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Maritime Management, (MMM), 2025

Höst 2025

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Organization of Shipping and Shipping Business 5                                
Financing Shipping and Maritime Economics 5                                
Agreed Documents and International Maritime Treaty Obligations 5                                
Risk Management in Shipping - Marine Insurance Law and Contracts 5                                
Ship Broking and Law relating to Charterparties 5                                
Technical Management and Procurement Management 5                                
Environmental Law in Shipping and Sustainable Development Legislation 5                                
Classification and Accident Investigation 5                                
Ship Sales-, New Vessel Construction and Conversions Management 5                                
Cruise Shipping Management 5                                
Yachting Management 5                                
Renewable Energy Installation Management 5                                
Arctic Shipping Management 5                                
Autonomous Shipping and MASS Code Compliance 5                                
Master's Thesis - Part 1 10
Master's Thesis - Part 2 10  
Master's Thesis - Part 3 10  
Studiepoäng per period / termin / läsår 10 20 0 10 5 15 2.5 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5

Antalet studiepoäng kan variera från läsår till läsår och termin till termin beroende på hur valfria och alternativa studier har tajmats.


The Master's degree programme in Maritime Management comprises 60 ECTS and the degree title is Master of Marine Engineering or Master of Maritime Management, depending on your previous Bachelor's degree.

Maritime Management is a Master’s degree programme for sea captains and marine engineers who want to deepen their managerial expertise in international marine shipping. Students will be able to use the knowledge obtained for development, problem solving and innovation within maritime management. Upon successful completion of the Master’s studies Novia University of Applied Sciences awards to the student, depending on his/her previous Bachelor’s degree, the Master of Maritime Management or the Master of Marine Engineering degree certificate. These master’s degrees correspond to the level EQF 7 in the European Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.

Study structure of Master’s Degree Programme in Maritime Management (60 ECTS cr) consists of common advanced professional studies for both degrees (10 ECTS cr), degree specific advanced professional studies (15 ECTS cr), common elective studies (5 ECTS cr), and a Master’s thesis (30 ECTS cr)

Common advanced professional studies for both degrees (10 ECTS cr)

Organization of Shipping and Shipping Business 5 cr
Financing Shipping and Maritime Economics 5 cr

Degree Specific Advanced Professional Studies (15 ECTS cr)

Advanced Professional Studies in Maritime Management 15 ECTS cr

Agreed Documents and International Maritime Treaty Obligations 5 cr
Risk Management in Shipping - Marine Insurance law and contracts 5 cr
Ship Broking and Law relating to Charterparties 5 cr

Advanced Professional Studies in Marine Engineering 15 ECTS cr

Technical Management and Procurement Management 5 cr
Environmental Law in Shipping and Sustainable Development Legislation 5 cr
Classification and Accident Investigation 5 cr

Common elective Studies, 5 ECTS cr

Arctic Shipping Management 5 cr
Autonomous shipping and MASS Code compliance 5 cr
Cruise Shipping Management 5 cr
Renewable Energy Installation Management 5 cr
Ship Sales-, New Vessel Construction and Conversions Management 5 cr
Yachting Management 5 cr

The elective study courses will respond to the in-depth education needs expressed by sea captains and marine engineers of working life and maritime commercial and industrial societies. Elective studies will be carried out in close connection with the professional maritime society during the second study year. In the beginning of the studies each student selects two elective courses out of the six, and places them in order of preference. Minimum two courses with highest number of selections will be implemented immediately after the degree specific advanced professional studies. If there is general interest among co-operating Universities, it is up to the Novia University of Applied Sciences to offer up to six electives on yearly basis.

The part-time studies are constructed for flexible learning and studying, parallel with full-time employment ashore or at sea.

The studies are arranged on site and/or online with the lecture materials, as well as the assignments to be completed online, in the system Moodle or Webex. It is recommended but not mandatory for you during your studies to attend contact lectures in person at campus. Part of the lectures that take place on campus will be recorded, but this is up to the teachers/guest lecturers to decide on individual basis. We meet on average two days a month either on site or online. The schedule of contact lecture days (onsite and/or through Webex) will be announced before beginning of the studies.

Moreover you have in person, in Turku, to show the student Admission the original certificates used in the application. But we, in consideration of that exception, may with confidence say this is an online program and e.g. moving to Finland is not necessary for the studies. Moreover, such a thing would be something between Finnish Immigrations Service and the student. For people outside EU, this may need a significant amount of paper work and something that NOVIA UAS cannot do much about and the decision is fully made by Finnish Immigrations Service.

Sustainability and United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals, are taken into consideration in the program and moreover many thesises have incorporated sustainability.
Especially numbers 8, 13 and naturally 14 are taken into consideration.

The Master's thesis is a demanding development project or research work combining theory, praxis and creation of new knowledge. The thesis subject and aim are based on requirements and needs of the maritime field. The theme of the thesis (30 ECTS) must be related to the fields studied, preferably agreed upon with an industry representative. The thesis thus works as a bridge between study and work, and gives students the opportunity to apply theoretical thinking to practical problems.

Constructing a thesis subject and the potential collaboration with an organization is at the responsibility of the student.
Alternatives for the thesis are, for example:
an investigation, analysis
a development project, case/s
theoretical work
product development, such as a prototype, process or a model.

Novia UAS and Aboa Mare, the unit for maritime education, co-operates with several universities both internationally and nationally. Co-operation takes place e.g. within R&D projects, student and staff exchange and continuing education. International maritime actors visit Aboa Mare on a regular basis.

Aboa Mare’s location, in the same building as many representatives of maritime authorities, ensures potentials for co-operation with them.


The degree programme has a special focus on transferring the seafarers previous knowledge and work experience to land organizations like shipping companies, marine insurers, maritime administrations etc. It builds on existing STCW knowledge and offers the large variety of land organizations the knowledge which is needed; Combination of previous knowledge from bachelor level and experience from sea and provides the student with legal and economical knowledge needed in especially shore organizations of companies and organizations. After completing the studies the students are able work in leading positions in company management as well as in demanding expert positions in shipping companies management like fleet managers, chartering managers, technical directors etc.