taken partial responsibility and contributed to the process of the project work. The student´s share in the project is good or extremely good. The student has participated or actively participated in the course and demonstrate commitment to course content and course assignments.
The student has completed the task's instructions and demonstrate excellent knowledge of the subject.
The content of the submitted assignment is excellent and exceptionally well done.
The student has taken responsibility and has contributed to the progress of the project work process. The student's share in the project is clear and excellent. The student has been active throughout the course and demonstrate extra commitment and interest in course content and course assignments.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material on Moodle and according to the teacher's instructions.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Föreläsningar, demonstrationer, praktiska övningar, workshops, mood boards, portfolio, salongsarbete och teamwork.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and / or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
02.09.2024 - 06.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Emma Bodbacka
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Group or individual feedback is given after finished course.
Salon work with clients.
Alumni teacher from working life.
Examination consists of submitted assignments, deadline in Autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 28 hrs
Salon work: 20 hrs
Self study: 87 hrs
Total: 135 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignment is inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material on Moodle and according to the teacher's instructions.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises, workshops, mood boards, portfolio, salon work and team work.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and / or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Emma Bodbacka
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Group feedback is given after finished course.
Salon work with clients.
Alumni teacher from working life.
Examination consists of submitted assignments, deadline in Autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 24 hrs
Salon work: 20 hrs
Self study: 91 hrs
Total: 135 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignment is inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Jaana´s part: Novia´s Intranet and systems.
Lecture, team work, mood boards, alumni visits and learning platforms.
Jaana´s part, introduction to academic studies, 1cr: Narrative method, lecture, quiz, guidance, discussions och exercises.
The course is approved with Pass/Fail.
Examination consists of submitted assignments and activity.
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck, Johanna Nykamb
More information is given at introduction of each course part.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical exercises and submitted course assignments.
Students commitment and activity during the course are important.
Feedback is given individually or as group feedback after the course.
Jaana´s part: one approved assignment- quiz and activity (grade Pass/Fail).
We strive close contact to working life and it´s needs.
The students become familiar with alumni and branch professionals within branch familiarity 1cr.
Practical assignments both individual and in group during the course. Participation in discussions and visits.
More information about times and assignments on Moodle.
Jaana´s part, 1cr: Examination consists of one submitted assignment and activity, grade (Pass/Fail).
1. Introduction to Studies, 1cr, has a quiz on Moodle. The quiz opens up in September and has a deadline for submission: September 30th 2024. The quiz result/feedback is given by the Moodle system. Graded (Pass/Fail).
2. Active participation in course part, graded (Pass/Fail).
Examination autumn 2024. Instructions for the examinations are given by each teacher at the beginning of course part.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 30 hrs
Self study: 51 hrs
Total: 81 hrs
Jaana´s part, 1cr:
The students work 27 hours / cr
In class: 20 hrs
Self study: 7 hrs
Total: 27 hrs
The student has followed instructions and shows sufficient knowledge about the theme.
The student has shown interest.
The student has not followed instructions and shows especially insufficient knowledge about the theme.
The student has not shown much interest.
Valeria Simonova
Study material on Moodle and according to the teacher's instructions.
Aucoin, K. (2000). Face forward. Little, Brown.
Brown, B., Bergsma Otte, D., Wadyka, S., & Leutwyler, H. (2011). Bobbi Brown makeup manual: For everyone from beginner to pro (1st trade ed.). Grand Central Life & Style.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises, workshops, salon work and team work.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and / or team).
The grades are given for the following parts:
1. Active participation in practical exercises in class and salon work (1 cr.)
2. Course assignment (1 cr.)
3. Course assignment (1 cr.)
The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
30.09.2024 - 13.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 29.09.2024
Valeria Simonova
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Individual feedback is given after finished course.
Salon work with clients.
Alumni teacher.
Examination consists of submitted course assignments, practical exercises in class and salon work, deadline in Autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 22 hrs
Salon work: 10 hrs
Self study: 49 hrs
Total: 81 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignment is inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Course based on the following literature:
Skärvad, P., & Olsson, J. (2011). Företagsekonomi 100: Lösningar (13. uppl.). Liber.
Chaffey, D., & Chadwick, F. (2022). Digital marketing (Eighth edition.). Pearson.
