Camilla Ribacka
Course literature:
Henricson, M. (red.) (2023). Vetenskaplig teori och metod - från idé till examination inom vård- och hälsovetenskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Students follow the instructions for the mid-seminar.
The data collection must be completed and the data analysis started for passing.
Those who cannot participate (or have not progressed far enough in the EA process) will receive a passed grade when the completed thesis is presented.
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
02.12.2024 - 07.01.2025
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Camilla Ribacka, Carina Gädda
Thesis plan should be accepted before the student take part of the Mid-seminar
Degree Programme in Radiography and Radiotherapy
0.00 credits
5.00 credits
Kursen Examensarbete, plan och utförande godkänns senast i samband med presentation och godkännande av färdigt examensarbete. (not translated)
Topic for thesis.
Mandatory presence at the Mid-seminar according to schedual
Spring 2025
27 h/cr corresponds to 162 h
The structure of the thesis is according to instructions.
The background is relevant and informative, and motivates the choice of research topic
The aim and research questions have a clear delimitation
The collection of data material and the analysis of the data is ongoing
The references are relevant and relates to the aim and research questions
The list of references are done correctly according to instructions given for writing a thesis