After passing the course the student is expected to:
- be able to identify and describe the terminology within BIM
- have a basic understanding of the structure of BIM models
- be able to use explain and defend the principles for the design of BIM models
- be able to compare and evaluate different ways of building BIM models
Se kursplan (not translated)
Understand the requirements for BIM professional competence and know some modeling requirements according to InfraBIM instructions.
Knows how the infrastructure model influences information flow and the construction processes. Can take in 3D map material and model simple road or ground building constructions.
Can set coordinates to simple infrared models. Can create an excavation model from the BIM model, and can collect data from the confusion in the workplace.
Can extract quantities and set up a simple 3D model for a production stage, in a smaller infrastructure project, and document project progress in model.
Know how BIM affects the development of infrastructure, as well as requirements for professional competence and know the modeling and collaboration requirements according to InfraBIM guidelines.
Understands and can handle different starting materials for planning. Can model and edit a simple terrain model infrared design and benefit from laser scanned material.
Can coordinate and elevate simple infrared models. Can create excavation models for a couple of different stages, from drawing or BIM model, and can collect data from the pre-processing.
Can take out quantities and set up a 3D model for different stages of production in a smaller infrastructure project, as well as document project progress in model and review quality in model and workplace.
Good insight into how BIM affects the development of infrastructure, as well as requirements for professional competence and is familiar with modeling and collaboration requirements according to InfraBIM guidelines.
Is familiar with the design of infrared models and can independently create and use all or parts of a model, as well as and use laser scanned material.
Can coordinate and elevate infrared models. Can organize construction work and create excavation models for different stages from drawing or BIM model, and collect data from the pre-processing.
Can take out quantities and set up a 3D model for different stages of production in a smaller infrastructure project, as well as document project progress in model and review quality in model and workplace.