Välj läroplan enligt när du har inlett dina studier samt vilken studiestig du följer.
Sanna Gunell
- Peate I. and Nair M. (2017) Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology: For Nursing and Healthcare Students. (Book available online via the Tritonia library, from Ebook central (Tritonia, LibGuides, Yrkeshögskolan Novia, Nursing, E-books or via the Finna portal, Tritonia))
- Peate I. and Nair M. (2015) Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses at a Glance. Wiley Blackwell. (Book available in the Tritonia library and via Ebook central)
Additional books for further reading:
- Tortora Gerard J. & Derrickson Bryan H. (2009 or newer version) Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (12th ed or newer) Volume 1 & 2. John Wiley & Sons.
- Tortora Gerard J. (2006). A brief Atlas of the skeleton, surface anatomy, and selected medical images. John Wiley & Sons.
Lektioner och exam
02.09.2024 - 30.11.2024
02.07.2024 - 05.09.2024
Sanna Gunell, Daniel Nenonen
Maria Berg
Lecture material: Clinical microbiology, immunology and pathology. Hand-outs on moodle.
Murray, Rosenthal, Pfaller. Medical microbiology. 8th edition. Elsevier 2016
Murray. Basic Medical Microbiology. Elsevier 2017
Apurba S. Sastry & Sandhya, Bhat. Essentials of medical microbiology. 2018. https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/novia-ebooks/reader.action?docID=6286659&ppg=20
Huether, McCane, Brasher, Rote. Understanding pathophysiology. 2017
Kumar, Cotran, Robbins. Basic pathology.
Phillips, Murray & Crocker. The Biology of Disease. Blackwell Science.
ebook: Lippincott, Springhouse. Just the facts: Pathophysiology
Khanacademy Health and medicine
Lectures, assignments and individual studies, exam.
01.10.2024 - 31.12.2024
02.07.2024 - 15.09.2024
Maria Berg
5 sp = 135 h för studerande.
Nina Vestö
16.12.2024 - 27.04.2025
02.12.2024 - 02.03.2025
Mikaela Engvall, Nina Vestö
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Nina Vestö
Wicker, Paul. Perioperative Practice at a Glance, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy.novia.fi/lib/novia-ebooks/detail.action?docID=1895109.
Berman, A. & Snyder, S. 2022. Kozier & Erb´s Fundamentals of Nursing. Concepts. process and Practice. Unit 8, Chapter 37.
Boyd, C. 2013. Clinical Skills for Nurses. Student Survival Skills. Wiley-Blackwell
LeMone, P., Burke, K., Bauldoff, G. & Gubrud, P. (2015). Medical-Surgical Nursing Critical Thinking in Patient Care. 6 th Ed. Pearson. New Jersey. Unit 2, Chapter 4: Nursing care of patients having surgery.
Bauldoff, G., Gubrud-Howe, P. M., Carno, M., & LeMone, P. (2020). LeMone & Burke's medical-surgical nursing: Clinical reasoning in patient care (Seventh edition.). Pearson Education.
E-book Ebrary: Stone, Julian & Fawcett, W. (2013). At a Glance : Anaesthesia at a Glance (1). Wiley-Blackwell.
+ other recommended literature
Clinical training in class, practical exercises
Compulsory attendance at workshops and approved practical examinations and virtual tests
14.10.2024 - 19.01.2025
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
12 - 35
Nina Vestö, Åsa Lågland
If you fail in practical exam resuscitation, re-take is arranged
If you fail in the practical exam in the rest of the course, you will make a movie
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Practical examination in resuscitation, pass/fail
Practical examination February 2024, pass/fail
Virtual test in Bloodtransfusion; Verensiirron verkkokurssi or Blodtransfusionens ABO, pass/fail
Moodle test
4 x 27 h= 108 h
Jannica Andtfolk
Price, A., Smith, S. & Challiner, A. 2016. Ward-based Critical Care. A Guide for Health Professionals. 2nd Edition.
Holbery, N & Newcombe, P. 2016. Emergency Nursing at a Glance.
WHO, Emergency & Trauma Care Training Course. https://www.who.int/surgery/publications/s16382e.pdf
European Resuscitation Council Guidelines 2021. https://www.cprguidelines.eu/
The teacher's material available on moodle
Case study
Blended learning
Guest lecture
Exam (1-5)
Workshops (passed/failed)
11.10.2024 - 31.01.2025
15.06.2024 - 13.10.2024
20 - 55
Jannica Andtfolk, Irén Vikström-Dahl
Preknowlage for this course
Medical Nursing Care
Surgical Nursing Care
All workshops are manadatory
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Workshop Mandatory
This course is 3 ECT, = 81 hours
(1 ECT 27h work for students)
Theory lessions in class 16h (4h x 4)
Lesion 1, Introduction and guest lecture from emergency unit and ICU
Lesion 2, arteria canula, CVK & Swan-ganz
Lesion 3, ECG, Cpap, Bipap, Optiflow, kapno.
Lesion 4, Acute care (ABCDEF, triage)
Workshop (3h x 5 / group) MANDATORY!
Workshop 1, Arteria cannula (preparations, set sterile tables, assist doctor and make a pressure set)
Workshop 2, Different types of medicine used at emergency and ICU (dilution and mixture)
Workshop 3, Intubation (preparation, medicine, assist doctor and respiratior)
Workshop 4, Oral care + trachea care and suction from tube and mouth
Workshop 5, Spira, Optiflow, Cpap, Bipap
Workshop 6, Braininjury and case study
Workshop togather with doctors from vcs (4hours/group) MANDATORY
4h Group 1
4h Group 2
4h Group 3
3h Exam
43 h Own study
- Priority (ABCD)
- Assessing, implementing and evaluating the nursing process.
- How to help patients in pain, chock, multiple health problems and for patients with trauma or multiple injuries
- Support the patient and his/her family.
