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Home > Master's studies > Degree Programme in Maritime Management > Maritime Management, (MMM), 2024

Maritime Management, (MMM), 2024


Select years, semesters and periods to show (when only one year is selected) by clicking buttons below. (S = Spring, A = Autumn)
Year of study 1 2
Search for study unit: ECTS 1 2 1A 1S 2A 2S 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Studying in the Master's Program 1
Research and Research Methods 4
Financial Management and Maritime Business
Financial Management and Maritime Business 5
The Shipping Business
The Shipping Business 5
Management Accounting and Maritime Business
Management Accounting and Maritime Business 5
Human Resources Management in Maritime Business
Human Resources Management in Maritime Business 5  
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management 5  
Master's Thesis - Part 1 10
Master's Thesis - Part 2 10  
Master's Thesis - Part 3 10  
ECTS credits per period / semester / academic year 30 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 6.3 6.3 6.3 13 13 5 5 5

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.


The Master's degree programme in Maritime Management comprises 60 ECTS and the degree title is Master of Engineering or Master of Maritime Management, depending on your previous Bachelor's degree.

The programme has a special focus on building an overall understanding of the maritime field. The studies include management in general, maritime management and for the maritime industry distinctive financial and logistical features. The target is to achieve state of the art competence and knowledge in the area of the program.

The courses are:
Studying in the master’s program and introduction to Research and research methods
The Shipping business
Financial management and maritime business
Management accounting and maritime business
Human resources management
Supply chain management

The part-time studies are constructed for flexible learning and studying, parallel with fulltime employment ashore or at sea. The meetings are mainly used for solving study technical problems, presenting assignments and group reports, and some lecturing. A great part of the studies and instruction is conducted using a learning platform.

The studies are arranged at site and online with the lecture materials, as well as the assignments to be completed online, in the system Moodle. We use Microsoft Teams for communication in the group, both students and teachers. For study administrative things the Peppi system is used. It is recommended but not mandatory for you during the studies to attend some sessions in person at campus. It can namely also be good to meet and network with your peers and thesis supervisor. The lectures that take place on campus will be recorded. We meet on average two days a month. Moreover you have in person, in Turku, to show the student Admission the original certificates used in the application. But we, in consideration of that exception, may with confidence say this is an online program and e.g. moving to Finland is not necessary for the studies. Moreover, such a thing would be something between Finnish Immigrations Service and the student. For people outside EU, this may need a significant amount of paper work and something that NOVIA UAS cannot do much about and the decision is fully made by Finnish Immigrations Service.

We will together make sure the lectures are arranged in a safe manner.

Sustainability and United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, are taken into consideration in the program and moreover many thesises have incorporated sustainability.
Especially numbers 8, 13 and naturally 14 are taken into consideration.

The Master's thesis is a demanding development project or research work combining theory, praxis and creation of new knowledge. The thesis subject and aim are based on requirements and needs of the maritime field. The theme of the thesis (30 ECTS) must be related to the fields studied, preferably agreed upon with an industry representative. The thesis thus works as a bridge between study and work, and gives students the opportunity to apply theoretical thinking to practical problems.

Constructing a thesis subject and the potential collaboration with an organization is at the responsibility of the student.
Alternatives for the thesis are, for example:
an investigation, analysis
a development project, case/s
theoretical work
product development, such as a prototype, process or a model.

Novia UAS and Aboa Mare, the unit for maritime education, co-operates with several universities both internationally and nationally. Co-operation takes place e.g. within R&D projects, student and staff exchange and continuing education. International maritime actors visit Aboa Mare on a regular basis.

Aboa Mare’s location, in the same building as many representatives of maritime authorities, ensures potentials for co-operation with them.


The degree programme has a special focus on building and enhanzing the overall understanding of the maritime sector. The studies include management and for the maritime industry distinctive financial and logistical features. The degree programme delivers generic competences and programme specific competences.