Johanna Sigfrids
Congress, E. Piller & Gonzaìlez, M. J. 2013. Multicultural perspectives in social work practice with families . Springer Publishing Company 2012. (E-book)
LinkedInlearning platform.
Other resources and literature to use
Heikkilä, E. & al. (Eds.). 2011. Working Together for Better Integration Immigrants, Police and Social Work. Turku: Institute of Migration.
Kivisto, P (Ed.). 2013. Debating multiculturalism in the Nordic welfare states. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan.
Launikari, M. & Puukari, S. (Eds.). 2005. Multicultural GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING : Theoretical Foundations and Best Practices in Europe.
Ratts, M. J. & Pedersen, P. B. 2014. Counseling for multiculturalism and social justice : integration, theory, and application. American Counseling Association 2014. Fourth edition. (E-book)
Sue, Derald Wing. 2015. Multicultural Social Work Practice : A Competency-Based Approach to Diversity and Social Justice. Wiley. Second edition. (E-book)
Valtonen, K. 2008. Social work and migration : immigrant and refugee settlement and integration.
Nordic Council of Minister "State of the Nordic Region 2018 Immigration Integration ed.URL
Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration
Aliens Act
Act on the Integration of Immigrants and Reception of Asylum Seekers
The Course is online and assignments and exercises are found in Moodle
All course materials are in English, but assignments can be written in English, Swedish or Finnish.
Criteria of Assessment:
Part 1: Basic Knowledge and understanding of Legislation connected to Residence Permits and Integration Services in Finland as well as legal rights and obligations of the Immigrant connected to the integration process.
Part 2: Ability to reflect on the concept of cultural competence and ability to apply theoretical framework on multicultural practice. Good ethical and professional approach and attitude.
Part 3. Understanding of the level of complexity in Multicultural client work and ability to apply theoretical framework on multicultural practice.
Individual feedback will be given in Moodle within 3 weeks after the student has handed in the Study Portfolio
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
02.12.2024 - 13.12.2025
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Johanna Sigfrids
Degree Programme in Social Services
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
Assignment, 3 ects
The Assignment includes Three Parts, each 1 ects;
part 1 focuses on Legislation and Service Systems, Residence Permit, Process of International Protection and Integration in Finland
part 2 focuses on the intercultural competence, communication and the experience of being an immigrant or a professional working in an intercultural environment
part 3 is learning about a chosen theme (for example Human trafficking, Honor Related Violence, Mental Health in Immigrant Population, Unaccompanied Minors in the Asylum Process or other theme)
This Course has no attendance requirements.
Portfolio can be handed in between 13.1.25- 7.12.25
Portfolio can be handed in between 13.1.25- 7.12.25
3 ects 27hx3 =81 h
Each Part of the Course Examination is about 27 h of work
For an approved performance, the scope, content and design of the portfolio meet the specified instructions and the student demonstrates values in accordance with social services ethical code.
portfolio will be assessed on the scale scale of
Superficial knowledge 1-2
Good knowledge and commitment 3-4
Advanced knowledge and commitment 5