- Health technology
- Patient safety, ethical and cultural issues
- Stress management skills
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
Criteria for evaluation of Workshop:
The student has participated in 2 workshops
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
Criteria for evaluation of Workshop:
The student has participated in 2 workshops
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student shows in her/his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
Criteria for evaluation of Workshop:
The student has participated in 2 workshops
Sirkku Säätelä
E-book; Gersch, C., Heimgartner, N., Rebar, C. & Willis, L. 2016. Pharmacology Made incredibly Easy.
Downie, G. 2008. Pharmacology and Medicines Managements for Nurses. (4 th Ed). London: Churchill Livingstone
Articles and material according to teachers advice
Onlinekurs med introduktion io webex
09.09.2024 - 24.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 08.09.2024
0 - 35
Sirkku Säätelä
Online kus. internet anslutning och nerladdninga av Novias software krävs för genomförande
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Uppgifter med absoluta deadline
schemalagd online test
Kursens totala arbete 54 h
Uppgifter varje vecka
Inlämningsuppgifter Gk/kompletteras
Sent inlämnade uppgifter sänker vitsord
4 veckor för sent inlämnade uppgifter underkänner kurs
Marica Hinders
Information about recommended literature is available on moodle
Group work
Practical Workshops
09.09.2024 - 13.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 08.09.2024
0 - 25
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Marica Hinders
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
1 credit 27h
4 credits 108h
The text is fragmentary and it does not answer the questions.
The methodological literature is not used.
Reflections are not performed.
The technical design is lacking.
Does not explain the central concepts and basic principles.
The questions are answered vaguely and narrowly.
The literature is referenced
Reflections are performed only to a limited extent.
The technical design is satisfactory.
Refers concepts and basic principle
Students have justifiable knowledge
The questions are answered.
The methodological literature is applied.
The text is reflective and there are critical points of view.
The technical design is good
Understands and can explain concepts and the basic principles are based on literature. Students have good knowledge
The questions are answered exhaustively and in many ways.
The literature is analyzed and applied.
The reflection is scientifically analytical.
The technical design is commendable.
Has the ability to see connections and draw own conclusions
Makes versatile use of literature
Students have excellent knowledge
Nina Vestö
Jobiili https://www.jobiili.fi
Vasa Centralsjukhus https://www.vaasankeskussairaala.fi/sv/
Terveysportti https://www.terveysportti.fi/terveysportti/koti
Moodle - Practice Documents for Nursing 2021
Supervised Clinical practice
Practice seminars
Clinical Practice 40 h / week in six weeks.
Mandatory attendance 100%
Mandatory attendance at practice seminars
Approved practice assignments
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 08.09.2024
0 - 35
Nina Vestö, Åsa Lågland
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Approved internships
Participation in internship seminar
Approved practice assignments
Compulsory attendance at Practice seminars
Approved internship from clinical supervisor and teacher
It is possible to do the clinical training abroad. The student can do it trough NordPlus or Erasmus networks or find a hospital themselves. A learning agreement must be signed by all three partners before the internship can start.
40 h/week during clinical training of what 38 h/week at clinical settings
6 weeks of practice = 228 h at practice, 12 h written assignment
See the Plan for Clinical Studies for course specific competencies.
The competencies the Student needs to reach in Vasa Central hospital
Can admit and discharge patients from the ward
Can define / map the patient's care needs, care planning, implementation of the care and
evaluate the care (according to FinCC)
Can be responsible for safe drug handling
Can use HaiPro
Can report the report both orally and in writing, participate in rounds, inform and supervise
patients and relatives
Can act according to ISBAR in non-emergency situations and in emergency situations
Have an ethical approach to the treatment of patients and relatives and consider their
cultural affiliation
Can apply theoretical knowledge in health care
Have the ability to independently acquire new evidence-based knowledge
Can handle complicated occupational assignments under supervision within own
nursing context
Can independently make decisions under supervision regarding the patient's care process
Can be responsible for safe drug treatment under supervision
Demonstrate the ability to supervise and teach patients (and relatives)
Promises to conscientiously follow the commitments the work gives and remembers
professional secrecy
Katarina Vironen
All rekommenderad litteratur kommer att finnas på Moodle i början av kursen
Lektioner, demonstrationer, videon, uppgifter, skriftlig tentamen
Kursen bedöms Godkänd/underkänd
07.10.2024 - 15.12.2024
02.07.2024 - 15.09.2024
Katarina Vironen, Terese Österberg, Nina Vestö
Kurstentamen datumen syns på Moodle
3sp = 81h
Webbaserade uppgifter bör vara godkända, teoritenten minst 50% korrekt, och läkemedelsräkningstenten 100% korrekt för att få kursen godkänd.
Camilla Mattjus
10.02.2025 - 13.04.2025
02.12.2024 - 09.02.2025
Camilla Mattjus
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Camilla Mattjus
Studiematerial och rekommenderad litteratur finns på Moodle
Webbaserade föreläsningar med inslag av gästföreläsare och studiebesök.
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
02.12.2024 - 28.09.2025
Annika Wentjärvi, Camilla Mattjus, Nanette Westergård, Marica Hinders, Johanna Nykamb, Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Nursing, Utbildning till sjukskötare, Utbildning till socionom, Degree Programme in Beauty Care, Utbildning inom skönhetsbranschen
Examinationer sker minst två gånger per termin.
Skriftlig inlämningsuppgift
3 sp = 81h
- har lämnat in uppgifterna i tid
- utfört uppgifter enligt instruktioner och har med alla delar i inlämningsuppgiften
- kan reflektera och motivera egna synpunkter
- deltagit i studiebesök och gästföreläsningar ELLER lämnat in alternativa inlämningsuppgifter
enligt instruktioner
-Ogjorda / underkända uppgifter
Maria Berg
Berman, A., Snyder, S. Fundamentals of Nursing. Concepts, Process and Practice. 9th ed. Person, New-Jersy. 2012, pp. 161-335.
Boström, A.-M., Rudman, A., Ehrenberg, A., Gustavsson, J. P., & Wallin, L. (2013). Factors associated with evidence-based practice among registered nurses in Sweden: a national cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 13(1), 1–12.
Chen, S., Chang, H., & Pai, H. (2018). Caring behaviours directly and indirectly affect nursing students’ critical thinking. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 32(1), 197–203.
Gonzol, K., & Newby, C. (2013). Facilitating Clinical Reasoning in the Skills Laboratory: Reasoning Model Versus Nursing Process-Based Skills Checklist. Nursing Education Perspectives (National League for Nursing), 34(4), 265–267.
Hinno, S., Partanen, P., Vehviläinen-Julkunen, K. (2012). The professional nursing practice environment and nurse-reported job outcomes in two European countries: a survey of nurses in Finland and the Netherlands. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.26 Issue( 1), 133-143.
Hancock, H. C., & Easen, P. R. (2004). Evidence-based practice – an incomplete model of the relationship between theory and professional work. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 10(2), 187–196.
Miller, L. L., Ward, D., & Young, H. M. (2010). Evidence-Based Practices in Nursing. Generations, 34(1), 72–77. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=afh&AN=53063435&site=ehost-live
Parvan, K., Hosseini, F. A., Jasemi, M., & Thomson, B. (2021). Attitude of nursing students following the implementation of comprehensive computer-based nursing process in medical surgical internship: a quasi-experimental study. BMC Medical Informatics & Decision Making, 21(1), 1–12.
Salmela, S., Koskinen, C. & Eriksson, K. 2017. Nurse Leaders as Managers of Ethical Sustainable Caring Cultures. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 73(4), 871– 882.
Salmela, S. & Nyström, L. The human being in need of nursing care – patient, customer or fellow human being? International Journal of Caring Sciences. Accepted for publication.
Nyholm, L. & Koskinen, C. 2017. Understanding and safeguarding dignity in patient care. Nursing Ethics, 24(4), 408– 418.
Theory lessons
Individual work
Group work
For an approved performance you need to hand in individual task and group task and get approved in exam. Introduction and seminar day is mandatory.
16.09.2024 - 24.11.2024
02.07.2024 - 15.09.2024
Maria Berg
Introduction is mandatory
Seminar (groupwork) is mandatory; 11.11
Tentamina is mandatory; 19.11
Hand in your individually assignment; 23.10
Hand in your submitted group assignment; 6.11
19. 11 Online-Exam in Moodle (failed- passed)
1 credit = 27 hour. This course 5 credit = 135 hours.
Theory lessons online 20h
Individually work 20h
Group work 27h
Searching of articles 8h
Own work (finishing assessment, reading for the exam ) 57h
Seminary 4h
Tentamina 3h
Information about course and assignments
History of nurses
Article search (Gun Vestman)
Other course content:
Models vs theories
Nursing process, FinCC and ISBAR
Ethics in Healthcare
Caring and nursing
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
Assessment criteria for assignment:
The student has followed the instructions and her/his knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential. The student shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' assignments. The student has followed the instructions for the assignment. She/He have a deficient knowledge of the substance also touching the essential
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
Assessment criteria for written assignment:
The student has followed the instructions for the written assignment and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written assignments. The student has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student shows in her/his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
Criteria for evaluation of assignment individually or in groups:
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. The assignment and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections, independent working methods)
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar
Anna Korhonen
Information finns på Moodle
- Interaktiva lektioner (närvaro 75 %)
- Föreläsningar
- Muntliga och skriftliga övningar i par och grupper
- Inlämningsuppgifter
- Eget arbete
- Muntlig och skriftlig tentamen
Enligt den europeiska referensramen för språk.
06.01.2025 - 31.03.2025
02.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Anna Korhonen
Muntlig och skriftlig tentamen i slutet av kursen.
3 x 27h = 81h
Information finns på Moodle.
Ingen undervisning i klass.
Endast examination.
06.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
02.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
0 - 30
Anna Korhonen
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Nina Vestö
01.01.2025 - 16.03.2025
01.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
Nina Vestö
Marica Hinders
National and international guidelines and recommendations on Moodle
D’Onofrio,G., Greco, A. & Sancarlo, D. 2018. Gerontology.
Palermo, S. 2021. Frailty in the Elderly: Understanding and Managing Complexity
Mars, L. 2020. Dementia. Handbook and Resource Guide. Grey House Publishing
Literature search is included in the course and is used as literature for assignment
Literature recommendations are available in moodle
Feedback on the tasks is obtained through assessment criteria, more detailed justification is obtained when contacting the course's teacher.
22.09.2024 - 23.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
0 - 35
Marica Hinders, Maria Berg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Written assignments in groups and pair work submit
Exam (Geriatrics)
Seminar and introduction: obligatory
Retake: dates on Moodle
1c = 27h
5c= 135h
Lectures (14,5h), at Campus
Individiual studies and group work.(117,5 h)
Seminar (3h) at Campus
The student does not achieve criteria for grade 1
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
Assessment criteria for assignment:
The student has followed the instructions and her/his knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential. The student shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' assignments. The student has followed the instructions for the assignment. She/He have a deficient knowledge of the substance also touching the essential
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
Assessment criteria for written assignment:
The student has followed the instructions for the written assignment and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written assignments. The student has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited
The student shows in her/his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
Criteria for evaluation of assignment individually or in groups:
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. The assignment and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections, independent working methods)
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar
Marica Hinders
National and international guidelines and recommendations on Moodle
Literature recommendations are available in moodle
Literature search is included in the course and is used as literature for assignment
Introduction and seminars are compulsory
Feedback on the tasks is obtained through assessment criteria, more detailed justification is obtained when contacting the course's teacher.
20.01.2025 - 20.04.2025
02.12.2024 - 19.01.2025
Marica Hinders, Maria Berg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Written assignments in groups and pair work submit
Exam (Geriatrics)
Seminar and introduction: obligatory
Retake: dates on Moodle
Information in Moodle
1c = 27h
5c= 135h
Lectures (23h ), at Campus
Individiual studies and group work.(109h)
Seminar (3h) at Campus
The student does not achieve criteria for grade 1
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject. Assessment criteria for assignment:
The student has followed the instructions and her/his knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential.