Open Book Literature. Need to be borrowed and read:
Johnson, G., Whittington, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D., & Regnér, P. (2018). Fundamentals of strategy. Pearson. Chap: 2, 3, 4, 5
Föreläsningar, diskussioner och praktiska övningar.
Workshops, öppenbok test, inlämningsarbeten. Slutligt arbete. (not translated)
Examination consists of submitted assignments and open book test.
More information is given at course introduction in Moodle.
1. Marketing and Sale Process 1 cp 10 p
2. Marketing Analysis 1 cp 30 p
BY Pestel or Porter
3. Marketing Plan 1 cp 10 p
4. Service Concepts in Marketing 0,5 cp
5. Sale Techniques in Marketing 0,5 cp
6. Practicing in Marketing 1 cp 50 p
100 p
07.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Johanna Nykamb
This Course focus on the sustainable goal 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Economic growth should be a positive force for the whole planet.This is why we must make sure that financial progress creates decent and fulfilling jobs while not harming the environment. We must protect labour rights and once and for all put a stop to modern slavery and child labour. If we promote job creation with expanded access to banking and financial services, we can make sure that everybody gets the benefits of entrepreneurship and innovation.
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
For course assignment is the aim to cooperate with working life
Open book exam
SWOT Analys
Business model canvas
Analysis of a company
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 50 hrs
Self study: 85 hrs
Total: 135 hrs
Studerande påvisar en ytlig kompetens och grundläggande förståelse för ämnet (not translated)
Studerande påvisar en kompetens som relateras och kopplas till litteraturen
Studerande kan reflektera och motivera egna synpunkter (not translated)
Studerande har en fördjupad kompetens och visar en djupare förståelse för ämnet i relation till det kommande yrket (not translated)
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Yukl, G. (2013). Leadership in organizations.
Bruzelius, L. H., & Skärvad, P. (2017). Integrerad organisationslära (Upplaga 11.). 13 ex.
Suleyman Davut Göker & Göker, S. D. (2018). Leadership. E-book through Tritonia.
Chan, C., & Chow, S. (2018). The fashion business manual: An illustrated guide to building a fashion brand. Tritonia 5 ex.
According to the lecturers instructions.
Lectures, narrative method, practical assignments and workshops, case-studies / problem- solving, discussions and teamwork.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments and essay exam (individual, pair and/or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
07.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved assignments and team examination.
Feedback is given individually or as group feedback after finished course.
For course assignments/workshops are the aim to collaborate with working life.
Examination consists of submitted assignments and team examination. Examination spring 2025. All assignments and team essay exam in course needs to be completed and approved to get the course graded.
Examination consists of submitted assignments and team exam (1-5) and activity / attendance, grade (0-5).
1. Written Team Essay on Organisation and Leadership, 1cr. Examination date is Wednesday 5 February 2025, 13.00-15.30. Deadline for submission: 15.45 pm on Moodle. Team feedback is given through Moodle. Grade (1-5).
2. Career within Industry, 1cr. Deadline: January 2025 via Moodle. Feedback is given individually through Moodle. Grade (1-5).
3. Activity / attendance, 1cr. Grade (0-5).
Instructions for the examination are given at course introduction.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 21 hrs
Self study: 60 hrs
Total: 81 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignments is inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature.
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view.
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Guillaume Roujas
Study material on Moodle or according to the teacher's instructions.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises, workshops, mood board and team work.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and / or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
14.10.2024 - 13.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Guillaume Roujas
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Group or individual feedback is given after finished course.
Teacher from working life. Teaching language is English.
Examination consists of submitted assignments, deadline in Autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 60 hrs
Self study: 75 hrs
Total: 135 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignment is inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Internship information on Moodle.
According to the supervisor´s instructions at the internship place.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Guidance by supervisor at internship place and guidance by teacher.
Internship is approved with pass/fail.
Criteria for internship assessment is presented at the occasion of internship information.
07.01.2025 - 01.06.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
More information is given at the occasions of internship information (Autumn 2024 and Spring 2025).
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved internship, approved internship report and internship documents.
Individual feedback is given by the supervisor at the internship place. Feedback is given at the internship webinar.
Internship is carried out in working life.
Internship information II about internship documents week 3, Monday 13 January, 12.00-13.30. Mandatory attendance.
Internship place notification deadline 31 January 2025.
Internship weeks 10-22, 3 March-30 May 2025.
Internship webinar online Thursday 22 May, 9.00-11.45. Mandatory attendance the whole session.
