Johanna Sigfrids
Congress, E. Piller & Gonzaìlez, M. J. 2013. Multicultural perspectives in social work practice with families . Springer Publishing Company 2012. (E-book)
Other resources and literature that can be used for Assignments and Presentations:
MindSpring parents manual
Heikkilä, E. & al. (Eds.). 2011. Working Together for Better Integration Immigrants, Police and Social Work. Turku: Institute of Migration.
Launikari, M. & Puukari, S. (Eds.). 2005. Multicultural GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING : Theoretical Foundations and Best Practices in Europe.
Sue, Derald Wing. 2015. Multicultural Social Work Practice : A Competency-Based Approach to Diversity and Social Justice. Wiley. Second edition. (E-book)
Valtonen, K. 2008. Social work and migration : immigrant and refugee settlement and integration.
Act on the Promotion of Immigrant Integration
Aliens Act
Act on the Integration of Immigrants and Reception of Asylum Seekers
Guest lecture
Literature studies
Study visit
mandatory attendance at lectures according to schedule.
Course Material in English, Assignments can be handed in in English, Swedish or Finnish
Assessment criteria
Ability to apply Theoretical Framework on Multicultural Practice, comprehending the Level of Complexity in working with Immigrants and Good Ethical and Professional Approach and Attitude.
Feedback will be provided in Moodle within 3 weeks of all Assignments being handed in.
14.09.2023 - 06.10.2023
15.06.2023 - 14.09.2023
Faculty of Health and Welfare
Johanna Sigfrids
Degree Programme in Social Services
0.00 credits
0.00 credits
Study visit to organization working with integration
Mandatory attendance at lectures and study visit (1 credit 27h)
Part one : Quiz week 38
Part 2: MindMap week 39
Part 3: week 40 (group presentation)
Part 4: Discussion report/protocol on optional theme
Detailed schedule on Assigments found in Moodle
Individual short feedback on Assignments in Moodle within three weeks
Scheduled information about course components found in Moodle
individual short feedback on assignments 1 and 5 in Moodle within 3 weeks of assignment deadline
Written Assignments should follow Novia writing instructions
Course starts week 38 with two full study days
Week 39 online lecture
Week 40 two full study days
Link to online lecture is found in Moodle
Lectures in class total of 27 hours
3 cp = 81 h
27 h in class
54 h individual work
Mandatory Attendace at lectures 27 h
Course content in five parts
Part 1 - Legislation and integration policy and social services
Part 2 - Mental health issues and immigration
Part 3 - Applying for international protection
Part 4 - Optional Theme (for example Human trafficking, irregular immigration, unaccompanied minors, ethnocentrism, or other theme)
Not meeting the criteria on Attendance, Assignments not handed in or lacks in content or sources
The Student demonstrates Superficial Competence and Basic Understanding of Cultural Factors influencing Health, Social Life and Integration. Assignments are according to instructions and the Student shows Basic Knowledge and Understanding of Theory and Policy on Integration, and can apply this on practice and communication in a multicultural setting.
The Student demonstrates a competence and understanding of Cultural Factors influencing Health, Social Life and Integration that is related and linked to the Literature. Assignments are made according to instructions. The Student can apply Theory and Policy on Practice and Communication in a Multicultural setting.
The student demonstrates an immerse competence and shows a deeper understanding of the subject in relation to the upcoming profession. The Student can use Theoretical knowledge and Policy in reasoning and reflection and applies this in Practice and Communication in a Multicultural setting.