Carina Gädda
På svenska
Rosengren, K. 2014. Vårdledarskap: att utveckla och förbättra framtidens vård och omsorg. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Bolman, L. G., Deal, T. E., & Holmqvist, A. (2019). Nya perspektiv på organisation och ledarskap (Sjätte upplagan.). Studentlitteratur.
Wheelan Susan A., (2017) Att skapa effektiva team. Studentliteratur.
Källerman Helena (2016) Uppdrag mellanchef. Liber
Arbetskollektivavtal och arbetarskydd:
- Allmänt kommunalt tjänste- och arbetskollektivavtal AKTA
- Arbetarskyddsförvaltningsens webbtjänst
- (not translated)
Written assignment
13.10.2025 - 30.11.2025
01.12.2024 - 01.04.2025
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Carina Gädda
Introduktioner till kursen och till seminarium har obligatoriska närvaro, närvaro vid alla andra lektioner rekommenderas.
Att använda AI är inte tillåtet (not translated)
Degree Programme in Radiography and Radiotherapy, Degree Programme in Biomedical Laboratory Scientist
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
Föreläsare från arbetslivet (not translated)
Alere Autumn 2025
answers depend heavily on words and expressions found in the literature
has superficial knowledge of the subject, but shows a basic understanding of the subject
Written assignment
The student has partially followed the instructions for the written assignment. The student shows limited to a deficient knowledge of the knowledge of the substance.
can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
can give an independent account of the literature
understands most of the topic
presents independent views and can apply ideas to analogous situations
can motivate some of their claims and positions
can give some own examples
Written assignment
The student has mostly followed the instructions for the written assignment and has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited. The student can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar.
has in-depth knowledge of the subject
can analyze and interpret subject facts
master the subject versatile
has a broad grasp of the subject
presents original and apposite examples
Written assignment
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. The assignment and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections, independent working methods