Autumn 2024: internship information I, 24 October 2024, 9.00-10.30 online.
Possible international internship places.
The students work 38 hours/cr.
In class: 8hrs
Self studies: 380hrs
Total: 380hrs
Internship is approved with pass/fail.
Criteria for internship assessment is presented at the occasion of internship information.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Client Work and events.
The course is approved with pass/not passed.
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2027
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck, Vasa Estenom, Johanna Nykamb, Anna-Lotta Mörk-Nygård
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practice work, approved report and participation
Team feedback is given at the seminar.
Students collaborates with working life, organisations and / or associations.
Examination 1cr Spring 2025 at seminar.
Examination 1cr Spring 2026.
Examination 1cr Spring 2027.
Spring 2025: 1 cr. Booked between 7 January - 31 March 2025.
Three course teachers: Jaana, Johanna and hourly teachers who have their own groups (A-C).
1 intro session, week 4.
1 Check-up (own group), week 8.
1 final seminar, week 12.
Students can have international contacts as a collaboration part.
The students work 27 hours/cp.
In class: 4 hrs/cp- 12hrs
Self study: 69 hours
Total: 81 hours
The student has followed instructions and shows sufficient knowledge within customer work. The student has shown interest and has been active during the course.
The student has not followed instructions and shows especially insufficient knowledge within customer work. The student has not shown much interest and has not been active during the course.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Internship information on Moodle under courses salon work and Beauty Beneath.
According to the teacher´s and representative´s instructions.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Client work, salon work and salon positions, consultations, events, teamwork, research, marketing, lectures and training.
Guidance by supervising teacher´s.
Internship is approved with pass/fail.
Criteria for internship assessment is presented at the internship start in March.
01.01.2025 - 28.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck, Johanna Nykamb, Anna-Lotta Mörk-Nygård
More information is given at introduction of internship in March.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved internship, approved internship report and internship documents.
Individual feedback is given by the supervising teacher.
Salon work and events with clients and collaborations with working life.
The internship starts on 3 March 2025 and ends on 27 March 2025.
Students have the first week theory and training. The following three weeks, there is client work in the salon morning 9-13 and afternoon 14-18 in rotating shifts.
Monday´s are meeting day and planning for the week.
Rooms: H070 salon, A157 and theory room.
The students work 38 hours/1,5sp.
Praktiktimmar totalt: 125h för 5sp
The internship starts on 3 March 2025 and ends on 27 March 2025.
Students have the first week theory and training. The following three weeks, there is client work in the salon morning 9-13 and afternoon 14-18 in rotating shifts.
Monday´s are meeting day and planning for the week.
Rooms: H070 salon, A157 and theory room.
Internship is approved with pass/fail.
Criteria for internship assessment is presented at the internship start in March.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Information on Moodle.
According to the supervisor´s instructions.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Internship weeks 14-22, 31st March-30th May 2024
Information 10th January, 2025, 12:00-13:30 in Campus Alere Vaasa
Deadline for registration 20th February 2025. Registration send by E-mail to
Internship Seminar 2nd June 2025, 9:00-13:00 via Teams (Mandatory). Link in Moodle
Internship is approved with pass/not passed.
Criteria for internship assessment is presented at the occasion of internship information.
01.04.2025 - 01.06.2025
01.12.2024 - 31.03.2025
Johanna Nykamb
Internship is approved with pass/not passed.
Criteria for internship assessment is presented at the occasion of internship information
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved internship, approved internship report and internship documents.
Individual feedback is given by the supervisor at the internship place. Feedback is given at the webinar.
Mandatory participation in the seminary
Internship is carried out in working life.
Possible international internship places.
The students work 38 hours/cp.
In class: 8hrs
Self studies: 190hrs
Total: 190hrs
More information is given at the occasion of internship information
Camilla Höglund
Marie Lodén: Ren, mjuk och vacker; Kemi och funktion hos kosmetika (2013 or older vesion)
Material on Moodle
Relevant research articles, as well as different web pages
Lectures and production of cosmetics (presence obligatory)
The course is graded based on the result in the exam (grade 0-5) and diary of product development and manufacturing, as well as the presentation of the final product
04.11.2024 - 21.02.2025
15.06.2024 - 11.11.2024
Camilla Höglund
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Lectures 36 h, diary over product development and production 60 h and self-directed studies 39 h
The student has very poor knowledge of the content in cosmetics and the function of different components in cosmetics.
