Lars Fridefors
See instructions on the moodle site.
Main course references:
Vår mat - Odling av åker- och trädgårdsgrödor (2015, första upplagan). Redaktör Håkan Fogelfors, Studentlitteratur. 2015, 614 s. ISBN: 978-914-4092-80-5.
Åkergrödornas sorter 2014, Pro Agria Svenska Lantbrukssällskapens förbunds publikationer, serie 81118, Forskning för framåt 34, Fram Ab, Vasa 2014. ISSN: 1237-1572, ISBN: 978-952-9730-49-0.
Lectures (mostly in campus and some hybrid lectures in campus and at the same time on distance in Teams)
Exercises (Seed knowledge and grain lab. analyses)
Field studies
Course grades in scale 1 - 5:
Written theory exam 50 %
Projects 30 %
Seed knowledge, written exam 20 %
Course participation and activity (pass/failed)
02.09.2024 - 25.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 01.09.2024
5 - 40
Faculty of Bioeconomy
Lars Fridefors
Additional information and instructions on the moodle site and combined with Teams invitations.
Degree Programme in bioeconomy
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
Lab. analyses and field studies at Västankvarn Trial Farm.
Field studies of winter crops in Ingå/Inkoo and Sjundeå/Siuntio
Oral course project/assignments presentations scheduled during the course
Seed knowledge exercise and written seed exam, time confirmed later.
Written theory exam 19th of December, 2024.
Scheduled course introduction in campus in Raseborg 31st of October, 2024.
The course is scheduled until December 19h, 2024.
27 h / credit, totally 81 h
Failed written exams, course projects/assignments and failed exercises.
Approved examination on an overall and in average acceptable level.
Approved examination on an overall and in average acceptable level.
Approved examination on an overall and in average excellent level.