Professional English A MO22CL02-3003 11.11.2024-20.12.2024
1.5 sp(MT24D-Å)+-
Studieperiodens (kursens) lärandemål
The student knows basic practical Maritime English. The active vocabulary, with the emphasis onboard communication, is expanded. Emphasis on practical Maritime English.
Professional English 1
Studieperiodens (kursens) innehåll
Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) 2.
• Part 4, Ch. A - Operative Ship handling.
• Part 4.3. (Ch. A) - Wheel-orders, handover of watch.
• Part 3.4 - Pilotage.
• Charts and related publications. (Pilot Books) Guide to Port Entry, Harbour Bye-Laws
• Manuals