The diary of product development and manufacturing is is inadeqate or missing, the student has not presented the final product.
The student has very poor knowledge of the content in cosmetics and the function of different components in cosmetics.
The diary of product development and manufacturing is satisfactory, the students presentation of the final product was satisfactory.
The student has very poor knowledge of the content in cosmetics and the function of different components in cosmetics.
The diary of product development and manufacturing is good, the students presentation of the final product is good.
The student has excellent knowledge of the content in cosmetics and the function of different components in cosmetics.
The diary of product development and manufacturing is excellent, the students presentation of the final product is excellent.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material and course literature on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Allwood, C. M. & Erikson, M. G. (2010). Grundläggande vetenskapsteori för psykologi och andra beteendevetenskaper.
Holme, I. M. & Solvang, B. K. (1997). 2 (uppl.). Forskningsmetodik. Om kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder.
Jakobsson, U. (2011). Forskningens termer och begrepp- en ordbok.
Olsson, H. & Sörensen, S. (2007). 2 (uppl.). Forskningsprocessen- kvalitativa och kvantitativa perspektiv.
Patel, R. & Davidson, B. (2011). 4 (uppl.). Forskningsmetodikens grunder. Att planera, genomföra och rapportera en undersökning.
Databases through FINNA.
Lectures, workshops, research, guidance, observation, narrative method, interview and survey methods, discussions and teamwork.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments and activity (individual and pair/team).
The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course, except 80% activity to achieve grade 4 or 5.
07.01.2025 - 31.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Individual/pair feedback is given on the course assignment.
1. Mini-study. Students conduct a mini-study within industry and write a research report according to Beauty Care thesis, 1cr. Deadline for submission of mini-study: 31 March 2025. Grade (1-5) in Peppi. Individual/pair feedback is given via Moodle.
2. Thesis writing instructions of NOVIA UAS. Students follow the thesis writing instructions in the mini-study, 1cr. The same deadline: 31 March 2025. Grade (1-5) in Peppi. Feedback are included in the mini-study feedback on Moodle.
3. Attendance / activity, 1cr. Grade (0-5).
For course assignment the aim is to co-operate with working life.
Examination consists of submitted assignments, grade (0-5).
Deadline for submitted assignments are in February/March 2025.
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 21hrs
Self study: 60hrs
Total: 81hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignments are inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
Valeria Simonova
Study material on Moodle and according to the teacher's instructions.
Davis, G., & Hall, M. (2017). The makeup artist handbook: Techniques for film, television, photography, and theatre (Third edition.). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
Debreceni, T. (2019). Special makeup effects for stage and screen: Making and applying prosthetics (Third [new and expanded] edition.). Routledge.
Freedman, J. (2019). Makeup and styling in TV and film (First edition.). Cavendish Square.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises, workshops, salon work and team work.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and / or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
The grades are given for the following parts:
1. Active participation in practical exercises in class and salon work (1 cr.)
2. Course assignment 1 (2 cr.)
3. Course assignment 2 (2 cr.)
02.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Valeria Simonova
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Group feedback is given after finished course.
Salon work with clients.
Examination consists of practical exercises in class and salon work, submitted course assignments (1 & 2), deadline in Autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 41 hrs
Salon work: 10 hrs
Self study: 84 hrs
Total: 135 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignment is inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, discussions, workshops, research, trend analysis, mood boards and teamwork.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and team) and for activity. The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
07.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Valeria Simonova
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments and activity.
Group feedback is given after finished course.
For course assignment is the aim to cooperate with working life and study visit within working life.
Examination consists of submitted assignments. Deadline is in February-March 2025.
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 21hrs
Self study: 60hrs
Total: 81hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences and understanding within the theme.
The assignments are inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence and good understanding within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence and a complete understanding within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Valeria Simonova
Study material on Moodle and according to the teacher's instructions.
Fagerberg, E., Wahlberg, A., & Garpenschöld, A. (2022). Hudnära: Hudterapeuternas hemligheter. Bazar förlag.
Gillbro, J. (2019). Hudbibeln: Förstå din hud - myter, vetenskap och goda råd. Bookmark.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Lectures, demonstrations, practical exercises, workshops, salon work and team work.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual and / or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
The grades are given for the following parts:
1. Active participation in practical exercises in class and salon work (2 cr.)
2. Exam (2 cr.)
3. Practical exam (2 cr.)
02.09.2024 - 15.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Valeria Simonova
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments.
