Professional Finnish NU21IA07-3001 05.02.2024-17.11.2024
1 sp(NU21D-V)+-
Studieperiodens (kursens) lärandemål
The student has oral and written skills in Finnish for nurses. The student has reached the same level as is in the Civil Service Language Proficiency Certificate with a satisfactory mark or the National Certificate of Language Proficiency at Level 3–4.
No prior prerequisites
Studieperiodens (kursens) innehåll
Understands longer speech sequences and the central content of many healthcare situations if the subject is familiar and spoken normally. Understands plain texts in healthcare, but demanding texts on subjects that are foreign can cause
difficulties. Arranges in regular care speech situations and can write simple
coherent texts on common phenomena, even if grammar and
vocabulary can sometimes cause understanding problems.
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
Assessment criteria for assignment:
The student has followed the instructions and her/his knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential. The student shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' assignments. The student has followed the instructions for the assignment. She/He have a deficient knowledge of the substance also touching the essential
Bedömningskriterier - goda-synnerligen goda (3-4)
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
Assessment criteria for written assignment:
The student has followed the instructions for the written assignment and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written assignments. The student has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited
Bedömningskriterier - berömliga (5)
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student shows in her/his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
Criteria for evaluation of assignment individually or in groups:
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. The assignment and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections, independent working methods)
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar