Ralf Lillbacka
Christian Ax, Christer Johansson & Håkan Kullvén. 2009. Den nya ekonomistyrningen. Liber. 4:e upplagan, sida 201-332.
Anders Pihlsgård & Håkan Martinsson. 2020. Ekonomi för yrkeshögskolan. Studentlitteratur. Del III, sida 137-196.
Soile Tomperi & Virpi Keskinen. 2013. Bokföring i praktiken. Helsingfors: Utbildningsstyrelsen
Web pages of ministries and other government agencies
As well as other material assigned by the examiner
The course structure and detailed instructions are available on Moodle.
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
02.12.2024 - 30.11.2025
Ralf Lillbacka
Degree Programme in Social Services
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
Within 2024
January 2 - December 31, 2025
The course is carried out as a distance course according to your own timetable.
27 h per credit: 135 hours in total
The student lacks sufficient understanding of the subject and central concepts
The student demonstrates superficial understanding of the subject and of central concepts
The student demonstrates a good understanding of the subject and of central concepts.
The student demonstrates a good understanding of the subject and of central concepts, and is able to understand budgeting and accounting as a process and in relation to the upcoming profession