Group or individual feedback is given after finished course.
Salon work with clients.
Alumni teacher.
Examination consists of the exam (theory part, anatomy and function of the skin), practical exercises in class and salon work, practical exam (facial treatment), deadline autumn 2024.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 40 hrs
Salon work: 20 hrs
Self study: 102 hrs
Total: 162 hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignment is inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student demonstrates a competence that is related and linked to the literature
The student can reflect and motivate from his/her point of view
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates excellent competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Johanna Nykamb
Föreläsningar, diskussioner och praktiska övningar och prov.
Workshops, test, inlämningsarbeten. (not translated)
Approved practical assignments and submitted assignments.
Feedback is given after finished course via Moodle.
Other instructions are available on Moodle.
07.01.2025 - 28.02.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Johanna Nykamb, Valeria Simonova
This course focus particularly on the global goals point 4. Quality education.
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Education liberates the intellect, unlocks the imagination and is fundamental for self-respect. It is the key to prosperity and opens a world of opportunities, making it possible for each of us to contribute to a progressive, healthy society. Learning benefits every human being and should be available to all
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
For course assignment is the aim to cooperate with working life
Examination consists of submitted assignments.
Deadline for submitted assignments are in January/February 2025.
More information is given at course introduction.
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 50 hrs
Self study: 85 hrs
Total: 135 hrs
The student demonstrates a superficial level of competence and a basic understanding of the subject.
The student demonstrates competence that is related to and connected with the literature.
The student is able to reflect on and justify their own viewpoints.
The student demonstrates advanced competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to their future profession.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material on Moodle or according to the lecturer.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Coggins, D., & O'Brien, G. (2016). Men and style: Essays, interviews, and considerations. Abrams.
Fashionary. (2018). Fashionpedia. Hong Kong: Fashionary International Ltd.
Giertz-Mårtenson, I., Åkesson, B., & Luger, M. (2022). Men's fashion: An untold story. Bokförlaget Langenskiöld.
Mendos, P. (2021). Ten Garments Every Man Should Own: A Practical Guide to Building a Permanent Wardrobe. Toronto: Dundurn.
Schuman, S. (2020). The Sartorialist Man. New York: Rizzoli.
Applications, social media and podcast.
According to the lecturer´s instructions.
Lectures, narrative method, practical assignments and workshops, research, mood board, discussions and study visit.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual, pair and/or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
07.01.2025 - 21.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck, Valeria Simonova
More information is given at introduction of each course part.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments, course assignments/portfolio and activity.
Feedback is given individually or as group feedback after finished course.
Jaanas part, 2cr: one approved assignment and podcast reflection grade (0-5).
Lecturer´s part, 3cr: more information is given at the start of the course part.
For course assignments/workshops are the aim to collaborate with working life.
Examination consists of submitted assignments. Examination spring 2025. All assignments in all course parts needs to be completed and approved to achieve the final course grade.
Jaanas part, 2cr: Examination consists of two submitted assignments, grade (0-5).
1. Style Analysis, Wardrobe Check-up and Dress Code. The assignment is a written assignment done in pairs. Deadline for submission: February 2025 via Moodle. Grade (0-5) and the pair receive the same grade. Feedback is given via Moodle.
2. Men´s Style Podcast. The assignment is an individual written reflection assignment. Deadline for submission:January- February 2025. Grade (0-5). Good activity/attendance can raise the grade.
The lecturer for 3cr gives more information at the start of the course part.
Instructions for the examination are given by each teacher at the beginning of course part.
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 50hrs
Self study: 85hrs
Total: 135hrs
Jaanas part, 2cr:
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 17hrs
Self study: 37hrs
Total: 54hrs
Lecturers part, 3cr:
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 30hrs
Self study: 51hrs
Total: 81hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignments are inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student has almost or has fullfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fullfilled the instructions of the assignments.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
Study material on Moodle.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Tveiten, S. (2013). Yrkesmässig handledning.
Lauvås, P. & Handal, G. (2015). Handledning och praktisk yrkesteori.
According to the lecturer´s instructions.
Lectures, practical assignments and workshops, research, guidance, narrative method, discussions, teamwork and own lesson.
The course is evaluated based on grades (0-5) for assignments (individual, pair and/or team). The average of the grades for assignments form the final grade in the course.