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
Assessment criteria for written assignment:
The student has followed the instructions for the written assignment and shows sufficient knowledge about the other students' written assignments. The student has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited
The student shows in her/his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
Criteria for evaluation of assignment individually or in groups:
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance.
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar
Camilla Mattjus
Allt material finns på Moodle
06.01.2025 - 05.06.2025
02.12.2024 - 07.01.2025
0 - 50
Camilla Mattjus, Anita Wikberg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Examinationen omfattar tre inlämningsuppgifter och/eller en online-tentamen. Detaljerade instruktioner och riktlinjer finns på Moodle.
3 studiepoäng = 81h
See Moodle
Lectures, discussions,group mentor meetings, seminars
29.09.2024 - 25.02.2025
30.08.2024 - 28.09.2024
0 - 10
Irén Vikström-Dahl
Only for second year Degree Students
Group mentor from the nursing field
January 2025
Anna-Lena Nieminen
Health Promotion
Snelling A. 2014 Introduction to Health Promotion.John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (E-Book)
Wills, J & Leach , R. Fundamentals of Health Promotion for Nurses (E-Book)
Bergmann, K .E & Bergmann, R. 2003. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention in the Family. (E-Book)
Up-to -date articles
Nursing Theorists:
Alligood, M.R 2018. Nursing Theorists and their work, Ninth Edition. U.S.A Elsevier.
Pender, Nola.J, Murdaugh, C & Parsons A.2011. Health Promotion in Nursing Practice.Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson cop. 2011.
Gordis, L. 2014. Epidemiology. Fifth Edition. Elsevier.
Porta, M. A Dictionary of Epidemiology, sixth edition.2014.Oxford University Press, Incorporated (E-Book)
Up-to date articles
Sharma, S ,Barasi M , Sheehy T & Kolahdooz F. Nutrition at a Glance.2016 .John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (E-Book)
Up-to date articles
Lectures, discussion, group work, self studies.
Some lectures are online.
Lectures are going to be on the time scheduled and
the content of the course will be published on Moodle.
30.09.2024 - 24.11.2024
03.08.2024 - 15.09.2024
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Pia Liljeroth
Workshops /Seminars on the last lecture of the course. Approved assignments during the course .
Retake exams 1 and 2: on the following general exams X and X
Marica Hinders
Stanley, D. 2016. Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Values into Action.
+ recommended literature at Moodle
Compulsory introduction and seminar
Group work
Case studies
Self study
Case study for the part of occupational safety, evaluated 0-5
Exam for the part of leading, managing and delegating in nursing care, evaluated 0-5
Discussion assignment fail/pass
14.10.2024 - 24.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 22.09.2025
0 - 50
Marica Hinders, Maria Berg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Case study
Online exam
Group work
1 cr = 27h
Camilla Mattjus
Virtuell undervisning
Material finns på Moodle
Blended learning
De 2 mindre inlämningsuppgifterna är antingen godkända eller underkända
Escape game is compulsory
06.01.2025 - 24.06.2025
02.12.2024 - 07.01.2025
20 - 50
Camilla Mattjus, Anita Wikberg
Kursspråket är engelska och grupperna kommer att vara blandade från olika klasser.
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
3 sp
Två mindre uppgifter + escape game
Maj/Juni 2025
3 studiepoäng = 81h
Anna-Lena Nieminen
Degree regulations in Novia UAS
-Novia UAS's writing instructions
-according to the lecturer (information on Moodle)
Information and orientation about studies in Novia UAS
Online assignments
Lectures, discussions, oral and written tasks both individually and in groups.
26.08.2024 - 20.12.2024
27.07.2024 - 08.09.2024
Terese Herrgård-Backlund, Anna-Lena Nieminen, Irén Vikström-Dahl
Compulsory attendance
-oral presentation (video recorded)
-written assignments (according to the UAS's guidelines)
Information about deadlines can be found on Moodle.
3 x 27 h = 81 hours
Marlene Gädda
Virtuell undervisning
According to instructions om Moodle
Online studies on moodle
Criteria on Moodle
Grades: Approved/Failed
and Grades from 0-5
An average number of all tasks, tests and assignments is counted as final grade
24.03.2025 - 31.10.2025
02.12.2024 - 23.03.2025
0 - 35
Viktor Matintupa, Marlene Gädda
The course is divided in sections with tasks, tests and assignments. Follow the given instructions in the sections.
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
5 sp
Tasks,Tests and Assignments on Moodle
Deadline will be presented on the moodlepage
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential.
For the exam:
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions and their knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential.
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written work. The student has mastered the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
For the exam:
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his / her views
For written work:
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written work. The student has mastered the substance of his work, but the application is limited.
For written work
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance. They have read the other participants' written work and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar. The written work and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections and independent working methods)
For the exam:
The student shows in his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
For written work
The student has followed the instructions for the written work and shows that she has mastered the substance. They have read the other participants' written work and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar. The written work and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections and independent working methods)
Irén Vikström-Dahl
See Moodle
Lectures, discussions, mentor meetings, seminars
01.08.2024 - 04.01.2025
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2024
0 - 15
Irén Vikström-Dahl, Heidi Kronqvist
Only for degree students in the degree program in nursing. The student must have completed a minimum of 120 credits and at least one of these practices: Practice: Medical Nursing Care or Practice: Surgical Nursing Care.
Mentors from the nursing field
December 2024
Anna Korhonen
Materialet finns på Moodle.
Övningar i klass
01.11.2024 - 28.02.2025
02.12.2023 - 20.10.2024
Anna Korhonen
Förbereda texterna hemma.
Muntlig och skriftlig tentamen i slutet av kursen.
3 sp or 81 timmar
Rika Levy-Malmberg
60% Kontaktundervisning, 40% Virtuell undervisning
01.11.2024 - 26.01.2025
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
0 - 35
Irén Vikström-Dahl, Rika Levy-Malmberg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
2 sp
Marica Hinders
Recommended literature in Moodle
Work shop- Escape game- Compulsory
Simulation - Compulsory
Group work
The exam is graded 0-5
Group work is graded 0-5
09.09.2024 - 10.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 08.09.2024
0 - 35
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Marica Hinders
Feedback on the assignments is given generally during seminars and through grades on Peppi. Individual feedback is given if asked for from the teachers.
