Camilla Ribacka
According to the topic of Thesis
Recommended literature: Maria Henricson (red.) (2023). Vetenskaplig teori och metod - från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap. Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Introduction lecture to the course, thesis work, followed by mainly self-directed studies with possibility to supervision. The student makes a plan for the thesis. The presentation of the plan for the thesis is the examination
The work plan for the thesis is assessed as either failed or passed.
The plan must include the following parts (for passing):
• Novia cover page
• Table of contents
• Introduction (at least 1 page): must include at least 2 sources
• Purpose and research questions
• Background (at least 4 pages). Must include: for one student: at least 6 sources, of which at least 2 are scientific and for two students: at least 9 sources, of which at least 4 are scientific
• Method (at least 1 page): Selection; Data collection; Data analysis method; Ethical considerations and Timeline
• References (of the sources used in the plan)
Length: at least 6 pages and at most 9 pages (excluding cover page, table of contents, and references)
Must follow Novia's writing guidelines:
21.10.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 13.10.2024
6 - 12
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Camilla Ribacka
The content of the work plan for thesis:
Novia titlepage
Table of content
Background (description of the topic, at least 5-6 scientific studies)
Aim and problem definition
Method (Data collection based on 2 references/discuss method of selection)
Ethical consideration (based on references)
Reference list
Minimum 6 pages and maximum 10 pages (excl. Title page and table of content)
Follow Novia’s instructions for writing Thesis)
1. You find Novia’s title page on Moodle (no key needed)
2. Table of content is done in Word, if you do not know how to do choose ? (help) in the upper right corner and write list of content in the search field
3. The introduction should be about 1 p, where the reader is introduced to the topic and also to your interest of studying it.
4. Background shall be 3 – 5 p and divided into chapters where description of concepts and the topic of the subject. In the background you also describe the previous research done
5. Aim and problem definition can be short about ½ p.
6. The method can be described on 2-3 p. The chapter includes a description of the approach (qualitative/quantitative design), motivation for the choice and data collection method. References need to be included.
7. Ethical considerations are described on about 1 p and with the help of references ethical principles followed are discussed. refer to relevant documents on Finnish National advicory board on Research Integrity TENK. (
8. Time plan should estimate how Thesis proceeds. Please do a realistic plan writing something for each month and write it also in your calender.
9. Works cited
Degree Programme in Radiography and Radiotherapy
0.00 credits
1.00 credits
No optional examination form
The Thesis can be a work ordered, but is not necessary always so
Presentation of work plan for thesis autumn 2024 and presentation of the thesis in May 2025
Autumn 2024
The course is 3 cr which is equivalent to 81 h work for the student
Om planen innehåller de ovan stipulerade kraven är planen och kursen godkänd. (not translated)
If the thesis plan is done according to instructions it is assessed as passed.