07.01.2025 - 29.04.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
More information is given at course introduction.
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Approved practical assignments and course assignments samt aktivitet.
Approved lesson plan and lesson.
Feedback is given individually or as group feedback after finished course.
For course assignments the aim is to collaborate with working life, organizations and / or associations.
Possible client work in salon.
Examination consists of submitted assignments. Examination Spring 2025. All assignments in all course parts needs to be completed and approved to achieve the final course grade.
Examination consists of submitted assignments, grade (0-5) and (Pass/Fail).
1. Hey Teacher! Students work in pairs and plans, analyze, creates, executes and evaluates a lesson in optional topic, 1cr. Deadline for lesson in class: February 2025 and deadline for report evaluation the same week via Moodle. Pair feedback is given directly at the lesson. The lesson is also evaluated by fellow students. Same grade (0-5) is given to the pair.
2. Hey Client! Students work individually, in pairs or in teams and creates a client guidance session in a chosen field and theme, 1cr. Deadline: February-March 2025 via Moodle. Feedback as evaluation is required to receive from clients and feedback from teacher is given individually/pairs/teams through Moodle. Same grade (0-5) is given to the pair or team.
3. Active participation in class, 1cr, grade (0-5).
Instructions for the examination are given at course introduction.
The students work 27 hours/cr.
In class: 27hrs
Self study: 54hrs
Total: 81hrs
The student has not followed the instructions of the assignment and shows especially vague competences within the theme.
The assignments are inadequate or lacking.
The student has not participated or contributed anything during the course.
The student has partly followed the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates superficial competence and basic understanding of the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are satisfactory.
The student has participated in the course, but the commitment and activity have been low or satisfactory.
The student has almost or has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments and demonstrates good or eminently good competence within the subject.
The content of submitted assignments are good or eminently good.
The student has participated or participated actively in the course and demonstrates commitment for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has fulfilled the instructions of the assignments.
The content of submitted assignments are excellent and exceptionally executed.
The student has been active during the course and demonstrates extra commitment and interest for content of the course and course assignments.
The student has an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession.
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck
According to the lecturers instructions.
Students follow the thesis writing instructions for Novia UAS.
Literature about thesis topic and data, resources within the own research area.
Self studies with Thesis.
Booked individual guidance meeting with supervisors.
Guidance in group sessions with Jaana.
The part is approved with Pass/Fail.
02.09.2024 - 31.07.2025
15.06.2024 - 30.09.2024
Jaana Ylimartimo-Nybäck, Johanna Nykamb
More information is given at individual guidance sessions and during guided group sessions .
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Degree Programme in Beauty and Cosmetics
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 31
Finished and approved method and execution, grade Pass/Fail.
1. Research Plan. Students present their own plan at research plan seminar 29.1.2025. Deadline for submission is a week before the seminar, 22.1.2025. Individual feedback is given during or after the seminar.
2. Opposition and Opponent Story. Students have read and critically reviewed appointed research plan and oppose the plan at the research plan seminar. Students write an opponent story as essay for the appointed research plan, deadline: 29.1.2025. Feedback for opposition and opponent story are given via Moodle.
Feedback is given at/after the research plan seminar and during individual guidance sessions.
Collaboration within the industry is aimed for.
Models and customers, collaboration partners and sponsors.
Students work individually with their Thesis and are expected to participate in group sessions for the thesis to advance.
The mandatory research plan seminar will be 29.1.2025, week 5.
1. Research Plan. Students present their own plan at research plan seminar 29.1.2025. Deadline for submission is a week before the seminar, 22.1.2025. Individual feedback is given during or after the seminar.
2. Opposition and Opponent Story. Students have read and critically reviewed appointed research plan and oppose the plan at the research plan seminar. Students write an opponent story as essay for the appointed research plan, deadline: 29.1.2025. Feedback for opposition and opponent story are given via Moodle.
The student work for the part Method 2cr, 54 hours Autumn 2024.
The student work for the part Execution 5cr, 135 hours Spring 2025.
The students work 27 hours / cr.
In class: 18 hrs
Self study: 171 hrs
Total: 189 hrs
The student has followed instructions and shows sufficient knowledge about the theme.
The student has shown interest.
The student has not followed instructions and shows especially insufficient knowledge about the theme.
The student has not shown much interest.
There is no implementations attached to this degree programme.