Novias instruction for writing must be used In the assignments
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Introduction, compulsory
Palliative care Escape game, compulsory
Simulations, compulsory
1sp= 27h
3cr= 81h
Carina Gädda
02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024
02.07.2024 - 06.09.2024
Carina Gädda, Maria Berg
Carina Gädda
06.01.2025 - 16.02.2025
02.12.2024 - 07.01.2025
Carina Gädda, Rika Levy-Malmberg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Camilla Mattjus
Se Moodle
Blended learning och workshops
24.03.2025 - 31.05.2025
02.12.2024 - 23.03.2025
Camilla Mattjus
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Simuleringar x 3 (obligatoriska)
Teoretisk uppgift och/eller tent (bekräftas senare)
Pediatrisk farmakologi och läkemedelsräkning
3 sp = 81h
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student cannot account for the literature nor reflect and motivate his/her views
Assessment criteria for written assignment:
The student has not followed the instructions for written assignment and shows no knowledge about other student's written assignments. The student has not mastered the substance of his/her work.
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student can account for the literature, reflect and motivate his/her views
Assessment criteria for written assignment:
The student has followed the instructions for the written assignment and shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' written assignments. The student has mastered the substance of her/his work, but the application is limited
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student has a superficial knowledge of the subject (by heart reading)
Assessment criteria for assignment:
The student has followed the instructions and her/his knowledge of the other students' work is inadequate. The student shows limited substance knowledge, it can be essential. The student shows insufficient knowledge about the other students' assignments. The student has followed the instructions for the assignment. She/He have a deficient knowledge of the substance also touching the essential
Criteria for evaluation of the exam:
The student shows in her/his answer an in-depth knowledge and maturity beyond the traditional
Criteria for evaluation of assignment individually or in groups:
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and can lead a discussion at the seminar. The assignment and the possible opponentship show something out of the ordinary (technical execution, oral presentation, mature reflections, independent working methods)
The student has followed the instructions for the assignment and shows that she/he has mastered the substance. She/he have read the other participants' assignments and can ask relevant questions and lead a discussion at the seminar
Åsa Lågland
Wicker, Paul. Perioperative Practice at a Glance, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy.novia.fi/lib/novia-ebooks/detail.action?docID=1895109.
Wicker, Paul, and Sara Dalby. Rapid Perioperative Care, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central, https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy.novia.fi/lib/novia-ebooks/detail.action?docID=4694611.
Berman, A. & Snyder, S. 2016. Kozier & Erb´s Fundamentals of Nursing. Concepts. process and Practice. Unit 8, Chapter 37.
LeMone, P., Burke, K., Bauldoff, G. & Gubrud, P. (2015). Medical-Surgical Nursing Critical Thinking in Patient Care. 6 th Ed. Pearson. New Jersey. Unit 2, Chapter 4: Nursing care of patients having surgery.
Timby, B. 2013. Fundamental Nursing Skills and Concepts. 10 th Ed. Wolters Kluvert Health. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. USA.
Cristensen, B. & Kockrow, E. (2011). Adulth Health Nursing. 6th Ed. Mosby Elsevier. St. Louis
E-book Ebrary: Stone, Julian & Fawcett, W. (2013). At a Glance : Anaesthesia at a Glance (1). Wiley-Blackwell.
+ other recommended literature
Närundervisning på Novia: föreläsningar och workshops
Radiation safety on-line exam: Pass/ Fail
02.09.2024 - 20.10.2024
15.06.2024 - 04.09.2024
0 - 35
Katarina Vironen, Åsa Lågland
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Perioperativ vård: Tent
Strålsäkerhet: virtuell tent
Written examination at Novia in Perioperative Nursing DATE?
The date for on-line exam i Radiation safety will be decided under the first lecture in the subject.
3 credits= 81 h
Strålsäkerhet 1sp
Anna-Lena Nieminen
01.05.2025 - 31.05.2025
02.12.2024 - 30.04.2025
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Katarina Vironen, Jannica Andtfolk, Nina Vestö
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Anna-Lena Nieminen
01.04.2025 - 31.12.2025
02.12.2024 - 31.03.2025
Anna-Lena Nieminen
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Nina Vestö
01.01.2025 - 21.12.2025
28.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Nina Vestö
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Nina Vestö
See Moodle for more information:
About any health checks, tests and vaccinations
About assignments
Practice in patient-centered nursing care in the medical field
Workshops 1,5 sp at Novia before the practice
Practice seminars
03.02.2025 - 23.11.2025
02.12.2024 - 02.02.2025
0 - 35
Terese Herrgård-Backlund, Nina Vestö, Anna Korhonen, Åsa Lågland
Prior knowledge
Practice: Basic Nursing Care 1
Clinical Nursing 2
Clinical Pharmacology
2 of the course below:
Responses to Altered Hematological, Cardiovascular and Sensory Function
Responses to Altered Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Function and Urinary Elimination
Responses to Altered Musculoskeletal, Neurologic and Respiratory Function
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Only for degree students.
Not possible to validate.
Practice 40 h/week (38h at the practice place and 2h for your assignments from school) for 6 weeks.
Approved assignments and seminars.
Practice 40 h/week for 5 weeks.
Approved assignments and seminars
1 credit 27h, this course is 9 credits 243h.
38 h/ week and 5 weeks = 190h
Marlene Gädda
95% Kontaktundervisning, 5% Virtuell undervisning
Part 1: Workshop
Part 2: Clinical Practice
Compulsory attendance in workshop
Approved Clinical practice
Approved written assignments
Participation in practice information and practice seminar
11.11.2024 - 13.04.2025
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
0 - 50
Terese Herrgård-Backlund, Maria Berg, Anna Korhonen, Marlene Gädda
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
0.5 sp
Compulsory attendance at Workshops
Clinical practice
Approved clinical practice
Written assignments
Participation i seminars
38h/week in Clinical practice; 5 weeks => 190h
Approved achievement in clinical studies on a basic level:
A Satisfactorily achieved the targets for work practice section.
