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Complementary Studies in Christian Youth Work


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Year of study 1 2 3
Search for study unit: ECTS 1 2 3 1A 1S 2A 2S 3A 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2
Christian Youth Work 5
Confirmation Pedagogy 5
Spiritual Work and Guidance 5
Activities among Children and Families 5
Theology of Diaconal Work and Christian Youth Work 5
Intercultural Work   5
Pastoral Care 5  
Church and Employeeship 5  
Thesis 15
Practice: Advanced Knowledge of Methods in the Social Field 15
Optional Studies in Theology
(Select 20 ECTS)
ECTS credits per period / semester / academic year 38.7 25.3 6 19.3 19.3 19.3 6 6 9.7 9.7 6.4 6.4 6.4 9.7 9.7 2 2 2 3 3

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.


The studies complement the Bachelor of Social Services degree with 40 credits in Christian youth work and give eligibility as a Parish Coordinator for Youth Work. The studies presuppose a previously completed Bachelor of Social Services degree.
The scope of the education is 40 credits and is realized as multi-form studies. The Agenda for Sustainable Development 2030 has been implemented in the curriculum as competences.