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Home > Youth Education > Degree Programme in bioeconomy > Agrolog (YH), Bioekonomi, h21, Livestock Production

Agrolog (YH), Bioekonomi, h21, Livestock Production


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Practical Introduction to the Profession
Practical Skills 3
Tractor techonology and agricultural machinery 3
Anatomy and physiology 3
Forestry Prerequisites 3
Botany and ecology 3
Forest Site Types and Dendrology 3
The Agricultural Expert's Toolbox I
Mathematics 3
Professional Communication
Introduction to Academic Studies 3
Swedish 3
Swedish - Oral Skills 0                                                                
Swedish - Writing Skills 0                                                                
Finnish 3
Finnish - Oral Skills 0                                                                
Finnish - Writing Skills 0                                                                
Project in our Line of Business 3
The Agricultural Expert's Toolbox II
Forest Mensuration 1 3  
Handling of GPS and GIS 3  
Handling of Data Related to Natural Resources 3  
Landscape conservation 3  
English 3  
Forest Farming
Forestry 3  
Farm based forestry 3  
Felling techniques 3  
Thesis Introduction
Research Methodology 3    
Statistics 3    
Basics of Plant Production I
Plant breeding and seed production 3
Arable soils and soil cultivation 3
Soil theory and soil conservation 3
Production Biology 3
Basics of Plant Protection 3
Farm Based Studies
Plant Production 3
Animal husbandry 3
Farm Machinery and Buildings 3
The farm company's economic calculations 3
Basics of Plant Production II
The supply of plant nutrients in soil 3  
Mineral fertilizers 3  
Organic fertilizers 3  
Basics of Livestock Production
Livestock feeding 3  
Livestock health care 3  
Animal welfare and ethics 3  
Economic Prerequisites
Accounting and financial management 3  
Farm accounting and bookkeeping 3  
Market analysis and production support 3  
Property Law and Real Estate Assessment 3  
Field Based Studies
Water economy in cultivated fields 3  
Applied cultivation technology in the field 3  
Bioeconomy I
Bioeconomy Project 6    
Marketing and Sales 3    
International Agriculture 3    
Bioeconomy II
Bioenergy 3      
Start your own Company 3      
Leadership and labour legislation 3      
Farm Economy
Investments and financing 3      
Operational planning and generation shift 3      
Optional Further Studies in Livestock Production A
Milk production 3    
Dairy and beef production 3    
Livestock farm technology 3    
Pig production 6      
Optional Further Studies in Livestock Production B
Livestock breeding 3    
Sheep farming 3      
Poultry production 3      
Horsekeeping 6      
Specialized Internship Part I 6    
Specialized Internship Part II 6    
Specialized Internship Part III 6    
Specialized Internship Part IV 6      
Specialized Internship part V 6      
Degree Thesis 15      
ECTS credits per period / semester / academic year 63 60 48 60 28.2 34.8 24 36 19.2 28.8 24 36 26.7 26.7 26.7 23.7 22.2 24 24 24 24 24 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 18 18 18 18 18

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Agrolog (YH), Bioekonomi, h21


The goal of the education is to provide students with a broad and practically and theoretically well-established higher agricultural education, where both science and sustainability principles form an important basis.

Central to the studies is knowledge of planning processes, production within the various fields of agriculture and sustainable use of natural resources.

Both general broad-based bioeconomic expertise and industry-specific in-depth expertise in the agricultural industry are emphasized.

In the studies, students can take part in versatile studies that emphasize biological, technical, and economic conditions for farming.

Bachelor of agricultural students learn to understand the interactive interaction between agricultural production, environment and society.


A bachelor of Agriculture:

- can in a systematic and sustainable way do basic and broad spectrum on-farm work according to crop production, animal husbandry and forestry
- has well developed communication and language skills (Swedish, Finnish, English) and can operate with professional computer programs and
has also the capacity to use databases and information of central importance in the agricultural sector
- can actively and successfully act and cooperate in the agricultural sector, both on a national and international level
- knows, understands and can also implement relevant laws and regulations influencing the agricultural sector
- is aware of and understands how different regional and national development programs and EU-subsidies will influence the on-farm environment
- has achieved enough knowledge, reached competences and capacity to start, develop and take over a farm and a company on the countryside

Livestock Production

In-depth studies in livestock production