B Interest and motivation
• is able to receive feedback and show willingness to develop professional skills
• follows the work list and respects agreed times
• can ask questions that are relevant to learn one operation
C Knowledge and skills
• mostly works according to a plan and has a basic accuracy of the important parts of the work
• can perform tasks under supervision
• has a basic knowledge and can ask questions that are relevant to learn one operation
• can follow directions and instructions and take responsibility for tasks
• makes decisions concerning work on a basic level
• is familiar with values and considers the ethical vocational principles
D Collaboration and response
• can communicate and respond to patients / clients / customers
• can work with others within the work team
Failed achievement in clinical studies on a basic level:
A Did not reach the objectives of work practice section.
B Interest and motivation
• has shown little or no interest and did not take enough responsibility for the tasks given
• does not follow work list and is not able to respect agreed times
C Knowledge and skills
• does not work according to plan, and with an unsystematic approach
• has demonstrated an unreliable approach to work with clear mistakes
• lack of understanding where knowledge is fragmentary and sometimes only ostensibly apparent
• has demonstrated professional immaturity and can compromise patient safety
D Collaboration and response
• possesses poor communication and interpersonal skills
• shows an unprofessional attitude
Nina Vestö
Jobiili https://www.jobiili.fi
Vasa Centralsjukhus https://www.vaasankeskussairaala.fi/sv/
Terveysportti https://www.terveysportti.fi/terveysportti/koti
Supervised Clinical practice
Practice seminars
Clinical Practice 40 h / week in six weeks, 228 h at practice + 12 h for assignment
Mandatory attendance 100%
Mandatory attendance at practice seminars
Approved practice assignments
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025
28.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
Nina Vestö
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Approved internships
Participation in internship seminar
Approved practice assignments
Compulsory attendance at Practice seminars
Approved internship from clinical supervisor and teacher
It is possible to do the clinical training abroad. The student can do it trough NordPlus or Erasmus networks or find a hospital themselves. A learning agreement must be signed by all three partners before the internship can start.
40 h/week during clinical training of what 38 h/week at clinical settings
6 weeks of practice = 228 h at practice, 12 h written assignment
See the Plan for Clinical Studies for course specific competencies.
The competencies the Student needs to reach in Vasa Central hospital
Can admit and discharge patients from the ward
Can define / map the patient's care needs, care planning, implementation of the care and
evaluate the care (according to FinCC)
Can be responsible for safe drug handling
Can use HaiPro
Can report the report both orally and in writing, participate in rounds, inform and supervise
patients and relatives
Can act according to ISBAR in non-emergency situations and in emergency situations
Have an ethical approach to the treatment of patients and relatives and consider their
cultural affiliation
Can apply theoretical knowledge in health care
Have the ability to independently acquire new evidence-based knowledge
Can handle complicated occupational assignments under supervision within own
nursing context
Can independently make decisions under supervision regarding the patient's care process
Can be responsible for safe drug treatment under supervision
Demonstrate the ability to supervise and teach patients (and relatives)
Promises to conscientiously follow the commitments the work gives and remembers
professional secrecy
Anna-Lena Nieminen
11.11.2024 - 13.04.2025
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
0 - 50
Anna-Lena Nieminen, Marica Hinders
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Åsa Lågland
Jobiili https://www.jobiili.fi
Vasa Centralsjukhus https://www.vaasankeskussairaala.fi/sv/
Terveysportti https://www.terveysportti.fi/terveysportti/koti
See Moodle for more information:
About any health checks, tests and vaccinations
About assignments
Practice in patient-centered nursing care in the surgical field 5 calendar weeks
Workshops 1,5 sp at Novia before the practice
Practice seminars
Passed performance in clinical studies:
A Satisfactorily achieved the objectives of the internship section.
B Interest and motivation
• can receive feedback and shows willingness to develop professional skills
• follows the work list and keeps agreed times
• can ask questions that are relevant to learning a work step
C Knowledge and skills
• mostly works according to plan and has a basic accuracy in important work steps
• can perform tasks under supervision
• has basic knowledge and can ask questions that are relevant to learn
• can follow directives and instructions and takes responsibility for tasks
• can make decisions related to work tasks at a basic level
• knows the value base and considers the professional ethical principles
D Cooperation and treatment
• can communicate and respond to patients/clients/customers
• can collaborate with others in the work team
19.08.2024 - 29.09.2024
15.06.2024 - 26.08.2024
0 - 25
Terese Herrgård-Backlund, Anita Kvist, Nina Vestö, Åsa Lågland
Prior knowledge
Practice: Basic Nursing Care 1
Clinical Nursing 2
Clinical Pharmacology
2 of the course below:
Responses to Altered Hematological, Cardiovascular and Sensory Function
Responses to Altered Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Function and Urinary Elimination
Responses to Altered Musculoskeletal, Neurologic and Respiratory Function
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Only for degree students.
Not possible to validate.
Practice 40 h/week (38h at the practice place and 2h for your assignments from school) for 5 weeks.
Approved assignments and seminars
Practice 40 h/week for 5 weeks.
Approved assignments and seminars
1 credit = 27h, this course is 9 credits 243h.
38h/ week and 5 weeks = 190 h
Åsa Lågland
Jobiili https://www.jobiili.fi
Terveysportti https://www.terveysportti.fi/terveysportti/koti
See Moodle for more information:
About any health checks, tests and vaccinations: Finnish Student Health Service
About assignments- see in moodle
Practice in patient-centered nursing care in the surgical field 5 calendar weeks
Workshops 1,5 sp at Novia before the practice
Practice seminars
Passed performance in clinical studies:
A Satisfactorily achieved the objectives of the internship section.
