Finance and Financial Markets VAL23022-3001 01.08.2023-31.08.2023
5 sp+-
Studieperiodens (kursens) lärandemål
The student knows the fundamental tasks of a treasury function in a company with international activities.
Basic knowledge of financing and accounting
Studieperiodens (kursens) innehåll
The Student:
- understands the key elements of financial markets including various forms of financing.
- knows how to raise capital for a company.
- knows the principles of investments in financial instruments.
Group report handed in and presented, and the KLN handed in. Both at an approvable level of quality. Student's activity at an accetable level.
Bedömningskriterier - goda-synnerligen goda (3-4)
Good work input overall: Group report handed in and presented. KLN handed in. Both of high quality. Good activity in the class, eg at the discussions and presentations.
Bedömningskriterier - berömliga (5)
Exceptional quality overall: the written Reports, presentations, student activity.