Roger Nylund
We do not actually use a course book, but instead pick up resources from there and from there - but if you learn best by reading a proper book from A to Z then I recommend (from Tritonia):
Heagney, J. (2012). Fundamentals of project management (4th ed.). Nev York: American Management Association.
And maybe:
(2013). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® guide) (5th ed.). Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.
Kerzner, H. (2015). Project management 2.0: Leveraging tools, distributed collaboration, and metrics for project success. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Project-based learning, lectures, exercises, feedback-sessions and self-studies.
By performing project works and by participating in feedback sessions (with discussion) or self-development activities you collect points that lead to the final grade.
For participation in project work, the following points are awarded:
Failed = 0p (The work is obviously deficient, parts are left unfinished)
Accepted = 1p (A good work)
Excellent = 2p (Demands that you show significant initiative, creativity, enthusiasm)
For participation in a feedback-session (constructive, detailed feedback) = 1p
For completion of a self-development activity (serious, analytical) = 1p
Points Results
21->24 = 5
18->20 = 4
16->17 = 3
14->15 = 2
12->13 = 1
03.02.2023 - 29.04.2023
15.06.2022 - 28.02.2023
Faculty of Technology and Seafaring
Mikael Ehrs
Vasa, Wolffskavägen 33
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
By performing weekly project works and by participating in feedback sessions (with discussion) or self-development activities you collect points that lead to the final grade.
The first return box closes automatically the evening before the week's lecture. The report submitted here is assessed and scored within one week. The second submission box will remain open until the course ends. These "late" submissions are graded within one month.
Course grade within one week after the last project, or within one month after the last submission.
Time: See course calendar (in Peppi) for course schedule
Place: Novia-Vasa-Engineering or online (Moodle)
This course is a collaboration between the education program in Industrial Management and the international exchange student program European Project Semester.
The student is expected to spend a total of 10 hours of work per week on the course in order to reach the European goals of 25-30 hours of work per credits obtained. 3 hours of local education (or equivalent amount of time spent on studying online material and doing self-development activities) and 7 hours of work on own time.
Week Project
1 SCRUM and Agile Project Management
2 Project Mission/Goals/Stakeholders
3 Work Breakdown Structure
4 Scheduling, Gantt Charts, etc.
5 Theory Presentation
6 Prototype and Feedback
7 Risk Management
8 Team Leadership
9 Conclusion
Insufficient knowledge and/or course effort to achieve a grade of 1
Knows about the importance of project management in the industry
Can on request comment on a made project plan
Knows the connection between time, cost and project results
Knows some of the area's central concepts in a foreign language
Can participate in a discussion about project management
Can make a plan for how the project will be implemented
Can analyze and improve a premade plan
Understands the relationship between time, cost and project results
Can understand texts in a foreign language that deals with the current theme
Can give a presentation on project management
Can argue for and against different strategies and models for project management
Can produce a good project plan
Can suggest solutions that can reduce the project's need for time, cost and results
Can read literature in a foreign language about project management
Can describe and explain the role of project management to outsiders