B Interest and motivation
• can receive feedback and shows willingness to develop professional skills
• follows the work list and keeps agreed times
• can ask questions that are relevant to learning a work step
C Knowledge and skills
• mostly works according to plan and has a basic accuracy in important work steps
• can perform tasks under supervision
• has basic knowledge and can ask questions that are relevant to learn
• can follow directives and instructions and takes responsibility for tasks
• can make decisions related to work tasks at a basic level
• knows the value base and considers the professional ethical principles
D Cooperation and treatment
• can communicate and respond to patients/clients/customers
• can collaborate with others in the work team
03.02.2025 - 06.10.2025
02.12.2024 - 02.02.2025
0 - 35
Terese Herrgård-Backlund, Marice Nedergård, Nina Vestö, Anna Korhonen, Åsa Lågland
Prior knowledge
Practice: Basic Nursing Care 1
Clinical Nursing 2
Clinical Pharmacology
2 of the course below:
Responses to Altered Hematological, Cardiovascular and Sensory Function
Responses to Altered Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Function and Urinary Elimination
Responses to Altered Musculoskeletal, Neurologic and Respiratory Function
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Only for degree students.
Not possible to validate.
Practice 40 h/week (38h at the practice place and 2h for your assignments from school) for 5 weeks.
Approved assignments and seminars
Practice 40 h/week for 5 weeks.
Approved assignments and seminars
1 credit = 27h, this course is 9 credits 243h.
38h/ week and 5 weeks = 190 h
Rika Levy-Malmberg
see course NU21TH01,
Increasingly independent work, with the help of a supervisor
- collect and describe background information for the study
- desribe a theoretical framework for the study
- describe methods of data analysis
- collect data for the thesis, with consideration to the necessary ethical issues linked to the study
- present the methodological part of the thesis and show examples of the results at an intermediary seminar
Lecture and seminars
See practical guide to thesis writing
The manuscript for Intermediary seminar shall include following chapters:
Background of the study
Theoretical framework
Aim, purpose
Data collection
Data analysis
Ethical issues
Examples of the result
20.08.2024 - 30.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 01.09.2024
0 - 50
Ann-Louise Glasberg, Sirkku Säätelä, Camilla Mattjus, Anna-Lena Nieminen, Jannica Andtfolk, Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn, Miranda Ekholm, Anita Wikberg, Rika Levy-Malmberg, Sanna Gunell, Nina Vestö, Åsa Lågland, Marlene Gädda, Pernilla Fagerström
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Approved manuscript for intermediary seminar, attendance at intermediary seminar and proved manuscript for the thesis presentation . pass/fail in the maturity exam
Presentation at intermediary seminar in September 2024 and presentation of the final thesis in December 2024
12 ECTS= 324 h
See practical guide for thesis writing for grades 0-5 for final thesis.
Rika Levy-Malmberg
see course NU21TH01,
Increasingly independent work, with the help of a supervisor
- collect and describe background information for the study
- describe a theoretical framework for the study
- describe methods of data analysis
- collect data for the thesis, with consideration to the necessary ethical issues linked to the study
- present the methodological part of the thesis and show examples of the results at an intermediary seminar
Lecture and seminars
The Thesis is written only in pairs or as group work, no individual Thesis is allowed
See practical guide to thesis writing
The manuscript for Intermediary seminar shall include following chapters:
Background of the study
Theoretical framework
Aim, purpose
Data collection
Data analysis
Ethical issues
Examples of the result
24.04.2025 - 12.12.2025
02.12.2024 - 23.04.2025
0 - 45
Sirkku Säätelä, Camilla Mattjus, Anna-Lena Nieminen, Marica Hinders, Irén Vikström-Dahl, Yvonne Sjöberg-Ehn, Nina Vestö, Åsa Lågland, Marlene Gädda, Anita Wikberg, Rika Levy-Malmberg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Approved manuscript for intermediary seminar, attendance at intermediary seminar and proved manuscript for the thesis presentation . pass/fail in the maturity exam
Presentation at intermediary seminar in September 2024 and presentation of the final thesis in December 2024
12 ECTS= 324 h
See practical guide for thesis writing for grades 0-5 for final thesis.
Ralf Lillbacka
06.01.2025 - 16.02.2025
02.12.2024 - 07.01.2025
0 - 55
Ralf Lillbacka
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Åsa Lågland
Responses to Altered Gastrointestinal Functions:
LeMone, P., Burke, K., Bauldoff, G. & Gubrud, R. 2020. Medical – Surgical Nursing. Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care 6th ed. Pearson. Chapter 21,23-25; 537 - 545, 588 - 730.
Responses to Altered Urinary Eliminations:
LeMone, P., Burke, K., Bauldoff, G. & Gubrud, R. 2020. Medical – Surgical Nursing. Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care. 6th ed. Pearson. Chapter 26-28; 731 - 823 and Chapter 48: p 1657-1672 (from testicular torsion - prostate cancer)
Responses to altered Endocrine Function
LeMone, P., Burke, K., Bauldoff,G. & Gubrud, R. 2020. Medical-Surgical Nursing. Clinical Reasoning in Patient Care. 6th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Chapter 18, 19, 20
Berman, A., Snyder, S., Frandsen, G., & Kozier, B. (2022). Kozier & Erb’s Fundamentals of Nursing, Global Edition: Vol. Tenth edition, Global edition. Pearson. UNIT 3 The Nursing Process
Contact teaching at Novia: lectures, case studies, workshops and physical assessment practice ( mandatory )
02.09.2024 - 17.11.2024
15.06.2024 - 02.09.2024
15 - 35
Maria Berg, Åsa Lågland
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Written exam
Written exam at Novia
5 credits= 135 hours
Rika Levy-Malmberg
90% Kontaktundervisning, 10% Virtuell undervisning
Lectures, work shops, simulations, discussion and individual/group work
10.02.2025 - 27.04.2025
02.12.2024 - 09.02.2025
Rika Levy-Malmberg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
0.5 sp
Nina Vestö
Föreläsningar, demonstrationer, workshops, skriftliga arbeten
Obligatoriskt deltagande vid Workshops
vitsord 0 - 5
21.09.2024 - 06.12.2024
02.12.2023 - 15.09.2024
15 - 35
Jannica Andtfolk, Nina Vestö
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Written examination, assignments
100 % participation in Workshops
Hösten 2024
5 x 27 h
Terese Herrgård-Backlund
Information finns på Moodle.
