Startsida > Högre YH-utbildning > Natural Resources Management > Natural Resources Management, 2024

Natural Resources Management, 2024

Höst 2024

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Sök studieperiod (kurs) med namn: sp 1 2 1H 1V 2H 2V 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Natural Resources Management and Economics
Natural Resources Management 5
Bioeconomics 5
Research Methodology 5
GIS for Natural Resources Management 4
Leadership and Communication
Professional Digital Communication 3
Leadership and Project Management 4  
Participatory Processes and Conflict Management 4  
Degree Thesis
Degree Thesis 5
Degree Thesis 10  
Degree Thesis 15  
Studiepoäng per period / termin / läsår 27 33 12.5 14.5 18 15 6.3 6.3 5.2 5.2 5.2 9 9 5 5 5

Antalet studiepoäng kan variera från läsår till läsår och termin till termin beroende på hur valfria och alternativa studier har tajmats.


The studies in Natural Resources Management has a special focus on bioeconomy, i.e., the use of renewable natural resources for producing food, energy, products and services. You will obtain skills in participatory processes and conflict management in the field of natural resource management. You will also gain advanced project management and leadership skills and be able to improve your communication skills. The degree title is Master of Natural Resources. The study programme has strong focus on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. All the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are relevant and consider through their natural inter-linkage. However, a special focus is on goals 14 Life Below Water and 15 Life on Land.

The studies comprise 60 ECTS (30 ECTS consist of 7 courses and 30 ECTS of the thesis) and are completed in two years. The studies are conducted online using a learning platform. The thesis work is realized as a research and development project related to working life.