Den studerande:
-har grundkunskaper i det svenska språket (muntliga och skriftliga)
-är bekant med grammatikens grunder och har lärt sig enkel vokabulär
-kan använda svenska i vardagssituationer
Under kursen kommer vi att fokusera på:
-muntliga och skriftliga övningar
-läs- och hörförståelser
Vitsordsskala: godkänd/underkänd
Enligt den europeiska referensramen för språk.
06.09.2024 - 03.12.2024
15.06.2024 - 15.09.2024
Terese Herrgård-Backlund
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Muntlig och skriftlig tent, kort uppsats, muntlig presentation
Muntlig och skriftlig tent i slutet av kursen.
3 x 27 h = 81 timmar.
Information finns på Moodle.
Ingen undervisning i klass.
Endast examination.
06.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
02.12.2024 - 12.01.2025
0 - 30
Terese Herrgård-Backlund
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Rika Levy-Malmberg
67% Kontaktundervisning, 33% Virtuell undervisning
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
02.12.2024 - 07.01.2025
Rika Levy-Malmberg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
1 sp
01.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
02.07.2024 - 01.11.2024
Anna Korhonen
Kursen är ämnad för studerande UTAN TIDIGARE KUNSKAP i svenska. Tidigare prestationer kontrolleras.
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
02.12.2024 - 16.05.2025
Emilia Vikfors-Lintala
Allt material i Moodle.
Kursen är godkänd när alla uppgifter har slutförts, lämnats in och godkänts inom utsatt tid.
01.09.2024 - 31.12.2024
02.07.2024 - 01.11.2024
Emilia Vikfors-Lintala
Institutionen för företagsekonomi
Ingen tentamen.
Kursen är godkänd när alla uppgifter har slutförts, lämnats in och godkänts inom utsatt tid.
Camilla Ekman
Allt material i Moodle.
Kursen är ämnad för studerande UTAN TIDIGARE KUNSKAP i svenska. Tidigare prestationer kontrolleras.
Kursen är godkänd när alla uppgifter har slutförts, lämnats in och godkänts inom utsatt tid.
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
02.12.2024 - 16.05.2025
Emilia Vikfors-Lintala
Institutionen för företagsekonomi
Ingen tentamen.
Kursen är godkänd när alla uppgifter har slutförts, lämnats in och godkänts inom utsatt tid.
Terese Herrgård-Backlund
Enligt lärarens anvisningar.
Metod: Kursen använder en blandning av klassrumsundervisning, praktiska övningar och simuleringar för att skapa en interaktiv och engagerande lärandemiljö.
Godkänd - Icke godkänd
01.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
02.12.2024 - 08.01.2025
Terese Herrgård-Backlund, Åsa Lågland
Marica Hinders
84% Kontaktundervisning, 16% Virtuell undervisning
Se Moodle och kursens förverkligande
Case studier
Pedagigisk referensram
Learning by doing
Återkoppling på uppgifterna erhålls genom bedömningskriterier, mer detaljerad motivering erhålls vid kontakt med kursens lärare.
07.01.2025 - 02.02.2025
02.12.2024 - 06.01.2025
10 - 25
Sirkku Säätelä, Anita Ståhl-Levón, Marica Hinders
Kursen är delvis online
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Nursing, Utbildning till sjukskötare
0.5 sp
Obligatorisk introduktion
Obligatoriska workshops
Case sudier
1 sp = 27h
3sp= 81h
26h närvaro
55h självstudier
Studerande uppnår inte kriterierna för betyg 1
Studerande har en ytlig kunskap om ämnet. Bedömningskriterier för uppgiften:
Studerande har följt instruktionerna men har bristfälliga kunskaper om de andra studenternas arbeten.
Studerande kan redogöra för litteraturen, reflektera och motivera sina åsikter
Bedömningskriterier för skriftlig inlämningsuppgift:
Studerande har följt instruktionerna för den skriftliga inlämningsuppgiften och visar tillräcklig kunskap om andra studerandes skriftliga inlämningsuppgifter. Studerade behärskar innehållet i sitt arbete, men tillämpningen är begränsad
Studerande visar i sitt svar en fördjupad kunskap och mognad utöver det traditionella
Kriterier för bedömning av uppgift individuellt eller i grupp:
Studerande har följt instruktionerna för uppgiften och visar att hen behärskar ämnet. Hen har läst de andra deltagarnas inlämningsuppgifter och kan ställa relevanta frågor och kan diskutera ämnet.
Terese Herrgård-Backlund
Enligt lärarens anvisningar.
Kursen använder en kombination av traditionell klassrumsundervisning, gruppdiskussioner och praktiska övningar för att skapa en engagerande och interaktiv inlärningsmiljö.
01.01.2025 - 23.04.2025
02.12.2024 - 01.04.2025
Terese Herrgård-Backlund
Kursen fokuserar på att tillämpa språkkunskaper i realistiska vårdscenarier. Genom rollspel, simuleringar och praktiska övningar får den studerande möjlighet att omedelbart applicera sina språkfärdigheter i olika medicinska kontexter.
Muntliga och skriftliga examinationsuppgifter ingår i kursen.
Information finns på Moodle.
81 h.
Camilla Mattjus
Se på Moodle
26.04.2025 - 31.10.2025
02.12.2024 - 25.04.2025
0 - 50
Camilla Mattjus
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
Anita Wikberg
75% Kontaktundervisning, 25% Virtuell undervisning
24.03.2025 - 25.05.2025
02.12.2024 - 23.03.2025
10 - 50
Anita Wikberg
Institutionen för hälsa och välfärd
1 sp
Terese Herrgård-Backlund
Enligt lärarens anvisningar.
02.01.2025 - 31.05.2025
03.12.2024 - 15.01.2025
Terese Herrgård-Backlund, Åsa Lågland
Inga förverkliganden har kopplats till utbildningen.